How to restart the phone


How to restart the phone

No matter how well the operating system was optimized on a mobile device, be it Android or iOS, from time to time there may be various errors and malfunctions. Unfortunately users, it happens even on flagship and really productive devices, what can we talk about the representatives of the budget and middle segment? Fortunately, if the problem is not serious and occurs only one thing, it is most often eliminated by a banal reboot. About how to perform this procedure, let's tell later.

Restart Mobile Device

Despite the abundance and variety (both external and functional) mobile devices with Android OS on board, a reboot on any of them is being performed equally - for this, a physical button is used, the location of which on the housing may differ. It is similar to the situation in the "apple" camp to which the iPhone and iPad belongs is true, the option of rebooting in its usual understanding there is not available by default. Consider briefly all possible nuances solve the problem voiced in the title of our today's article.


In order to restart a smartphone or a tablet running a "green robot", you must use only one button that is responsible for its turning on and off, as well as for blocking the screen, which is located on the left or right side face, and sometimes on top ( Depends on the manufacturer and model). Quite literally for a second (in rare cases a little longer) to detain this button on any of the screens, and then select the corresponding item in the power pop-up menu that appears - "restart" (or "restart", "restart" - depends on the device and version of the mobile OS ). More than simple, but not deprived of important nuances, the procedure is considered in a separate material, the reference to which is given below, under the note.

How to restart the phone with Andrrid operating system

Note: If you hold and hold for a few seconds (from 5 to 10) button Turn on / off Mobile device, you can restart it forcibly, without the appearance of the pop-up menu and selecting the corresponding item in it. This method can be useful in the case when the phone is dependent and does not respond to any action. On some devices, for example, Samsung smartphones produced, it may be necessary to hold Power button Together with the button Volume Reduction And hold them up to 10 seconds until the system is restarted.

How to restart Samsung smartphone on Android

Read more:

How to restart the phone on Android

How to restart the smartphone samsung


As already mentioned in the entry, the usual reboot, which is available for devices with Android, is missing on the iPhone, as is missing on it and the power menu with a choice of possible actions. IOS developers offer their users to turn off the phone (works with tablets), and then turn it on again, for which it is enough to hold the power button for a couple of seconds, and then perform the swipe on the screen from left to right, along the inscription "Turn off" (Image under No. 1 Screenshot below). After that, it remains only to turn on the device.

How to restart Apple iPhone

And yet, on the "apple" devices there is an additional opportunity - a forced reboot of the operating system. So, on the iPhone, up to the 6S model, in which the "Home" button was still mechanical, it is necessary to simultaneously clamp it and the on / off button simultaneously. On the "seven" and newer models, devoid of "mechanics", first need to press the power button for 1-2 seconds, and then, without releasing it, decrease the volume. In both cases, the reboot will occur immediately after you release these buttons (2). You can find out how to restart iPhone X (3) and newer models, as well as about some other nuances of this procedure (for example, the possibility of restarting the system with the help of the PC and ITOOLS program), you can separately on our website.

Restart iPhone through itools

Read more: How to restart the iPhone


Now, if your phone with Android or Apple iPhone hung, you will definitely restart it using the buttons on the housing or alternative methods specifically for these purposes.

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