What is responsible for the Superfetch service in Windows 10


What is responsible for the Superfetch service in Windows 10

The Superfetch service description states that it is responsible for maintaining and improving the speed of the system for the passage of a certain amount of time after its launch. The developers themselves, and this is Microsoft, do not give any accurate information about the operation of this tool. In Windows 10, such a service is also available and is in active work in the background. It defines programs that are used most often, and then places them in a special section and loads in advance to RAM. Next, we suggest familiarizing yourself with other actions of Superfetch and determine whether it is necessary to disconnect it.

It remains only to restart the computer so that all executable processes are accurately stopped and the tool no longer load the operating system. If this option is not suitable for any reason, we recommend paying attention to the next one.

Method 2: Registry Editor

Turn off the SuperFetch service in Windows 10, and by editing the registry, however, some users have difficulty process. Therefore, we suggest you to use our next manual, which will help to avoid difficulties in fulfilling the task:

  1. Cress the Win + R key combination to run the "Run" utility. In it, enter the REGEDIT command and click on OK.
  2. Open registry editor in the Windows 10 operating system

  3. Follow the path below. You can insert it into the address string to get into the right branch faster.


  4. Watch out the "EnablesUpeRFetch" parameter and click on it twice with the left mouse button.
  5. Find a service in the Windows 10 Registry Editor

  6. Set the value to "0" to deactivate the function.
  7. Disable service in the Windows 10 Registry Editor

  8. The changes will take effect only after restarting the computer.

Today we tried in the most detailed and accessible to explain the purpose of Superfetch in Windows 10, and also showed two ways to turn off. We hope all the instructions provided were understandable, and you no longer have questions on the topic.

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