After updating the drivers gave the sound


After updating the drivers gave the sound

Updating software is a very responsible operation with your own nuances and "pitfalls". Often, after it, various problems arise with the performance of devices and the control of the control software. In this article we will analyze the reasons for the lack of sound on the PC after reinstalling or updating the drivers.

Disappeared after updating

The reasons that cause audio disabling when installing software, several. First of all, this is the possible driver incompatibility with the sound device that is installed on the computer, or its complete absence. The operation of the audio may affect the installation procedure itself, as well as some external factors.

Cause 1: incompatibility or lack of drivers

To begin, determine which audio device displays the sound on your PC. This refers to a sound card that can be built into the motherboard or represent a separate device.

Discrete sound card

See also: How to choose a sound card

Most of the manufacturers of modern "motherboards" use Realtek chips in their products. Drivers for them can be installed directly from Windows Update servers, which makes it possible to execute the update procedure directly from the Device Manager. If it is decided to make everything manually, before downloading you need to make sure that the package is intended for your series of chip and version of the operating system.

Selecting the version of the operating system before downloading the driver from the official website of Realtek

Read more: Download and install audio drivers for Realtek

Discrete sound adapters require specially designed software, which can be found on official sites. If you updated the driver for the built-in card, and the speakers or headphones are connected to the external, the logical result will be the absence of a signal. The solution to the problem will be visited by the manufacturer's resource, download and install the required package. There are such files usually in the "Service", "Support", "download" or "drivers" sections.

Cause 2: Reset Settings and Disable Service

This reason lies in the features of the installation procedure. Most often after starting the installer, the first thing is deleted by the previous driver with the preset audio service to unlock files. A new software can be subsequently running with a reset of custom settings, and the service will remain off.

Solution Options:

  • Take a look at the speaker icon in the notification area. If it has a red icon, perhaps problems with the appropriate service. It must be launched or restarting with a PC restart. There are other ways to correct the situation.

    Correction of the Audio Service Error in Windows 10

    Read more:

    Error "Audio Service Not Run" in Windows 10

    How to run the audio service in windows 7

  • Check Sound Sound Settings. Especially close attention should be paid to devices by default.

    Setting the default sound devices in Windows 10

    Read more: How to configure sound on a computer with Windows 10, Windows 7

Cause 3: Incorrect driver installation

Errors and malfunctions When installing drivers - the phenomenon is not at all rare. There are situations where failures occur without any external manifestations, such as dialog boxes or messages. If the manipulation with the service and settings did not give the result, it is worth thinking about the "rollback" of the system and re-installing software. It is better to replace the package, that is, download it from another resource or use the system tools.

Rollback of Windows 10 to the recovery point by standard means

Read more:

How to restore Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP

Installing Drivers Standard Windows

Cause 4: Viruses and Antiviruses

Let's start with antivirus programs. Such a software can block the installation of drivers or the work of individual components. Problems most often occur when using packages loaded from third-party resources. The official software for discrete sound cards can also cause this reaction. Options for solutions Here are three: on the time of installation, turn off the antivirus or deposit software (for discrete cards) to exceptions, as well as use another distribution.

Disable antivirus protection

Read more:

How to turn off antivirus

Adding a program to exclude antivirus

Viruses, like programs designed with them, are able to block and install the drivers, and their subsequent work. The suspicion of infection should arise after all the means of correction did not bring fruits. In this case, it is necessary to check the PC for the presence of pests and get rid of them in one of the ways given in the article below.

Check computer program Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Cause 5: physical malfunction

"Iron" has one unpleasant feature: it often fails without warning. Perhaps this is your case, and it is during the process of updating the driver sound card "ordered long live." This could happen with the withdrawal device - speakers or headphones. To solve the problem, it is necessary to check the performance of all components. You can do this by connecting the columns (or headphones) to another PC or if the suspicion falls on the discrete map, to the built-in "sound". This approach will determine which equipment caused the absence of a signal. Then follows the trip to the service or the store.


We disassemble the most common trouble troubleshooting options after updating drivers. Solutions are mostly simple, but it is often necessary to tinker to identify the true cause. If there is no desire to spend time on this process, you can resort to a rollback system (third paragraph) and leave the previous version of the software. In this approach, there is also a reson if obsolete equipment is used, the available versions of the "firewood" of which can conflict in your OS.

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