Keyboard does not work on Lenovo laptop


Keyboard does not work on Lenovo laptop

Important information

Certain instructions that will be considered further require information to enter information. If you do not have an external keyboard, use the virtual - you can easily call the on-screen keyboard to set the text. In addition, some commands for entering you can copy from the article and insert into the operating system windows using a mouse and context menu. Those who do not know how to call a virtual keyboard, the following material is useful.

Read more: Run a virtual keyboard on a laptop with Windows

Do not forget that if there are difficulties already at the entry stage when you turn on the laptop, you can also enter a password or pin from the on-screen keyboard. Button to call special features, among which there are the tool you need, is located in the lower right corner of the window.

Button with special features for calling the on-screen keyboard on a welcome screen in Windows

Method 1: Windows 10 settings

Windows 10 allows you to disconnect the physical keyboard in case, if it is convenient or has the ability to use only on-screen. This setting is certainly inactive by default, but it is changed due to any error or user by chance. Check your condition and disconnect if necessary:

  1. Through the "Start", call the "Parameters" application.
  2. Launch application options to eliminate keyboard problems with Lenovo laptop

  3. Go to the "Special Features" section.
  4. Go to section Special features through parameters to eliminate keyboard problems at Lenovo laptop

  5. Scroll to the left and find the "Keyboard" item where you go. In the "Use the device without a regular keyboard" block, the only available parameter must be disconnected.
  6. Turning on the operation of the physical keyboard through the parameters for troubleshooting problems with the Lenovo laptop

  7. Immediately, we recommend to see the setting of the "Use Input Filter" block - the parameter available there must be disabled. If it is not so, turning off it and check if the text is recruited in any window. Sometimes the parameter starts to conflict with others, causing incorrect keyboard operation.
  8. Changing the input filtering function through the parameters to eliminate the keyboard problems at Lenovo laptop

Method 2: Running troubleshooting tools

Using the system tool for troubleshooting is easy, but often an inefficient option. He knows how to find only superficial errors, but, given that this is done in automatic mode, the user still can try to resort to this method.

  1. Being in "Parameters", click on the "Update and Security" tile.
  2. Switch to the Update and Security section through the settings for troubleshooting the Lenovo laptop

  3. From the list of sections on the left, select "Troubleshooting".
  4. Go to Troubleshooting Terms over the settings for troubleshooting the Lenovo laptop

  5. If in the central area of ​​the window it will not be prompted to start the desired tool, click the "Advanced troubleshooting tools" link.
  6. Transition to troubleshooting tools for troubleshooting problems with Lenovo laptop

  7. On the page, find the "Keyboard" page, click on it, and then on the button to start the troubleshooting tool.
  8. Run tool troubleshooting keyboard via Lenovo laptop parameters

  9. Wait for the completion of the diagnosis and follow the recommendations if those are given. After them, restart the laptop.
  10. Launched keyboard troubleshooter via Lenovo laptop parameters

In Windows 7, "troubleshooting" is located in the "Control Panel", and the necessary tool is called "Search and troubleshoot the keyboard".

Method 3: Forced Starting CTFMON Process

When the keyboard works, but only selectively, not everywhere, perhaps everything is in an invincible process that is responsible for it. Before trying to correct it, you should check whether the process works or not.

  1. To do this, go to the "Task Manager" by clicking on the "start" with the right mouse button and selecting the appropriate item. Instead, you can right-click on the taskbar and choose the same item - this option is universal for different versions of Windows.
  2. Go to Task Manager via Start Menu in Windows

  3. In the process list, look for a "CTF loader". If such a process, as on the example, you do not have, then it really did not start and can provoke the problem with the keyboard.
  4. View the presence of a running CTFMON process in Windows through the task manager

Fix it can be manual addition of the process into autoload.

