Error "Administrator blocked execution of this application" on Windows 10


Error administrator blocked execution of this application on Windows 10

Installing some programs or drivers in Windows 10 cannot be launched due to the error "The administrator has blocked the execution of this application". As a rule, the absence of a confirmed digital signature is to blame for everything, which should be so operating system can be confident in the safety of the installed software. There are several options for eliminating the appearance of the window that impede the installation of the desired program.

Entry "Administrator blocked execution of this application" in Windows 10

Traditional in such cases will be a reminder of checking a security file. If you are not sure that you want to install a program free of viruses and malware, be sure to check it on an antivirus installed on the computer. After all, it is hazardous applications that do not have a relevant signature can cause the appearance of this window.

Method 2: Entrance under the administrator account

With a single case, the appearance of the problem under consideration, you can enable the administrator account for a while and make the necessary manipulation. By default, it is hidden, but it will not be able to activate it.

Read more: We enter under the administrator in Windows 10

Method 3: Disconnect UAC

UAC - User Account Control Tool, and it is his work that causes an appearance window with an error. This method implies temporary deactivation of this component. That is, you turn it off, install the necessary program and turn on the UAC back. Its constant shutdown can entail the unstable operation of some Microsoft Store built-in utilities. The process of disconnecting the UAC is deployed through the "Control Panel" or Registry Editor reviewed in the article below.

Read more: Disable UAC in Windows 10

After installing the program, if you used "method 2", return the previous values ​​of those registry parameters that have been edited according to the instructions. Previously better write them somewhere or remember.

Method 4: Digital Signature Removal

When the impossibility of the installation lies in an invalid digital signature and the previous options do not help, you can delete this signature at all. To make it means Windows will not work, so you will need to use third-party software, for example, Fileunsigner.

Download Fileunsigner from the official site

  1. Download the program by clicking on its name. Saved archive Unpack. In the installation, it does not need it, as this is a portable version - run the EXE file and work.
  2. Downloading Fileunsigner program from the official site

  3. Before starting the program, it is best to turn off the antivirus for a while, as some protective software can perceive actions as potentially dangerous and block the operation of the utility.

    Listed methods should help in the launch of the installer, but when using the method 2 or 3, return all settings in place.

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