How to make the outline in photoshop


How to make the outline in photoshop

Often when working in Photoshop, you need to create a contour from any object. For example, the contours of fonts look very interesting. It is on the example of the text we will show how to make a contour in Photoshop.

Contours of objects in Photoshop

So, we have some text. For example, such as shown below. For him and create contour in several ways.

Create contour in photoshop

Method 1: removal of superfluous

This method implies the rasterization of the existing text.

  1. Press the right mouse button on the layer and select the appropriate menu item.

    Create contour in photoshop

  2. Then pushing the key Ctrl And click on the miniature of the resulting layer. On the rasterized text there will be a selection.

    Create contour in photoshop

  3. Go to the menu "Allocation - modification - compress".

    Create contour in photoshop

    The size of compression depends on what thickness of the contour we want to get. We prescribe the desired value and click OK.

    Create contour in photoshop

  4. We get a modified selection:

    Create contour in photoshop

  5. It remains only to press the key. Del. And get the desired. Selection is removed by a combination of hot keys Ctrl + D..

    Create contour in photoshop

Method 2: Pouring

This time we will not raster text, and put a raster image on top of it.

  1. Again click on the miniature of the text layer with clamped Ctrl And then produce compression, as in the first way.
  2. Next, create a new layer.

    Create contour in photoshop

  3. Press SHIFT + F5. And in the window that opens, choose the fill with color. It must be the color of the background.

    Create contour in photoshop

    Press everywhere OK And remove the selection. The result is the same.

    Create contour in photoshop

Method 3: Styles

This method implies the use of layer styles.

  1. Double-click on the layer of the mouse and in the window "Layer style" Go to the tab "Stroke" . Watch that the daws near the title of the point stood. The thickness and color of the stroke can be chosen any.

    Create contour in photoshop

  2. Press OK And go back to the layer palette. For the manifestation of the contour, it is necessary to reduce the opacity of the fill to 0.

    Create contour in photoshop

This lesson for creating contours from the text is completed. All three ways are correct, differences consist only in the situation in which they are applied.

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