  1. Right-click on the "Start" and call the "Run" window. In Win 7, find this application in the "start" by name.
  2. Run the application to perform to correct the Lenovo non-working keyboard via the registry editor

  3. Enter through the on-screen keyboard or copy and paste the REGEDIT command, and then click OK.
  4. Run the registry editor through the Run window in Windows 10 to add CTFMON to autoload

  5. Go along the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run. Windows 10 holders can copy and paste this path to the address bar by pressing ENTER to go.
  6. Go to the path to the registry editor to add CTFMON process to autorun in Windows 10

  7. In the central part of the window, right-click on an empty place and from the context menu, select "Create"> "String Parameter".
  8. Creating a string parameter in the Registry Editor to add CTFMON to Startup in Windows 10

  9. Specify it with the name "CTFMON", after which you open the edit window by double clicking the left mouse button. Insert the following address to the appropriate item: C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Ctfmon.exe. Click "OK" to apply changes.
  10. Adding CTFMON to autoload via the registry editor in Windows 10

We also recommend entering the "job scheduler" and see whether the process is not turned off there.

  1. You can start the application by calling for this "Computer Management" for this. In Win 10 for this, right-click on the "Start", in Win 7, find it in the main menu "Start" in the "Administration" section.
  2. Starting a computer management application to turn on the CTFMON process when the Lenovo laptop is not working keypad

  3. In the left part of the window, select "Task Scheduler".
  4. Go to the task scheduler in Windows 10

  5. Again, through the left panel, turn the folder "Planner Library"> "Microsoft"> "Windows"> "TextServicesFramework". In the central part of the window, the MSCTFMONITOR parameter will be located - check that its status is "ready."
  6. MSCTFMONITOR job search in Windows 10 job scheduler

  7. If this is not the case, turn on the task by clicking on it with the right mouse button and selecting the appropriate item.
  8. Activation of MSCTFMONITOR task in Windows 10 job scheduler

At the end, restart the laptop and check whether the problem related to this process has been eliminated.

Method 4: Turning off the quick laptop launch (Windows 10)

Windows 10 is equipped with the ability to quickly turn on the laptop, but due to some features it can provoke incorrect behavior of the operating system. To check whether such a type of startup is really guilty, it should be deactivated for a while. Even if it turns out to be in it, the inclusion of the laptop will slow down only for hard drive owners - SSD and so download any operating system in a few seconds.

The principle of fast running is to save important to enable files into RAM, where, when you turn on the computer, they are read faster than from the drive. However, minus such an approach is the possible appearance of errors in RAM, which will lead to an incorrect start of Windows and the emergence of various problems.

  1. To disable it, call the Control Panel. The mouse is easiest to do this through the "Start" menu and the Own-Windows folder.
  2. Running control panel through a start to solve the problem with the keyboard work at the Lenovo laptop

  3. To quickly search for the desired category, switch viewing to "icons" and go to "Power Supply".
  4. Switch to power settings in Windows 10 to disable fast launch

  5. On the left pane, find the "Actions of the Power Buttons" string and click on it.
  6. Switch to the operation of the power buttons to disable the quick launch of Windows 10

  7. A section with settings will open, where first click on the "Changing the parameters that are not available now."
  8. Enabling the changes in inaccessible parameters to disable fast launch in Windows 10

  9. Settings blocked earlier will now become active. Remove the checkbox from "Enable Quick Start (recommended)". To apply settings, you will need to turn off and on the laptop.
  10. Disabling quick launch in Windows 10

If the way it turned out to be ineffective, quick start can always be turned on again.

Method 5: Troubleshooting Trouble

Many computer components and connected techniques depends on the drivers. If the specific driver is missing or set with an error, the operation of the device depending on it can be broken in part or completely. Therefore, it is important to check the user if it does not affect the problem.

Usually the keyboard driver is installed from Microsoft servers - the user does not take any participation in this. In this case, the chance of unsuccessful installation is extremely low, but it still exists, moreover, the files themselves may be damaged after installation.

Reinstalling the keyboard driver

The fastest and simple attempt to establish the driver's work is to reinstall it.

