How to create a site on Google Sites


The site is a platform on which you can post information for various properties, express your thoughts and convey them to your audience. There are quite a few tools to create resources in the network, and we will consider one of them today - Google Sites.

Website creation on Google Sites

Google provides us with the opportunity to create an unlimited number of sites on the platform of your Google DRIVE cloud disk. Formally, such a resource is a regular document to be edited, such as a form or table.

Document containing a site on Google Drive


Let's start with the appearance of our new site by setting the icon for the tab by adding the logo by editing the upper footer (header) and other elements.


Speaking about the icon, we mean an icon that is shown on the browser tab when opening a resource (Favicon).

Site icon on the browser tab

  1. Press the button with three points at the top of the interface and select the "Add site icon" item.

    Transition to add site icon on Google Sites

  2. Further two options are possible: loading the picture from a computer or choosing it to google disk.

    Go to the selection of the site icon on a computer or Google Drive

    In the first case ("Download"), the "Explorer" of Windows will open, in which we find the image and click "Open".

    Load site icon from computer on Google Sites

    When you click on the "Select" link, a window with an insertion options will open. Here you can enter the URL pictures on a third-party resource, search for Google or your albums, and add an icon with Google Disk.

    Insert Options Pictures for website icons on Google Sites

    Choose the last option. Next, click on the image and click "Select".

    Image selection for website icons on Google Sites

  3. Close the pop-up window.

    Closing the pop-up window to download the picture on Google Sites

  4. In order for the icon to apply, publish the site.

    Publication of the site for applying icons on Google Sites

  5. Invent the URL.

    Assigning a URL to a new site on Google Sites

  6. Check the result by opening a published resource.

    Opening a published site on Google Sites

  7. Ready, the icon is displayed on the browser tab.

    Displaying the site icon on the browser tab in Google Sites


The name is the name of the site. In addition, it is assigned to the document on the disk.

  1. We put the cursor in the field with the inscription "Untitled".

    Transition to the change of site name on Google Sites

  2. We write the desired name.

    Changing the site name on Google Sites

Changes will be applied automatically as the cursor will be removed from the field.


The title of the page is prescribed in the top of the cap and directly based on it.

  1. We put the cursor in the field and indicate that the page is the main one.

    Changing the title of the page on Google Sites

  2. Click on big letters in the center and write "Home" again.

    Changing the header of the page on Google Sites

  3. In the menu above, you can select the font size, determine the alignment, "attach" the link or remove this text block by clicking on the icon with a basket.

    Setting up a page title text block on Google Sites


The logo is a picture that is displayed on all pages of the site.

  1. We bring the cursor to the top of the header and click "Add Logo".

    Go to adding a site logo on Google Sites

  2. The selection of the image is carried out in the same way as in the case of the icon (see above).
  3. After adding, you can choose the color of the background and the common theme, which is automatically determined based on the color scheme of the logo.

    The choice of background for the logo and the overall color scheme on Google Sites

Wallpaper for the header

The main image of the header is changed by the same algorithm: "Guide" to the base, choose the option of adding, insert.

Changing the image caps for the site on Google Sites

Type of header

The title of the page exists their settings.

Transition to a change in the type of site header on Google Sites

By default, the "Banner" value is set, the "Cover", "Big Banner" and "Title Only" is presented to the choice. They differ in the sizes of the header, and the last option implies the display of only text.

Change site header type on Google Sites

Removing elements

How to remove text from the header, we have already written above. In addition, you can also delete and run entirely, hovering on it mouse and clicking on the basket icon on the left.

Removing the top footer on Google Sites

Nutter footer (basement)

If you bring the cursor to the bottom of the page, the add button will appear.

Transition to adding the footer of the site on Google Sites

Here you can add text and configure it using the menu.

Adding the text of the footer of the site on Google Sites


This is another personalization tool that defines the total color scheme and font style. Here you can choose from several predefined options that have their own settings.

Application for the site on Google Sites

Insert arbitrary blocks

You can add four types of arbitrary elements to the page. This is a text field, an image, a URL or HTML code, as well as almost any object located on your Google Drive.


By analogy with the title, this item is a text box from the settings menu. It is located on the page automatically after clicking on the corresponding button.

Inserting a text field on the site page in Google Sites


This button opens the context menu with the options for loading the picture.

Go to insert images on the site page in Google Sites

After the method is selected (see above), the item will be located on the page. There is also a settings block for it - cropping, adding reference, signature and alternative text.

Insert images on the site page in Google Sites


This feature implies embedding to the frames page from other sites or HTML-code banners, widgets and other elements.

Go to embedding elements and code into the site page on Google Sites

The first opportunity (frames) is limited only by sites running on HTTP (without registry "S"). Since today most resources have SSL certificates, the usefulness of the function is raised under the big question.

