How to open my google table


How to open my google table

Google Documents - a package of office applications, which, in view of their free and cross-platform, make up more than worthy competition of the market leader - Microsoft Office. Present in their composition and tool for creating and editing spreadsheets, in many respects is not inferior to more popular Excel. In our current article, we will tell you how to open your tables, which will probably be interested to find out those who are just starting to master this product.

Open Google Tables

Let's start with the definition of the fact that it is the ordinary user mean by asking the question: "How to open my Google tables?". Surely, it means not only a banal opening of a file with a table, but also opening it to view other users, that is, the provision of shared access often necessary when organizing collaboration with documents. Then we will talk about solving two of these tasks on a computer and mobile devices, as the tables are presented in the form of a website, and as applications.

Note: All table files created by you in the application of the same name or open through its interface are saved by default on Google disk - the company's cloud repository, which is integrated by the application application package. That is, by entering your disc on the disk, you can also see your own projects and open them to view and edit.

Sample tables on google disk

    In addition, it will be useful to find out how else you can quickly open this web service and go to work with it if you do not have a direct link. This is done like this:
  1. Being on the page of any of Google services (except YouTube), click on the button with the image of the tiles, which is called "Google Applications", and select "Documents".
  2. Ability to quickly open Google Tables in Google Chrome browser

  3. Next, open the menu of this web application by clicking on three horizontal stripes in the upper left corner.
  4. Open menu My Documents To go to Google Tables in Google Chrome browser

  5. Choose there "Tables", after which they will immediately be open.

    Go to My Google Tables in Google Chrome browser

    Unfortunately, a separate label to start the tables in the Google application menu is not provided, but all other products of the company can be launched without any problems.

  6. Having considered all aspects of the opening of the Google spreadsheets on the computer, we turn to the solution of a similar task on mobile devices.

Smartphones and tablets

Like most of the search giant products, in the mobile table segment are presented as a separate application. You can install it and use both on Android and on iOS.


On some smartphones and tablets running a "green robot", the tables are already pre-installed, but in most cases they will need to contact Google Play Market.

Download Google Tables from Google Play Market

  1. Taking advantage of the link presented above, install, and then open the application.
  2. Installing Google Application Tables for Android from Google Play Market

  3. Check out the features of mobile tables, spreading four welcome screens, or skip them.
  4. Welcome screen Google Application Tables for Android

  5. Actually, from this moment you can open your spreadsheets and go to creating a new file (from scratch or by template).
  6. Open My Tables in Google Application Tables for Android

  7. If you need not just to open a document, but to provide access to it for another user or users, do the following:
    • Click on the image of a man on the top panel, provide an application permission to access the contacts, enter the email address of the one who you want to open access to this table (or name if a person consists of your contact list). You can specify several boxes / names.

      Transition to user invitation in Google Application Tables for Android

      Tapping on the image of a pencil to the right of the string with the address, determine the rights that the invited will be posted.

      Determining Access Rights in Google Application Tables for Android

      If necessary, accompany the message invitation, then click on the Send button and read the result of its successful execution. From the recipient, you will need to just follow the link to which will be listed in the letter, you can also simply copy it from the browser's address bar and pass any convenient way.

    • Sending an invitation to your Google Tables for Android

    • As in the case of a table of tables for a PC, in addition to a personal invitation, you can open access to the file by reference. To do this, after pressing the "Add User" button (man on the top panel), tap the inscription finger in the bottom of the screen - "without shared access". If earlier someone has already been open access to the file, instead of this inscription will be depicted there with its avatar.

      Go to the opening of the file access by reference in Google Application Tables for Android

      Tap the inscription "Access on the link is disabled", after which it will be changed to "access by reference is turned on", and the link itself will be copied to the clipboard and is ready for further use.

      Enable access to the file on the Google Application Tables for Android

      By clicking on the image of the eye opposite this inscription, you can define access rights, and then confirm their provision.

    Changing access rights in Google Appendix Tables for Android

    Note: The actions described above needed to open access to its table can be performed through the application menu. To do this, in the open table, tap three vertical points on the top panel, select "Access and Export" And then - one of the first two options.

  8. Open file access via Google Application Menu Tables for Android

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated to open your tables in the Mobile OS android environment. The main thing is to install the application, if it was previously missing on the device. It is not functionally different from the web version considered by us in the first part of the article.


Google tables are not included in the list of applications pre-installed on the iPhone and iPad, but if desired, this deficiency can be easily corrected. Having done this, we will be able to proceed to the direct opening of the files and provide access to them.

Download Google Tables from App Store

  1. Install the application using the link presented to its page in the EPL store, and then run.
  2. Installing Google Application Tables for iOS

  3. Familiarize yourself with the functionality of the tables, spilling welcome screens, then tap on the inscription "Log in".
  4. Welcome screen Google Applications for iOS

  5. Allow the application to use data to enter by clicking "Next", and then enter the login and password from your Google account and proceed again.
  6. Enter login and password from account in Google Application Tables for iOS

  7. Subsequent actions, both the creation and / or opening of the spreadsheet, and providing access to it for other users, are carried out in the same way as in the Android OS environment (paragraphs 3-4 of the previous part of the article).

    Opening your files in Google Application Tables for iOS

    The difference lies only in the orientation of the menu call button - in iOS three points are horizontally, not vertically.

  8. Transition to user invitation in Google Appendix Tables for iOS

    Despite the fact that the tables from Google are much more convenient to work on the web, many users, including newcomers, which first of all this material is dedicated, still prefer to interact with them on mobile devices.


We tried to give the most detailed answer to the question of how to open our Google tables, having considered it from all sides, starting with the startup of a site or application and ending with a banal file opening, but by providing access to it. We hope this article was useful for you, and if questions remained on this topic, feel free to ask them in the comments.

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