How to revive flash drive


How to revive a USB flash drive

Now many companies are actively engaged in the production of portable USB drives. There are a number of well-known brands that have proven themselves in the market. However, even with the most reliable device, sometimes problems occur, which force the user to use additional software to restore media. As part of this article, we would like to tell about the available "revival" methods from some common companies.

We restore USB flash drives from different manufacturers

Almost in all cases, when problems with reading a device, do not do without the use of third-party software, but sometimes the standard means of the operating system also help. However, it depends not only from the severity of the error occurred, but also from the existing model, because each of them needs to find their approach.


We would like to start with representatives of Verbatim, since on the example of this manufacturer you can repair and other models missing in this list that were developed on the IT1167 model controller. Immediately it is worth noting that this firm has its own security called HDD Formatter. It is formatting a drive, restoring damaged sectors and overwriting the file system, which allows the device to return to normal operation.

Methods for recovering flash drives from Verbatim

In addition, there are many other solutions from third-party developers ideally suitable for recovering flash drives from Verbatim. If one tested tool did not bring any result, it is necessary to use others, because they all work in different algorithms. Detailed instructions for all available USB speaker methods from the considered company you will find in another article by clicking on the link below.

Read more: Restoration of Verbatim flash drives


Surely almost every user met on the shelves of local stores of the model of flash drives from SanDisk. This manufacturer has long established itself in the market, releasing fast and reliable devices. In addition, they also have their own software that allows you to "revive" a broken drive. It is called SanDisk RescuePro, and the trial version is distributed free on the official website.

Methods for recovery of flash drives from SanDisk

Many third-party tools refuse to work with SANDISK devices due to the use of a non-standard controller. Only some of them are able to restore performance. This includes USB Disk Storage Format Tool and Formatter Silicon Power. Instructions for working with these programs you will find at the following link.

Read more: Verified methods for recovering flash drives SanDisk


A-Data recently entered the international sales market, but it has already managed to gain popularity. Fault and file system errors from A-DATA flash drives are fixed sufficiently and quickly using the branded utility or online service. The second solution will be the most useful for those users who do not want to clog the computer with superfluous files and wish to reanimate the USB flash drive as soon as possible. A full-fledged A-Data USB Flash Disk Utility will provide more widely functionality and will solve complex FS errors or the storage structure.

Methods for restoring flash drives from A-Data

The models previously discussed are difficult to restore using the standard Windows tool, almost all attempts end and do not bring any result. However, with devices from A-Data, things are a little better. Be sure to try to use the Windows feature to establish the device's performance. If it does not help, you can always download additional software from independent developers.

Read more: Guide to restore flash drives A-DATA


Another well-known name is transcend. Each user will find a flash drive suitable and speed from this firm for an acceptable price. In addition, they have as many as three official tools for working with drives. The restoration of various methods includes both the restoration of various methods, so the user will definitely find the appropriate option and be able to download it to a computer for free.

Methods for recovery of flash drives from Transcend

There are other programs if official for any reason did not restore the device. There are no utility on this list on the reviewed manufacturers, so we advise you to get acquainted in detail with each of them by going to our next material to choose the optimal solution and successfully complete the recovery of the bar from Transcend.

Read more: 6 tested methods for restoring the TRANSCEND flash drive


Kingston provides the owners of their products two different programs. The first of them is called MediaRecover and allows not only to format the drive, but also completely erase the FS with further recovery. The second utility - Kingston Format Utility - works absolutely with all the models of flash drives, starting with the oldest. Its functionality includes only formatting, but it also allows you to reanimate broken equipment.

Methods for restoring flash drives from Kingston

Other third-party solutions are less effective, but still applicable. The same applies to the formatting tools built into Windows. However, the priority options will still have official programs, because it will save time in case of non-response of other tools.

Read more: Instructions for restoring flash drives Kingston

Silicon Power

Silicon Power is a company that has released the largest number of branded software that allows you to "revive" USB drives. Therefore, in almost all cases, you can not apply third-party software. Each official means is sharpened to certain controllers installed inside the flash drive, so before downloading, it is necessary to find out this parameter to obtain a 100% working utility. Another our author in the article on the link indicated below as in detail painted the principle of interaction not only with all proprietary programs, but also by some third parties.

Methods for recovering flash drives from the company

Read more: Restoring FLOSE SILICON POWER

Now you are familiar with the methods of recovery of flash drives from different manufacturers. If suddenly you have not found the necessary company in this list, we recommend reading all the decisions described in other firms to find suitable for your device.

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