How to change mail in the style


How to change mail in steam

Many users are worried about the safety of their account in Steam, since the situations of their stealing are frequent. Without relevant e-mail, it will be more difficult to prove their own account account, besides, there are constantly reminders of the sale of games, information about the purchase of goods, suspicious activity and other important data. In this regard, it is important to keep the profile binding not only to the working mobile number, but also email. In this article, we will tell you how to change the address of the mail depending on which personal data you have access.

Postbox Change in Steam

In addition to the above, you can restore access to your account using an email address, reset the password. Steam itself regularly checks the availability of email with the corresponding green wrench asking you to confirm access to Email by sending the check code on it. If you change your main postal address or you can not access, it is desirable to translate the play service account to that box, the input where you can make without problems.

  1. Enter the entry to the game client and through the "Steam" section from the top to "Settings".
  2. Go to Steam Settings

  3. In the "Account" block, click on the "Change Contact Email Contact Address" button. mail ... ".

    Button to go to Steam electronic box shift window

    Now actions will be varied depending on what you have access to the current moment.

    • "Enter the code from the Steam Guard mobile authenticator" - if you have a mobile client, select this item.
    • "I no longer have access to the mobile authenticator" - when for some reason it is not possible to get the code, select this item. Steam will offer alternative ways to confirm the authenticity of the individual.
    • Options for resetting a tied email through Steam Guard

    • With a fully working authenticator, you will receive the code on your mobile device.

      Steam Guard confirmation code

      Entering it, you can immediately move to step 6 of our article.

      Please enter confirmation code from Steam Guard

    • In the absence of access to Steam Guard, you will be prompted to enter a password from the account. If you remember - specify. It will also redirect you to step 6 of this article. If there is no access, click on the link "I do not remember my password."
    • Password entry to confirm authentication when resetting Steam email

    • "Send a message with a confirmation code to a number ending on ..." - After successfully entering the password, the Steam will offer to reset the email by sending the SMS to the phone number attached to the account. You will need to wait for SMS, enter the resulting characters and bind a new mail.
    • "I no longer have access to this phone number." Use this option as a last resort - without mobile confirmation, you will have to make and send an application for a change of email to technical support.

    Options for resetting a tied email through the tied phone number Steam

    When selecting the second item, it will be proposed to fill the handling form, as much as possible and correctly specifying all the requested information. After that, it remains only to wait for the application of the application. The answer will come to a new email that you specify as a contact. With a successful dislocation from the old Email, the specified box in circulation will be automatically tied to the account.

    Appeal for authentication and reset Email Steam

  4. When you revealed to the mail with the change of mail, it will remain to enter the address you want to tie to the account, and click "Change email. mail. "

    Entering a new email to bind Steam

  5. It will be sent a confirmation code. Go to the box, find a letter from Steam and insert the characters sent in it to the appropriate field.

    Code from the email change Steam

  6. When the procedure is completed, you will see a new email address in the settings window.
  7. Changed Steam Mailbox

We reviewed the shift process of e-mail in Steam. This option may not help if the account was hacked. In this situation, you need to refer to other ways to restore it.

READ ALSO: Hacked Steam Account. What to do?

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