View update log in Windows 10


View update log in Windows 10

The Windows operating system regularly checks, download and install updates for its components and applications. In this article, we will deal with how you can get data about the update procedure and installed packages.

View updates windows

There are differences between the lists of established updates and directly the magazine. In the first case, we receive information about packages and their purpose (with the possibility of removal), and in the second - directly the log displaying the executed operations and their status. Consider both options.

Option 1: update lists

There are several ways to get a list of updates installed on PC. The simplest of them is the classic "control panel".

  1. Open the system search by clicking on the icon with the image of the magnifying glass on the "taskbar". In the field, start entering the "Control Panel" and click on the appearing item in the issuance.

    Go to the classic control panel from the system search in Windows 10

  2. Turn on the "Minor Icons" viewing mode and go to the Applet "Programs and Components".

    Transition to the applet of the program and components in the Kalry Panel of Windows 10 control panel

  3. Next, go to the section installed updates.

    Go to the installed update section in the classic Windows 10 control panel

  4. In the next window, we will see a list of all packages available in the system. Here are the names with codes, version, if any, target applications and installation dates. You can delete an update by clicking on the PCM and selecting the appropriate (only) item in the menu.

    View and delete update packages in the classic Windows 10 control panel

For more information, please contact PowerShell. This reception is mainly used for "Calod" errors when updating.

  1. Run "PowerShell" on behalf of the administrator. To do this, press the PCM on the "Start" button and select the desired item in the context menu or, subject to the absence of that, we use the search.

    Run PowerShell on behalf of the administrator in Windows 10

  2. In the window that opens, execute the command


    Command executing to get update log in PowerShell in Windows 10

    It converts log files to the readable text format by creating a file with the name "windowsupdate.log" on the desktop, which can be opened in the usual notebook.

    Text document in Windows 10 update log

"Simply Mortal" read this file will be very hard, but the Microsoft website has an article that gives some idea that contains the lines of the document.

Go to Microsoft

With regard to home PC, this information can be used to identify errors at all stages of the operation.

Detecting errors in update operations in the Windows 10 Magazine Test File


As you can see, you can view Windows 10 update log in several ways. The system gives us enough tools for information. The classic "control panel" and the section in "parameters" are convenient to use on the home computer, and the "command line" and "PowerShell" can be used to administer the machines on the local network.

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