  1. Run the "Device Manager" by right-clicking on the "Start" and selecting the appropriate item.
  2. Run the device manager application to correct the problems with the driver when the Lenovo laptop is not working keyboard

  3. Expand the keyboard block, there must only be one line - "Standard PS / 2 keyboard".
  4. Keyboard Tab in Windows 10 Device Manager

  5. Right-click on it and select the "Update Driver" option.
  6. Updating Laptop keyboard drivers in Windows 10 via Device Manager

  7. In the window that opens, click on the Offer "Automatic Search for Updated Drivers".
  8. Search for updating the laptop keyboard drivers in Windows 10 via Device Manager

  9. A short check will begin, after which the software will be updated or a message will appear that the latest driver version has already been installed.
  10. Driver Update Search Process for Laptop Keyboard Through Device Manager in Windows 10

  11. Accordingly, after installing the laptop, you will need to restart, and if the changes have not been made, call the update window again, but this time you use the "Find drivers on this computer".
  12. Manual update of the laptop keyboard driver in Windows 10 via Device Manager

  13. Without pointing no way manually, click on "Select a driver from the list of available drivers on your computer."
  14. Search for a laptop keyboard driver in Windows 10 via Device Manager

  15. There must be no more than one option, and it will already be selected. If there is a list with the drivers, select the "Standard Keyboard PS / 2" and go "Next".
  16. Switch to manual installation of a laptop keyboard driver in Windows 10 via Device Manager

  17. After a quick installation or update, the system will report the need to reboot so that the equipment can start work.
  18. Manual installation of a laptop keyboard driver in Windows 10 via Device Manager

Delete keypad driver

When a simple driver installation over does not help, first it is necessary to remove the available software, and then perform clean installation.

  1. Call the keyboard context menu again, but this time, select Delete Device.
  2. Keyboard Removal Item as Devices from Device Manager in Windows 10

  3. A warning window will be displayed that the device (more precisely, its driver) will be removed from the OS. Confirm your solution and restart the laptop.
  4. Deleting the keyboard as devices from device manager in Windows 10

  5. When you turn on the driver will be downloaded and installed automatically. If the keyboard still did not earn, once again do what was offered in the previous section of the article - "Reinstalling the keyboard driver".

Installing the chipset driver

There is a small chance that the driver does not correct the keyboard, but the chipset. You can download it from the Lenovo website, having previously recognized the name of the laptop model.

Method 6: Check the values ​​of the UpperFilters parameter

In the registry editor, there is a parameter that also affects the keyboard operation. In the course of a variety of events, changes could occur, which is why it does not work. It can be quickly edited or create anew.

  1. Open the registry editor (how to do it, shown in the method 3).
  2. Consistently follow the next way: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CURRENTCONTROLSET \ CONTROL \ CLASS \ {4D36E96B-E325-11ce-BFC1-08002BE10318}. In the central part there must be the "UpperFilters" parameter with the "KBDCLASS" value.
  3. UpperFilters parameter in the Windows 10 Registry Editor

  4. If so, close the window and go to the following instructions. If not, double click on the parameter and in the window that opens independently change the value to the above.
  5. Changing the value of the UpperFilters parameter in the Windows 10 Registry Editor

  6. In the absence of a parameter as such, click on an empty location with the right mouse button and create a "multi-stroke parameter". It will remain to rename it, and then set the desired value.
  7. Creating a UpperFilters multi-stroke parameter in the Registry Editor for Lenovo Laptop Keyboard Recovery

  8. Change will be applied after rebooting the operating system.

We will specify that "UpperFilters" affects one of the old versions of Kaspersky Anti-Virus. If you have this program and you noticed that after fixing or creating a parameter, it was changed again or disappeared, delete / disable / update the antivirus to check whether it affects the parameter in question.

Method 7: Windows update management

Windows 10 updates. Most different ways affect the performance of the laptop, affecting even the keyboard. Perhaps before she stopped functioning, small or large system updates were installed. Behind the corrections of errors by developers, you can and for several days, and then, if it is really in the update. Therefore, it is better to immediately check this assumption: it is not difficult to delete the update, but it is not necessary to establish it if necessary is not difficult.

