How to crop photos in Photoshop


How to crop photos in Photoshop

Very often, when processing photos you want to trim them, as there is a need to give them a certain size, due to various requirements (websites or documents). In this article, let's talk about how to crop photos on a path in Photoshop.

cropping images

Cropping lets you focus on the essentials, cutting unnecessary. This is useful when preparing for printing, publication, or for your own satisfaction.

Method 1: Simple cropping

If you need to cut out some of the photos, without taking into account format will help you crop in Photoshop. Select a photo to open it in the editor. In the toolbar, select the "Box"

Cropped photo in Photoshop

  1. Highlight the part you want to leave. You will see your designated area, and the edges are dimmed (dimming level can be changed in the tool options panel).

    Cropped photo in Photoshop

  2. To complete the crop, press ENTER.

Method 2: Trimming under predetermined size

This technique is useful when you need to crop the photo in Photoshop CS6 under a certain size (for example, to upload to sites with limited size photo or print). Pruning is done in the same way as in the previous case, the instrument "framework". The procedure remains the same until the selection for you. In the options bar at the drop-down list, select "Image" and specify the desired size in a number of fields.

Cropped photo in Photoshop

Next, you select the desired area and are adjusting its location and size as well as in the simple cutting, will specify at the same aspect ratio.

In preparation for printing photos, you should keep in mind that requires not only a certain amount of pictures, but its resolution (number of pixels per unit area). Typically, this is 300 dpi, ie, 300 dpi. Set resolution is possible in the same panel properties tool for image cropping.

Setting image resolution with the tool frame in Photoshop

Method 3: Treatment proportionate

Often the need to crop the image in Photoshop, retaining certain proportion (in the passport photo, for example, should be 3x4), and the size is not critical. This operation, unlike the others, is done with a tool "rectangular area".

Cropped photo in Photoshop

  1. The instrument panel of properties must be set to "predetermined proportion" in the field "Style". You will see the field "width" and "height", which will need to fill in the desired ratio.

    Cropped photo in Photoshop

  2. Then manually allocate the necessary part of the picture, the aspect ratio will be maintained.

    Cropped photo in Photoshop

  3. When the required selection is created, in the menu, select "Image" Point "PRAINING".

    Cut the photo in photoshop

Method 4: trimming with a rotation of the image

Sometimes you still need to turn the photo, and this can be done faster and more convenient than in two independent actions. "Frame" allows you to make it in one movement: highlighting the desired area, move the cursor for it, after which it will turn into a curved arrow. Pulling it, rotate the image as it should. You can still adjust the size of the crop. Complete the cropping process by pressing ENTER.

Cut the photo in photoshop

Thus, we learned to trim the photos in photoshop by cadry.

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