How to write in support youTub


how to write in support youTub

The most popular video hosting of YouTube, as well as any similar site, has support service. The goals of access to it can be diverse, ranging from problems when working with a service, ending with complaints and complaints. We will look at how to write a Utub specialist from a computer and from mobile applications.

We write in support of YouTube

One of the most popular video host stings in the world is the project of Google - YouTube. Any user, regardless of its activity on the site, may arise questions or discontent. To resolve such situations there is a multilingual support service. It is worth considering that the appeals should not contain obscene expressions, insults or rejuvenations of anyone. In such situations, the user may be forever to block in the service.

Method 1: PC version

If there are questions about working with the site itself, it is most correctly and logical first to ask them by a specialist. The YouTube website provides the ability to create an appeal and get the answer.

It is important to take into account that only the owners of accounts can be used by the standard authors supports that correspond to internal standards. We will consider the instructions on which any user without restrictions can write to the Support of YouTube. The main problem is that if you are not the creator of content and do not have your own "creative studio" on YouTube, then your appeals will be considered last.

  1. You should log in in your account on YouTube.
  2. Authorization for contacting YouTube through a PC version

  3. In the upper right corner, click on your avatar to go to the general settings.
  4. Go to General Settings in Web version YouTube

  5. Scroll to the tab to the string "Send Feedback". Click on it.
  6. Go to section Leave a review in Web version YouTube

  7. Make a message. It is better to prepare the text in advance and simply copy it to the appropriate field. If necessary, you can use the "Attach Screenshot" button and add several pictures on the topic of the question.
  8. Attaching the screenshot to contact support in web version YouTube

    It is important to competently and correctly draw up an appeal in order to obtain a reverse response. It is better to describe the problem immediately in the case, indicating certain facts and attaching the desired screenshots.

  9. After completing the message, it remains to click on the arrow button, which is located in the upper right corner of the window.
  10. Sending Messages to Support Support in Web version YouTube

Channel complaint / by user

Video hosting has the function of leaving complaints on video, channels and comments. To do this, click on the checkbox and choose the reason. These include insults and threats, issuing themselves for another person, violence, violation of the rights of the child, discriminatory statements, spam, confidentiality. When none of these reasons coincides with yours, there is also the eighth item - "no option is suitable." In this situation, you will have to specify the reason yourself. Of course, not always due to complaints block video and channels. It is usually refused when the claim has been sent unreasonable. But if it is confirmed by significant evidence or the video is indeed contrary to the service policy, then the administration responds immediately to the message.

In the event of a serious problem or threat, which is associated with a specific video, it is better to appeal through this video. To do this, do the following:

  1. Discover the video that violates your author's or civil rights either does not comply with the Yutba Agreement. If you think that specific content for one or another reasons should not be stored on the service, you can and you need to send a message to support.
  2. Video selection regarding which should be sent to support in web version YouTube

  3. Under the video there is an information box that includes data on the number of views, likes, diesel engines, etc. In this row, you should find three horizontal points. They are located immediately after the "Save" string.
  4. Pressing three points under the video in the web version of YouTube

  5. Click on the "Complain" button. It should be noted that such an appeal will be considered in the context of the current video. If your message concerns the author's self or other rollers, then you should resort to the first option for sending a letter to the support service.
  6. Click on the Compare button in the web version of YouTube

  7. Choose one of the reasons for the complaints of the video. If you are in doubt between two rows, press the coolest violation found in the video.
  8. Choosing the cause of complaints among the main list to appeal to the web version of YouTube

  9. Each item has its own subsections that describe the cause of violation in more detail. Select the most accurate description.
  10. The choice of subprive complaints in Version YouTube

  11. Click on the "Next" button.
  12. Click on the Next button to send a message to the web version of YouTube

  13. The service provides an opportunity to briefly describe the cause of the complaint. It is better to also specify the time code if it matters.
  14. Writing an additional message to support in the web version of YouTube

  15. After writing a message to the support service, click on the "Send" button.
  16. Sending a complaint to Web version YouTube

The answer comes from a support, usually within 6-7 business days. If you do not get back a message is allowed to try to repeat the procedure. Similar can be done with the comments, putting the mouse cursor on the unacceptable and clicking the three vertical dots that appear to the right of the selected message. Reasons for complaints here will be different, but the principle is identical to that described above.

Method 2: Mobile application

Consult the skilled Yutuba possible also through mobile applications. The basic procedure is virtually identical to the PC version, with the exception of visual components applications. Consider how to send a message via Android or iPhone.

Option 1: Android

Youtube app preinstalled on Android allows you to send feedback, complaints to various video and audio materials. Message in support and may consist of complaints about the poor performance of the application and of the issues in relation to other problems. According to statistics, most often people write because of copyright infringement.

  1. Open Youtube app on Android.
  2. open an application on android YouTube

  3. It should go in the personal settings. To do this, click on the avatar in the top right corner.
  4. transition to the personal settings in YouTube app on Android

  5. Click on the line "Help / Feedback". Depending on which version of Android it can be placed or last row, or on the penultimate.
  6. selection section references and reviews in YouTube app on Android

  7. Select the option "Send Feedback".
  8. choose to send feedback to the YouTube app on Android

  9. In the text you can make the window that opens, add photos or screenshots, and download the data from the log. Note the e-mail, the name of which will be the message. That's it, you get an answer, so make the relevant information. After filling in all fields, click on the arrow at the top right to send the message.
  10. filling in and sending the revocation in the annex YouTube on Android

Departure complaint to comments similar to what has been mentioned in Method 1 of this article, except that the service menu that has the button in the form of three points is automatically displayed next to each comment.

Option 2: iOS

Yutuba support team is constantly responding to numerous questions and comments from users. To ensure that you receive an answer from the expert, the best properly and succinctly be a letter indicating all the important data. Procedure to send a message through the app for iPhone will not cause difficulties for users.

  1. Open Youtube app on your smartphone.
  2. Open Youtube app on iOS

  3. On the right at the top there is a avatar of your profile. Click on it.
  4. Switch to Personal Settings in YOS application on iOS

  5. Click on the "Help / Reviews" string.
  6. Transition to the Help section and reviews in Yutube on iOS

  7. Click on the string "Send Feedback".
  8. Selection Send Feedback Service Support For iOS

  9. In the window that opens, you can write a question or feedback you are interested in. It is also possible to attach screenshot or data from the system log. In the "From" field, be sure to check the email address, since the support service sends the answer. If there is no actual imal, replace it with the desired one. After performing all actions, it remains to click on the "Send" button, which is made in the form of an arrow in the right upper part.
  10. Filling and sending reviews in Yatub on iOS

We were mentioned about the process of leaving complaints to comments in the Android section, in this regard there are no differences between the platforms.

We looked at current ways to send messages to YouTube Caliper for all users. If you clearly follow the instructions presented above, the process of appeal should not be difficult.

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