Rollback to the previous version

Now Windows 10 allows you to roll back to the previous assembly within 10 days after installing a major update. If a major update has been installed in your case, use the built-in tool to go to the last assembly. Of course, this can be done if you did not delete the Windows.old folder yourself.

  1. Open "Parameters" and go to "Update and Security".
  2. Go to the Windows 10 Update and Security Settings section

  3. Using the left pane, switch to "Restore" and find the "Back to the previous version of Windows 10" in the main part of the window. The button "Start" should be active. If so, click it.
  4. Back previous version of Windows 10 with Lenovo non-working keyboard

  5. A few seconds will be prepared for this operation. Please note that depending on the Windows assembly, the sequence of actions may differ.
  6. Preparing Windows 10 Return to the previous Lenovo assembly

  7. Install the tick around the most suitable reason. Our list is not, so indicate "for another reason" and, at will, briefly say, as it is. Then click "Next".
  8. Choosing the reason for returning Windows 10 to the previous Lenovo assembly

  9. It will be prompted to check the output of the update, which in theory will fix bugs and errors. Decide yourself, or you want to try to install it, or still roll back to a stable assembly.
  10. Failure to search for updates Windows 10 Lenovo

  11. The one who has chosen rollback will have to read the information in the next window. It is written about the features of Windows return and how to prepare to it.
  12. Information about the process of returning Windows 10 to the previous assembly of Lenovo

  13. The next window displays information regarding the password to log in.
  14. Checking the availability of password from the account before Windows return to the previous Lenovo assembly

  15. Only after that the rollback itself will be available directly.
  16. Windows 10 Return Start button to previous version of Lenovo

  17. After the start of the procedure, you will see a black screen during which it will be returned to the previous state.
  18. Start a rollback of Windows 10 to the previous version of Lenovo

Delete a small update

Much less often affect the keyboard minor updates. Nevertheless, they can, individually, can lead to various problems in WINDOVS performance. Small updates are more famous for the user as KB0000000, where 0 is a set of numbers identifying the update. Remove the problem update of this kind is even easier than large.

Unfortunately, find out in advance, without feedback on the Internet, whether the specific KB update is guilty, it will be possible only after removing it. But it is not necessary to worry if it was uninstalled by mistake - in the future nothing prevents you from starting to start searching for updates and re-install remote. Read about the removal of this type of updates in the method of 1 article on the link below.

Read more: Delete updates in Windows 10

Removing the usual Windows 10 updates to troubleshoot the Lenovo laptop keyboard

Windows 10 update

Instead of rollback to the previous version, you can try an update. The method is relevant as an alternative to the unsuccessful return of the system to the previous version that helps in many cases. In Windows Update Center, works in automatic mode, independently checking the update output, but if we are talking about critical corrections, Microsoft may release an update faster than the operating system will check the operating system in its schedule. Accordingly, the user will need to start manual search and if the update is found, install it.

Read more: Installing Windows 10 / Windows Updates 8

Installing Windows 10 updates to correct problems with Lenovo laptop keyboard

Method 8: Check OS for viruses

Certain viruses can affect the operation of the operating system, including the keyboard. Before trying to fulfill complicated recommendations for you, scan Windows. The defender built into the system does not always recognize the malicious object that fell into it, so we advise it to do with third-party antiviruses and scanners that do not require installation. To accurately, it is better to choose for 2 options, as they are equipped with different verification algorithms and have their own antivirus bases.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Anti-virus utility for the treatment of laptop Lenovo Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

Method 9: System Restore

If you have a saved backup point, you can try to roll back to it. If there are damaged files or other non-critical problems, the system restore can help. Of course, the method will not suit the user who have no recovery points in principle.

