How to go to secure mode on Windows 10


Safe mode in windows 10

Many problems, such as cleaning a PC from malicious software, correcting errors after installing drivers, starting the system recovery, password reset and activation of accounts are solved using a secure mode.

Entry procedure in safe mode in Windows 10

Safe mode or Safe Mode is a special diagnostic mode in Windows 10 OS and other operating systems in which you can run the system without turning on the drivers, unnecessary Windows components. It is used, as a rule, to identify and troubleshoot. Consider how you can get to Safe Mode in Windows 10.

Method 1: System Configuration Utility

The most popular way to enter the secure mode in Windows 10 is the use of the configuration utility, the standard system tool. Below are the steps that you need to go through to go to SAFE MODE in this way.

  1. Click the "Win + R" combination and enter msconfig in the execution window, then press OK or ENTER.
  2. Running configuration utility

  3. In the "System Configuration" window, follow the download tab.
  4. Next, check the mark in front of the "Safe Mode" item. Here you can select the parameters for the secure mode:
    • (Minimum is a parameter that will allow the system to boot with the minimum necessary set of services, drivers and work desk;
    • Another shell is the entire list from the minimum set + command line;
    • Recovery Active Directory contains all to restore AD;
    • Network - Starting Safe Mode with network support module).

    Configuration of safe mode

  5. Click "Apply" and restart the PC.

Method 2: Download Options

Also enter the Safe Mode from the downloaded system through the download parameters.

  1. Open the "Notifications Center".
  2. Center notifications

  3. Click on the "All Parameters" element or simply click the "Win + I" key combination.
  4. Next, select "Update and Security".
  5. Update and security

  6. After that, "recovery".
  7. Element Restoration

  8. Find the "Special Download Options" section and click on the "Restart Now" button.
  9. Special download options

  10. After rebooting the PC in the Select Actions window, click on "Troubleshooting and Troubleshooting".
  11. Troubleshooting

  12. Next "Additional parameters".
  13. Select the Download Settings item.
  14. Download options

  15. Click "Restart".
  16. System boot options

  17. Using keys from 4 to 6 (or F4-F6), select a more suitable system loading mode.
  18. Enabling secure mode

Method 3: Command String

Many users are used to to go to SAFE MODE when rebooting, if you hold the F8 key. But, by default, in Windows 10, this feature is not available, as it slows down the system start. Correct this effect and enable forming a secure mode by pressing F8 by using the command line.

  1. Run on behalf of the administrator command line. This can be done on the right click on the "Start" menu and the selection of the corresponding item.
  2. Enter the string

    BCDEDIT / SET {DEFAULT} BootMenupolicy Legacy

  3. Reboot and use this feature.
  4. Enable the ability to go to safe mode when rebooting

Method 4: installation media

In the event that your system is not loaded at all, you can use the installation flash drive or disk. It looks like the entry procedure in the safe mode in this way as follows.

  1. Load the system from a previously created setting media.
  2. Press the "SHIFT + F10" key combination, which runs the command line.
  3. Enter the following line (command) to start a secure mode with a minimum set of components

    BCDEDIT / SET {DEFAULT} Safeboot Minimal

    or string

    BCDEDIT / SET {DEFAULT} Safeboot Network

    To run with network support.

In such ways, you can go to SAFE MODE in Windows Windows 10 and diagnose your PC with regular system tools.

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