Scroll does not work on a touchpad in Windows 10


Scroll does not work on a touchpad in Windows 10

Agree that it is difficult to imagine a laptop without a touchpad. It is a full-fledged analogue of a regular computing mouse. Like any peripherals, this element occasionally may fail. And it is manifested by this not always complete inoperability of the device. Sometimes only some gestures refuse. From this article, you just know how to correct the problem with the disruptive function of scrolling the touchpad in Windows 10.

Methods solving problems with scrolling of touchpad

Unfortunately, there is no single and universal method, which is guaranteed to restore the scroll performance. It all depends on various factors and nuances. But we allocated three basic methods that help in most cases. And among them there is both a software solution and a hardware. Let's proceed to their detailed description.

Method 1: Official Soft

First of all, it is necessary to check whether the scroll function is included at all on the touchpad. For this you need to resort to the help of the official program. By default, in Windows 10, it is automatically installed with all drivers. But if for some reason it did not happen, then you need to independently download software for a touchpad from the manufacturer's website. With a generalized example of performing this procedure, you can read the following link.

Read more: Download Touchpad driver for Asus laptops

After installing the software, you need to do the following:

  1. Press the keyboard shortcut "Windows + R" keys. The System Utility "Run" window will appear on the screen. It must be in it to enter the following command:


    Then click "OK" in the same window.

    Run the control panel through the program to execute in Windows 10

    Thus, the "Control Panel" will open. If you wish, you can use any other method of launch.

    Read more: Opening the "Control Panel" on a computer with Windows 10

  2. Next, we recommend that you enable the display mode "Large icons". This will help faster find the desired section. Its name will depend on the manufacturer of the laptop and the touchpad itself. In our case, this is "ASUS SMART GESTURE". Click on his name once the left mouse button.
  3. Run ASUS Smart Gesture from the control panel in Windows 10

  4. Then you need to find and go to the tab that is responsible for setting up gestures. Lay it in it, in which the scrolling function is mentioned. If it was deactivated, enable it and save the changes. If it is already enabled, try to turn off, apply the settings, and then turn on again.
  5. Row of activation and deactivation of the scroll function on ASUS laptop

It remains only to test scroll performance. In most situations, such actions help solve the problem. Otherwise, try the following method.

Method 2: software switching on-shutdown

This method is very extensive, as it includes several subparagraphs. Under program inclusion, it means changing the bios parameters, re-installing drivers, changing system parameters and using a special key combination. Earlier, we have already written an article that contains all of the above items. Therefore, all that is required of you is to follow the link below and familiarize yourself with the material.

Hot keys to enable and disable laptop touchpad

Read more: Turning on TouchPad in Windows 10

In addition, in some cases a banal deletion of the device with its subsequent installation can help. It is done very simple:

  1. Click on the "Start" menu with the right mouse button, and then select "Device Manager" from the context menu.
  2. Running device manager via Start button in Windows 10

  3. In the next window you will see a tree list. Find the "Mouse and Other Indicating Devices" section. Open it and, if you specify the devices several, find a touchpad there, then click on its name PCM. In the window that opens, click on the "Delete Device" row.
  4. Removing a laptop touchpad from device manager in Windows 10

  5. Next, at the very top of the "Device Manager" window, click on the "Action" button. After that, select the "Update Equipment Configuration" line.
  6. Update Equipment Configuration Button in Device Manager on Windows 10

As a result, the touchpad will be re-connected to the system and Windows 10 again installs the required software. It is likely that the scroll function will earn again.

Method 3: Cleaning contacts

This method is the most difficult of all described. In this case, we resort to the physical shutdown of the touchpad from the motherboard of the laptop. For various reasons, contacts on the loop could oxidize or simply move away, hence the touchpad fault. Please note that everything below is needed only if other methods have not helped at all and there are suspicions of the mechanical breakdown of the device.

Remember that we are not responsible for malfunctions that may arise during the implementation of recommendations. All actions you carry out at your own risk, so if you are not sure of your own, it is better to consult specialists.

Note that in the example below the ASUS laptop will be shown. If you have a device from another manufacturer, the dismounting process may differ. Links to thematic manuals you will find below.

Since you just need to clean the contacts of the touchpad, rather than replacing it to another, then disassemble the laptop completely. Enough do the following:

  1. Turn off the laptop and disconnect it from the power. Remove the charger of the charger from the socket in the housing.
  2. Removing the Wire Charger from Laptop Note

  3. Then open the laptop cover. Take a flat small screwdriver or any other suitable object, and carefully fit the edge of the keyboard. Your goal is to pull it out of the grooves and at the same time do not damage the attachments that are located around the perimeter.
  4. Asus laptop keyboard removal process

  5. After that, look under the keyboard. At the same time, do not pull it strongly, since there is a possibility to break the contact loop. It is necessary to take it off gently. To do this, lift up plastic mount.
  6. ASUS Laptop Laptop Keyboard Turning Process from motherboard

  7. Under the keyboard, slightly above the touchpad, you will see a similar loop, but a much smaller size. It is responsible for connecting the touchpad. In the same way, disconnect it.
  8. Touch Touchpad Pin from Laptop Motherboard

  9. Now it remains only to clean the loop itself and the connection connector from pollution and dust. If you find that the contacts oxidized, it is better to walk on them with a special means. Upon completion, you need to connect everything in the reverse order. The loops are fastened by fixing the plastic latch.

As we mentioned earlier, some laptop models require much greater disassembly to access the touchpad connectors. As an example, you can use our articles to dismantle the following brands: Packard Bell, Samsung, Lenovo and HP.

As you can see, there is a sufficient number of ways that will help solve the problem with the scroll function of a touchpad on a laptop.

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