Not visible network printer in Windows 10


Not visible network printer in Windows 10

The ability to work with network printers is present in all versions of Windows, starting with XP. From time to time, this useful function fails: a network printer ceases to be detected by the computer. Today we want to tell you about the methods of eliminating this problem in Windows 10.

Turn on network printer recognition

The reasons for the described problem exists a lot - the source can be drivers, various trimming of the main and target systems or some network components disconnected in Windows 10 by default. Let's break in more detail.

Method 1: General Access Setting

Most often, the source of the problem is incorrectly configured sharing. The procedure for windows 10 is not too different from that in older systems, but has its own nuances.


Read more: General access setting in Windows 10

Method 2: Configure Firewall

If the general access settings in the system are correct, but the problems with the network printer recognition are still observed, the reason may be conclusted in the firewall settings. The fact is that in Windows 10, this security element works quite rigidly, and in addition to enhanced security, it also leads to negative consequences.


Lesson: Configuring Windows 10 firewall

Another nuance, which relates to the "dozens" version 1709 - due to the system error, the computer with the volume of RAM 4 GB and less does not recognize the network printer. The best solution in such a situation will be updated to the current version, but if this option is not available, you can use the "command line".

  1. Open the "Command Line" with administrator rights.

    Open the command Storok on behalf of the administrator to solve problems with the network printer in Windows 10

    Read more: How to run "Command Line" from the administrator in Windows 10

  2. Enter the operator below, then use the Enter key:


  3. Enter the problem solving problems with a network printer in Windows 10 1709

  4. Restart your computer for making changes.

Entering the command described above will allow the system to correctly define a network printer and take it to work.

Method 3: Installing the correct bit drivers

A rather non-obvious source of failure will be the inconsistency of the driver's trimming, if the shared ("shared") network printer is used on computers with windows of different bitness: for example, the main machine runs under dozens of 64-bit, and another PC is under the "seven" 32- bit. The solution to this problem will be installed on both system drivers of both digits: on x64 install 32-bit software, and 64-bit 32-bit system.


Lesson: Installing Printer Drivers

Method 4: Error removal 0x80070035

Often, the problem with the recognition of the printer connected over the network is accompanied by notification with the text "Not found network path" . The error is quite complicated, and the solution has a complex: includes the SMB protocol settings, the provision of sharing and turn off IPv6.


Lesson: Eliminate the error 0x80070035 in Windows 10

Method 5: Troubleshooting Active Directory Services

The unavailability of the network printer is often accompanied with errors in the operation of Active Directory, the system snap to work with shared access. The reason in this case lies in the AD, and not in the printer, and it needs to be corrected from the side of the specified component.


Read more: Solving a problem with the work of Active Directory in Windows

Method 6: Reinstall the printer

The methods described above may not work. In this case, it is necessary to move to a radical solution to the problem - reinstall the printer and configuring the connection to it from other machines.


Read more: Installing the printer in Windows 10


Network printer in Windows 10 may not be available for a number of reasons arising from both the system and the device itself. Most of the problems are purely software and eliminated by the user itself or system administrator organization.

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