How to split the flash drive to sections


How to split the flash drive to sections

Initially, the entire space on a USB flash drive is represented as a single partition, and when formatting or working in the disk management menu, there is no possibility to create an additional volume. However, some users have such a need to ensure that it is required to place the files of certain formats in different sections. Then the third-party software or standard tool of Windows 10 will come to the rescue, which has become available with the output of the Creators Update update.

Create partitions on the flash drive

Before starting the operation, we recommend creating copies of all files that are on the drive, since further formatting and further distribution to the sections will be performed. If suddenly something goes wrong, you will have to restore the flash drive, erasing all the information from it. After preparing a backup, proceed to familiarize yourself with the following methods.

Immediately, we want to note that in Windows 7 there may be problems with displaying partitions created in this way, however, in BIOS and other programs they will be visible. Therefore, with the premises of the boot partition in place, no difficulties will arise.

Method 1: Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition

Aomei Partition Assistant is one of the most popular third-party solutions to work with hard disk sections and connected to a computer storage. Its functionality includes many useful tools and opportunities, but today we will only touch on the interaction with Tom. All the necessary tools are available in the free version of Standard Edition.

  1. Download and install the mentioned program on the PC. Mark the Flashplay section and select the "Size" operation.
  2. Transition to the creation of free space on a flash drive in Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition

  3. Highlight a free space for a new volume, and then click on "OK".
  4. Selection of not distributed space on a flash drive in Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition

  5. You will need to apply the parameters by pressing the corresponding button.
  6. Apply Space Change Settings in Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition

  7. Check out the information about the deferred operation, and then apply it.
  8. Confirmation of settings of free space changes in Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition

  9. Expect the process completion.
  10. The process of applying the settings of free space changes in Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition

  11. After that, highlight the free area and proceed to creating a new partition.
  12. Transition to the creation of a new section in Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition

  13. Be sure to select a file system that corresponds to the FS of the previously created volume.
  14. Selecting a File System for Section in Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition

  15. Apply Changes.
  16. Apply Settings for creating a new flash drive section in Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition

  17. Run the deferred operation.
  18. Confirm the process of applying the settings for creating a flash drive volume in Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition

  19. Wait until the new volume is created.
  20. The process of applying settings for creating a flash drive volume in Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition

Method 2: Minitool Partition Wizard

If the previous method is not suitable for any reason, we advise you to familiarize yourself with other similar security that is called Minitool Partition Wizard. This solution will allow you to quickly break the USB drive on the required number of partitions, but it will be necessary to erase all data.

  1. Download and run Minitool Partition Wizard. After that, right-click on the name of the flash drive.
  2. Select disk to remove all sections in Minitool Partition Wizard

  3. Select the option "Delete All Partitions".
  4. Delete all sections button on a flash drive in Minitool Partition Wizard

  5. Confirm the performance.
  6. Confirmation of the removal of all sections on the Flashboard Minitool Partition Wizard

  7. Then you need to apply this operation by clicking on "Apply".
  8. Apply changes after deleting a section on a flash drive Minitool PARTITION WIZARD

  9. Confirm the implementation of the removal procedure for all sections.
  10. Confirmation of the application of changes in the program Minitool PARTITION WIZARD

  11. Upon completion, you will be notified of the successful removal of volumes.
  12. Notification of the successful application of changes in Minitool Partition Wizard

  13. Now free space on the drive will not be distributed. Click on the PCM.
  14. Selecting a free area to create a section in Minitool Partition Wizard

  15. Lay in the context menu option "Create".
  16. Creating a new partition button on the flash drive in the program Minitool Partition Wizard

  17. Set the volume parameters - select its volume, name, set the file system and the disk letter.
  18. Setting the parameters for the new section in the program Minitool Partition Wizard

  19. Do the same with the remaining free space.
  20. Selection of the remaining free space on the flash drive in Minitool Partition Wizard

  21. When creating a second partition, a notification will appear that it will not be seen in Windows. Continue the creation by clicking on "YES".
  22. Notification when creating a second partition on a flash drive in Minitool Partition Wizard

  23. Make sure that all partitions are ready, and then click on "Apply".
  24. Confirmation of the creation of new sections on a flash drive in Minitool Partition Wizard

  25. Wait for the application to apply.
  26. The procedure for applying sections creation settings on a flash drive in Minitool Partition Wizard

Now you can freely use flash drive sections for your purposes.

Method 3: Easeus Partition Master

Easeus Partition Master practically does not differ from the methods discussed above, however, there are additional tools here, which can be useful to the user during the implementation of other acts with drives. Although the program is also paid (the free version only demonstrates the functioning of functions), we still decided to tell the creation of several sections of the flash drive.

  1. Select the current main storage section and click on DELETE.
  2. Formatting flash drive in Easeus Partition Master

  3. Confirm your actions.
  4. Apply Flashhar formatting settings in Easeus Partition Master

  5. Specify the free area and select "Create".
  6. Creating a new partition on the flash drive in Easeus Partition Master

  7. Set the file system, the name of the section, its letter and size, adjusting the slider. Then click on "OK".
  8. Settings when creating a section in the Easeus Partition Master program

  9. Do the same with the remaining space.
  10. Creating a second partition on the flash drive in the Easeus Partition Master program

  11. Run the application of the changes by clicking on Execute 2 Operations.
  12. Application of settings in the program Easeus Partition Master

On the Internet, there are still many similar programs that allow working with sections of flash drives and hard drives. You can familiarize yourself with the most popular of them by turning to the article on the following link if the options presented above for any reason are not suitable for you.

We have acquainted you with methods for distributing flash drives to sections. As you can see, everything is not so easy with this case, because initially such a drive was not designed for crushing space. However, with due skills and with the help of special means, this task is quite fulfilled.

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