Read more: Rollback to recovery point in Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7

Restoring the system from the recovery point in Windows 10 Lenovo

Return to the initial state

In a situation where no ways help, it remains to try to roll back the OS to the initial state. This choice for those people who do not store any important information on the laptop and who will be ready to re-configure the operating system. All the rest we do not recommend making a return system, because, firstly, there is no guarantee that it will help, secondly, in the absence of experience and knowledge, you can permanently lose some important information. And although in the description of this function it is written that some personal data will be able to save, all applications and most of the files will be deleted. Before returning, a list of programs that you lose will be displayed.

Read more: We restore Windows 10 to the original state

Returning Windows 10 to the initial state through the Lenovo parameters

The simplest visual and some other Windows 10 settings can be saved into the cloud from Microsoft - it will be necessary to create an account. If your computer is not a local account, but online, it means that such an account is already there, and the next time you enter it with a dropped Windows, the parameters will be loaded. Everyone else will need to be registered.

See also: Creating a new account in Windows 10

In Windows 7 such a function, as in Windows 10, no. All that the owners of this version of the OS can make is to return it to that condition, as if she was just installed. This operation is called reset to factory settings. In Windows 10, it is also present and differs from the above that removes everything that was, leaving only the operating system files. Once again we remind you that it is necessary to do this only if anything important and necessary for work is not saved on the device, and you downloaded in advance to the USB flash drive at least a network driver (relevant for Windows 7) so that after reinstalling do not stay without accessing the Internet.

Read more: We restore to the factory settings of Windows 10 / Windows 7

Reset Windows 10 to factory settings through the Lenovo settings

Method 10: Keyboard Repair

All the methods discussed above assume the presence of an exclusively software failure or error. However, there is always a chance that the keyboard is faulty is physically. It is not possible to determine this on an independently ordinary person, it will be possible to make only a specialist or a very experienced owner of the technique. Make it with old models easier, as they are more simple in the analysis, but with new things are more difficult due to the monolithic case and the need for additional tools, and if there is a valid warranty period, it may complicate possible further maintenance.

A possible solution after parsing a laptop will be the complete replacement of the keyboard or its loop. You can purchase a new component (or used, after a laptop, sold out in parts) in a specialized store or through Avito service. The plume is most often visible at once: he either bends, or blackened, or just moved away from the motherboard, and then it is enough to reconnect it. The diagnosis of the Keyboard itself is significantly more complicated, and usually without special knowledge, it is most logical to replace everything, and not try to repair. The cause of trouble could be improper operation (spilled liquid), external conditions (too wet / cold / hot room), as a result of which oxidation occurs or another type of failure. The ineptly disassembly of the keyboard can aggravate the position right up to the damage to its components, the cliffs of the track, etc. Much is much less likely to blame the motherboard, which fails. Inspecting and repairing her a person who can understand the schemes and solder.

All instructions for the analysis of your model of the laptop, the repair of the keyboard or even the motherboard is better to entrust the service center, and if you want to fix everything manually, then you will pre-watch the training rollers on YouTube.

See also: Disassemble the laptop at home

Lenovo laptop keyboard looped loop

Additional recommendations

Here are some more tips that can come in handy. It is not necessary to fulfill them immediately, test each of them separately:

  • Disconnect the laptop, including the power supply. If the laptop housing allows you to remove the battery, do it. Disconnect all the excess equipment of the headphone type, mice, printer. After the specified time expires, clamp and hold the power button to 30 seconds to reset the voltage in the capacitors. After that, insert the battery, if you got, and turn on the laptop, check the keyboard.
  • Run the operating system in "Safe Mode". Choose it, and not additional variations with the support of the "Command Line" or the Network Driver. In this mode, only the most important files for Windows operability will be downloaded, without any unnecessary user programs. This mode will make it possible to understand whether it can somehow influence third-party software on the keyboard. If in "Safe Mode" it works, look for a source of malfunctions among installed programs, scan Windows for viruses.

    See also: Safe mode in Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7

  • There are cases when users helped the BIOS reset. However, this can only be tried when the keyboard works in the BIOS itself (controlling this menu and is carried out using it). In addition, the user must understand and know what he does, and be able to return some settings that may be needed to him or laptop to download the OS.

    See also: Resetting BIOS settings

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