Embedding Frame from another site on Google Sites

HTML embedding is as follows:

  1. Go to the appropriate tab and insert the scope of the widget or banner. Click "Next".

    Insertion of the widget in the input field on Google Sites

  2. In the pop-up window, the desired element (preview) should appear. If there is nothing, look for errors in the code. Click "Paste".

    Inserting a widget from another resource to the site page in Google Sites

  3. The added element has only one setting (except deletion) - editing HTML (or script).

    Changing the built-in element page in Google Sites

Object on disk

Under the objects implies almost any files located on Google Drive. These are videos, pictures, as well as any google documents - forms, tables, and so on. You can also place a whole folder, but it will be opened in a separate window by reference.

Go to insert an object with Google Drive to the site page in Google Sites

  1. After pressing the button, select the object and click "Insert".

    Inserting an object with Google Drive on the site page in Google Sites

  2. These blocks do not have no settings, you can only open an item in a new tab for viewing.

    Opening an object for viewing in a new tab in Google Sites

Inserting pre-installed blocks

The menu contains both blocks allowing the content of a certain type. For example, cards, the same forms, tables and presentations, as well as buttons and dividers.

Insert the preset blocks on the site page in Google Sites

There are quite a lot of options, so we will not paint in detail each of them. Settings at blocks are simple and intuitive.

Work with blocks

As you might notice, each unit is accommodated under the previous one, in the new section. It can be fixed. Any element on the page is subject to scaling and moving.


If you click on the block (for example, textual), markers will appear on it, pulling for which you can change its size. For the convenience of alignment during this operation, auxiliary grid appears.

Scaling up the site text block on Google Sites

In some blocks there is a third marker, which allows you to change its height.

Marker to change the height of the site content block on Google Sites


The dedicated element can be moved both inside its partition and drag into the neighboring (upper or lower). Mandatory condition is the presence of space free from other blocks.

Dragging an item to the next section of the site on Google Sites

Working with sections

Sections in which blocks are placed, can be copied, deleted completely with all content, as well as customize background. This menu appears when hovering the cursor.

Setting the site sections on Google Sites


This very convenient feature allows you to place the sections collected from different blocks. In order for the items to appear on the site, you need to select one of the options presented and drag it to the page.

Placing the layout collected from the blocks on the site page in Google Sites

Blocks with pluses are places for images, video, cards or objects from the disk.

Adding objects to the site layout on Google Sites

Text fields are edited in the usual way.

Editing text in the site layout on Google Sites

All blocks are subject to scaling and moving. It can be changed both separate items and groups (header + text + picture).

Changing site layout elements on Google Sites

Work with pages

Page manipulations are made on the corresponding menu tab. As we see, here is only one element. On him we worked now.

Go to work with site pages on Google Sites

The pages located in this section will be displayed in the upper menu of the site. We rename the element in the "Home", twice by clicking on it.

Rename Site Pages on Google Sites

Create a copy by clicking on the button with points and selecting the appropriate item.

Creating a copy of the site page on Google Sites

Let's give a copy of the name

Renaming a copy of the site page on Google Sites

Automatically all created pages will appear in the menu.

The appearance of the created pages in the site menu on Google Sites

If we add to the subpine, it will look like this:

Displaying sub-folders of the site in the menu on Google Sites


Some settings can be made by going to the "Parameters" item in the menu.

Go to the Site Page Settings on Google Sites

In addition to changing the name, it is possible to set the path for the page, or rather, the final part of its URL.

Setting up the path for the site page on Google Sites

At the bottom of this section, a plus button is located, by visoring the cursor on which you can create an empty page or add an arbitrary link to any resource on the Internet.

Adding empty pages and arbitrary links to the site in Google Sites

View and publication

At the top of the constructor interface there is a "View" button by clicking on which you can check how the site will look like on different devices.

Go to viewing site on different devices in Google Sites

Switching between devices is carried out with the buttons indicated in the screenshot. The following options are presented to the choice: desktop and tablet computer, telephone.

View site on different devices in Google Sites

Publishing (Saving a Document) is made by the "Publish" button, and opening the site - click on the relevant item of the context menu.

Publication and opening of the site on Google Sites

After executing all actions, you can copy the link to the finished resource and transfer it to other users.

Copy Link to Published Site in Google Sites


Today we have learned to use the Google Sites tool. It allows you to place any content in the network in the shortest possible time and to provide access to the audience. Of course, it cannot be compared with the popular content management systems (CMS), but you can create a simple site with the necessary elements with its help. The main advantages of such resources are the guarantee of the lack of access problems and free, if, of course, you do not buy an additional place on Google Drive.

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