How to make a repost in Facebook


How to make a repost in Facebook

Facebook Social Network, like many other Web sites, allows any user to make repost of records of various types, publishing them with an original source. To do this, it is enough to use the built-in features. In the course of this article we will tell about this on the example of a website and a mobile application.

Repost entries on Facebook

In the social network under consideration there is only one way to share the records regardless of their type and content. This is equal to the community and on the personal page. At the same time, posts can be published in different places, whether it is their own news feed or dialogue. However, it is worth remembering that even this functional has a number of restrictions.

Option 1: Website

In order to make a repost in the full version of the site, you must first find the desired entry and decide where you want to send it. Deciding with this aspect, you can proceed to the creation of the repost. At the same time, keep in mind that not all posts are copied. For example, records created in closed communities can only be published in private messages.

  1. Open the Facebook site and go to the post you want to copy. We will take the record open in full screen viewing mode and published initially in an open thematic community.
  2. Go to write on Facebook

  3. Under the post or on the right of the image, click on the "Share" link. It also displays the statistics of shared users in which you will be taken into account after creating a repost.
  4. Go to sending an entry on Facebook

  5. At the top of the window that opens, click on the "Share in Your Chronicles" link and select the option that suits you. As mentioned, some places can be blocked due to privacy features.
  6. Choosing a Place Publish Publication on Facebook

  7. If possible, you are also invited to configure recording privacy using the "Friends" drop-down list and add your own content to the existing one. In this case, any added data will be posted above the original entry.
  8. Record settings before the reposit on Facebook

  9. After completing the editing, click the "Publish" button to make the repost.

    Publication of repost on Facebook

    Subsequently, the post will appear in a predetermined place. For example, by us the entry was published in the chronicle.

  10. Successfully published repost on Facebook

Consider, after the proceeds made, individual post information is not saved, be it likes or comments. Therefore, the reposts are relevant only to maintain any information personally or for friends.

Option 2: Mobile application

The procedure for creating a repost of entries in the official mobile application Facebook is practically no different from the web version of the site, except for the interface. Despite this, we still show how to copy the post on the smartphone. In addition, judging by the statistics, the overwhelming majority of users uses the mobile application.

  1. Regardless of the platform by opening the Facebook application, go to the record, the repost of which needs to be done. As with the website, it can be almost any post.

    Go to write in the group in the Facebook application

    If you need to make a repost of the entire record, including images and attached text, further actions must be performed without using the full screen viewing mode. Otherwise, expand the recording on the entire screen by clicking on any area.

  2. View full screen in Facebook

  3. Further regardless of the option, click on the Share button. In all cases, it is placed at the bottom of the screen on the right side.
  4. Go to the entry to the entry in the Facebook application

  5. Immediately after that, a window will appear at the bottom of the screen, where it is proposed to choose the post of publication of the post by clicking Facebook.

    Record Record Settings in Facebook

    Or you can configure privacy parameters, tapping "only I".

  6. Reost privacy settings in Facebook

  7. It is possible to restrict ourselves to the "Send in Message" or "Copy link" to publish the post independently. After completing the preparation, click "Share Now", and the repost will be executed.
  8. First Repost Option in Facebook

  9. However, you can also click on the two arrockets icon in the upper right corner, thereby opening the formation of the repost, similar to the Website used.
  10. The second option of the repost in the Facebook application

  11. Add additional information if necessary, and change the place of publication using the drop-down list from above.
  12. Preparing to write to the reposity in the Facebook application

  13. To complete, click the "Publish" button on the same top panel. After that, the repost will be shipped.

    Repost entry in the Facebook application

    You can find a post in the future in your own chronicle on a separate tab.

  14. Successful repost entry in Facebook

We hope, we managed to answer the questioned question, by configuring and configuring the recording.

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