What to put on avu vkontakte


What to put on avu vkontakte

In the social network, VKontakte has no restrictions on the installation of images as the main photo of the personal page or community. Because of this, the topic of the right approach to the choice of avatars becomes an urgent approach. We will further tell about all the nuances of the present process.

Select avatar VK

The choice of pictures for avatars should be divided into two options, depending on the type of page, be it a group or profile. However, despite this, you can still be guided by your preferences and use the same image selection rules for a public as in the case of a custom page.

READ ALSO: Choosing the right amount of avatar VK

Option 1: Page Photos

When choosing a profile photo on a personal page, the main aspect is the compliance of the content in the image with you and your worldview. Potentially interested people will be easier to establish contact with you if the photo copes well with the assigned task.

In more detail, the procedure for executing the page of the VC, we reviewed the reference guide below. You can familiarize yourself with it to learn some features of the choice of avatars.

Read more: How to issue a page VK

Example of the right photo of the VKontakte profile

In addition, the process of installing the photo by us was described in the following instruction.

Read more: How to change the photo profile VK

Process Replacement Photos of Profile VKontakte

In comparison with communities on the personal page, it is best to use real photos. This will not only achieve a more serious attitude towards you and your page, but also significantly increase profile security.

Example of real photos of the VKontakte profile

Install images with vertical orientation to achieve a better page view. To do this, you will need to download through the full version of the site, and not the official mobile application.

Example of incorrect orientation Photos VKontakte

Do not forget about choosing the right colors for avatars. Nevertheless, regardless of VK version has a white background, which is badly combined with bright pictures.

Example of a good color photo profile VK

Adhere to the social network rules and do not install the photos that violate them. Several complaints from other people and verification by the administration can lead to a temporary or permanent freezing of the page.

Option 2: Community Photo

As in the situation with a personal page, to begin with, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the principles of the commission of the community as a whole, including the combination of photographs and other content on the wall. We were talking about this in a separate article on the website below the submitted link.

Read more: How to issue a group VK

Select avatars for group VKontakte

The process of changing and creating the most optimal avatar for the community we also considered in another material. In addition, there you can learn about the features of the cover of the cover.

Read more: Creating an avatar for the group VK

The process of creating an avatar for the VKontakte group

As for the part of the rules themselves, then it is necessary to follow our own idea of ​​the perfect image, pushing out the subject and type of community. To a greater extent, this refers to publics with a narrow orientation.

An example of the correct avatar in the VK group

In the overwhelming majority of modern public public, the avatar is a source image for thumbnails, while the main photo is replaced by the cover. Because of this, it is worth paying the greatest attention to the size and round form of the future Ava.

An example of the right miniature of VKontakte groups

Do not forget about the rules of VC, choosing provocative or candid images as an avatar. A similar action may follow complaints and blocking groups, especially if your open-type community.

Choosing the right cover for VKontakte Group

The last important point is an approach to creating a picture. If any photos can be in groups with a small number of participants, then with an increase in the number of the audience, it is worth creating something to be created using images from the Internet exclusively as a source of idea. Otherwise, many people can lose interest in the group due to the lack of originality.


We hope, after familiarizing with these recommendations, you managed to choose the most suitable image for avatars VKontakte. If necessary, we will be happy to answer all the questions you are interested in in the comments under the article.

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