How to install Ubuntu Application Center


How to install Ubuntu Application Center

Programs and additional components in the Ubuntu operating system can be installed not only through the "Terminal" by entering commands, but also through the classic graphical solution - "Application Manager". Such a tool seems convenient for some users, especially those who have never dealt with the console and experience difficulties with all these sets of incomprehensible text. By default, the "Application Manager" is built into the OS, however, due to certain actions of the user or failures, it may disappear and then re-install is required. Let's consider this process in detail and we will analyze common errors.

Install Application Manager in Ubuntu

As we have already written above, the "Application Manager" is available in the Ubuntu standard assembly and does not require additional installation. Therefore, before starting the procedure, make sure that the program is definitely absent. To do this, go to the menu, try to search and detect the necessary tool. If the attempt was vain, pay attention to the following instructions.

Find application manager through the menu in Ubuntu

We will use the standard console, giving detailed information about each command you need:

  1. Open the menu and run the "Terminal", it can also be done through the hot key Ctrl + Alt + T.
  2. Open terminal through the menu in Ubuntu

  3. Insert the SUDO APT-GET Install Software-Center command in the input field, and then click on ENTER.
  4. Team to install application manager in Ubuntu

  5. Specify the password from your account. Note that the written characters will not be visible.
  6. Enter password to confirm the action in the Ubuntu console

  7. If after installation the tool works with failures or it has not been established in view of the presence of the same libraries, draw a reinstall by entering the sudo apt --reinstall install software-center.

    Reinstall application manager through the terminal in Ubuntu

    In addition, you can try to enter the commands alternately indicated below in case of problems with this.

    Sudo Apt Purge Software-Center

    RM -RF ~ / .Cache / Software-Center

    RM -RF ~ / .config / Software-Center

    RM -RF ~ / .Cache / Update-Manager-Core

    Sudo Apt Update.

    Sudo Apt Dist-Upgrade

    Sudo APT Install Software-Center Ubuntu-Desktop

    Sudo Dpkg-Reconfigure Software-Center --Force

    Sudo Update-Software-Center

  8. If the performance of the "Application Manager" does not suit you, delete it with the Sudo APT Remove Software-Center command and re-install.
  9. Deleting application manager through the terminal in Ubuntu

Finally, we can recommend using the RM command ~ / .Cache / Software-Center -R, and then Unity --replace & to clean the application manager cache - it should help get rid of various kinds of errors.

Clearing Kesha Application Manager in Ubuntu

As you can see, nothing complicated in the installation of the tool under consideration, only sometimes there are difficulties with its performance, which are solved by the instructions given above literally in a couple of minutes.

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