How to use Audacity


How to use Audacity

Audacity is one of the most common audio detectors that is popular due to the fact that it is free. Here you can handle the musical composition as you want. It is quite simple and understandable due to the friendly interface and Russian localization. But still users who have never had the case before, problems may arise. The program has a multitude of useful features, and we will try to tell you how to use them. We have selected the most popular questions that arise from users during work, and have tried the most accessible and answer them in detail.

Pruning songs

As in any audio editor, Audasiti has "Trim" and "Cut" tools. The difference is that by clicking on the "Trim" button, you remove everything except the dedicated fragment. Well, the "Cut" tool will already delete the selected fragment. Audacity allows not only to cut one song, but also add fragments from another composition to it. So you can create ringtones on your phone or do cutting for speeches.

Audacity Crimping

For details on how to cut a song, cut a fragment from it or insert a new one, as well as to glue a few songs in one, read in the next article.

Read more: How to trim record with Audacity

Voice overlay

In Audacity, you can easily apply one entry to another. For example, if you want to record a song at home, you need to separately record voice and separately - music. Then open both audio files in the editor and listen.

Audacity imposing records

If the result made you, keep the composition in any popular format. It reminds work with layers in Photoshop. Otherwise, increase and reduce the volume, shift the records relative to each other, insert empty fragments or shorten the dragging pause. In general, do everything that the quality composition came out.

Noise removal

If you recorded a song, noise on the background, remove them with the editor. To do this, it is necessary to highlight the noise plot on the record and create a noise model. Then you can select all the audio recording and remove noises.

Audacity Noise Suppression

Before you save the result, listen to the audio recording, and if something does not suit you - adjust the noise suppression parameters. You can repeat the operation of the noise suppression several times, but in this case it is possible that the composition itself will suffer. Look in this lesson:

Read more: How to remove noise in Audacity

Preservation of a song in mp3

Since the standard Audacity does not support MP3 format, many users have questions about this. In fact, MP3 can be added to the editor by setting an additional LAME library. It is downloaded using the program itself or manually, which is much easier. By downloading the library, you will only have to specify the path to the editor to it. Having done these simple manipulations, it will be affordable to save all editable songs in MP3 format. For more information, see the link below.

Audacity Libraries

Read more: Like in Audacity to save songs in mp3

Sound recording

Thanks to this audio device, you do not need to use a voice recorder: You can write all the necessary sounds right here. To do this, you only need to connect the microphone and click on the recording button.

Audacity Record

Read more: How to write a sound from a computer program Audacity

We hope, after reading our article, you were able to figure out how to use Audeciti, and received answers to all the questions.

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