How to disassemble a flash drive


How to disassemble a flash drive

USB flash drive is one of the most portable removable storage and information transfer devices. Now almost every user has one or more such drives. Their design is implemented in such a way that the connector is attached to the board and it is placed in a special case protecting all internal elements from physical effects, temperature drops and lights. Sometimes it is necessary to disassemble a flash drive to replace any part or transfer it to another case. With the execution of this task, even a beginner user will cope.

We disassemble a USB flash drive

As you know, the types of flash drives there are several, and not all of them are collapsible. In addition, each manufacturer of buildings creates them according to special technology, applying various methods of bonding components. Therefore, there is no one universal instruction that allows you to quickly disassemble the device: here you need to repel from the drive existing on the hands.

File with cast case

Let's start with the most difficult models. The cast body implies that it is not intended to be parsing, consists of a solid block that is attached to a small metal or plastic element on the flash drive board.

Exterior view of the flash drive with cast design

If you disassemble such a device, then it is no longer connected without using glue, and the fastening element itself needs to be bait only to break the drive into another box. To pars, it is required to take a thin sharp object, such as a knife, and insert it into the joint of two elements. Gradually, it is necessary to go through the entire perimeter of the connection, carefully uploading it. After that, the housing itself will be disconnected or will need to help with his hands.

Flash drive with retainer

The simplest models have a housing with a retainer, which allows you to remove the protective element without sweater, simply pulling it in the opposite direction from the retainer itself. Most often, this design is observed from Transcend, and find another suitable block for such a retainer will not be difficult. Disassembled details the analysis of such models does not make sense, as you already know how to do it quickly.

Disassembly flash drives with a special retainer

Flash drive with prefabricated design

There are types of enclosures that consist of three or more details interconnected by latches or simply kept under the power of their own pressure. Such a drive should be disassembled in the correct order in order not to damage each component and implement the entire procedure in a couple of minutes:

  1. Take the USB flash drive and read it to understand which item is required first. For example, the drive examined below has a ring that will not allow removing the rear lock, so I get it first.
  2. Overview of flash drive with collapsible design

  3. Next, we take for the retainer itself. If it sits tightly or even attached with glue to the main body, it will be necessary to pose it with a knife.
  4. Ring removal from flash drive with collapsible design

  5. Post down this item aside not to lose.
  6. Removing the retainer from a flash drive with a collapsible design

  7. Now the main design can easily be divided across the floor.
  8. Get accessing card on a flash drive with collapsible design

  9. It will only be possible to get a fee, and this operation is completed.
  10. Completion of flash drive disassembly with collapsible design

  11. Place the fee in another case or carry out repair work.
  12. Type of flash drive board with collapsible design

Above, we have acquainted you with the analysis of the three types of USB flash drives, which differ in the structure of the housing. In case of difficulty when disassembling, please contact the service center, where the wizards use special tools to not damage the board itself.

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