How to remove photos in Vaiber


How to remove photos in Vaiber

The files of various types that Viber users transmit each other and / or are placed in groups, after shipment are stored on devices equipped with a messenger client application. Not such a rare case is the emergence of the need to remove certain data due to the unacceptability of their presence on the device, loss of relevance, in order to release the place in the repository of the mobile apparatus or the PC disk. Consider how to remove photos from the Android, iOS and Windows Wire functioning in the Android and Windows environment, clear the memory of the device, as well as remove the image avatar from your profile in the messenger.

Under removal of images from Viber is meant both cleaning the messenger and memory of the device on which it functions, from the files received and transmitted using the file system and delete the photo installed for the user profile and demonstrated by other participants in the service. Therefore, the next article consists of two parts. Move to the desired section and select the instructions applicable in the OS environment of your device, as well as appropriate situations and needs.

How to remove the photos received and sent via viber

In general, removing images, like any other information from the Vaiber Messenger, is not a complex operation and is carried out using several taps on the Mobile Device screen or clicks by the mouse users of desktops and laptops.

Removal of photos and avatars from the Viber Messenger for all OS


Viber Users for Android, depending on their specific goals, can apply one of several options for the cleaning of the Messenger and the device's memory from those who have become unnecessary photos.

How to Delete Photos from Weber for Android

Option 1: Separate photos from correspondence

If you need to get rid of one or a small number of images obtained / sent within a separate dialogue or group chat, with respect to graphic information, you should act in the same way as when destroying the messages of other varieties. On how to erase one, several or all messages in Vaiber, we have already told in one of the articles dedicated to working with the messenger, and you can use the instructions on the following link.

Viber for Android Removing one or more photos from any chat

Read more: How to delete a message from chat or group in Viber on Android

Option 2: Set or all photos from correspondence

In a situation where, in the framework of a dialogue or group chat, during the participation in it, a variety of graphic files were received, removal, subject to the algorithm proposed in the previous method, can take a lot of time and not quite convenient. To remove a large number of photos or cleaned a separate chat from all photos, leaving only messages of other types, it is best to resort to the capabilities of the MEDIA Gallery module integrated into the messenger.

  1. Open the dialog or group from which it is planned to remove a photo. Tap by the name of another participant or the name of the group chat or go to the "Information" section from the menu called by touching three points on the right at the top of the screen.
  2. Viber for Android Go to Chat Information section for access to the media gallery

  3. In the Media Gallery area, which demonstrates the preview of the three recently transmitted / obtained in the chat media files, press "All". Next, by a long press on the thumbnail of each to be deleted, set the mark.
  4. Viber for Android Selecting the photos of the Chat photos in the Media Gallery

  5. Selecting everything deleted, tap the "Basket" icons at the top on the right, and then confirm the system request by TAP by "Yes". As a result, the correspondence will be cleared of unnecessary graphic information.
  6. Viber for Android Gallery Media Chat - Deleting Multiple Photos

Option 3: Photos obtained via viber from the device's memory

Using one of the two previous instructions, involving the removal of images from Viber, or combining their use, you can achieve a situation in which the messenger will stop showcase photos on the correspondence screens. In this case, the graphic files received from other users will still be in the memory of your device, and for their full destruction it will be necessary to perform additional steps.

  1. Open any file manager for Android installed on the smartphone.

    Viber for Android Deleting photos obtained through the messenger and saved in the device

    In our example used Google Files. Available for downloading and installing from Play Market, in other "conductors" should be acting by analogy.

    Download file manager for Android from Google Play Market

    Download Google Files File Manager for Android from Play Market

  2. Switch to view the contents of the device's internal memory and find the Viber directory in the root of the storage, open it.

    Viber for Android Go to the folder where the messenger stores the received photos

    If the "Viber" folder is not detected in the internal memory of the device, look for it on a removable drive, - depending on the settings of the mobile OS, the target container can be located there!

  3. Open the "Media" folder and go to "Viber Images", where you find all the photo files obtained through the messenger.

    Viber for Android folder with photos from the messenger in the memory of the smartphone

  4. By using the file manager, select the removed pictures (long press on the thumbnail of the first destroying image, then prostate the taps on the preview of the remaining). Click on the "Basket" icon at the top of the screen and then confirm your intentions, touching "Delete" under the request that appears.

    Viber for Android Remove from the memory of the device photos obtained through the messenger

    If there is a need to erase absolutely all photos stored by Viber in the device store, simply delete the "Viber Images" folder. Subsequently, when receiving a field-picture, the messenger will automatically create a directory for storing images.

    Viber for Android Deleting the folder in which the messenger saves a photo from the device's memory


If you are a Viber user for the iPhone, then it may not be for the cleaning of the messenger from photographs. In the iOS application client, there are several options that allow you to quickly achieve the desired result.

How to Delete Photos from Weber for iPhone

Option 1: Separate photos from correspondence

In general, the process of destroying graphics information obtained or transmitted through Vaiber as part of a dialogue or group chat is not much different from that of other types of messages. If there is a need to erase one or more photos from a separate correspondence, you can use the instructions from the article on the following link and to erase the picture messages to act in the same way as in relation to text messages.

Viber for iPhone How to remove one or more photos from chat or group

Read more: How to delete a message in Viber for iPhone

Option 2: Set or all photos from correspondence

For quick and at once, removing the set or all images sent to another participant (in group), as well as received using a messenger, it is convenient to use the "Media Gallery", designed to systematize files that were exchanged in each dialogue and group chat.

  1. Open the rewriting screen with a separate participant or a group of people where the images are given to be deleted. Tap by username / name group at the top and then tap "Information and Settings" in the displayed menu.
  2. Viber for iPhone transition to information and configurations of the dialog or group chat in the messenger

  3. Click on the "Show All" link in the Media Gallery area. Next, tap "Select" at the top on the right and short touch set the marks to the preview of the removed pictures.

    Viber for iPhone Removing photos using the media gallery - the choice of unnecessary

    If you need to clean the chat from all photos, click "Select All" at the top on the left.

    Viber for iPhone Removing all photos from the media chat or group gallery

  4. Noting everything unnecessary, tap the garbage tank icon at the bottom of the screen on the right. It remains to confirm your intentions by clicking "Delete Multimedia" in the menu that opens from two items. On this, all selected pictures will disappear from the "Multimedia" screen, and will also stop displaying in the chat.

Viber for iPhone All photos from dialogue or group removed

Option 3: ICLOUD images obtained via viber

Not all iOS users know that with a certain configuration of the Viber program, the photos that are obtained using the messenger will be saved on the iPhone and will remain available for viewing and other manipulations even after their removal in the following methods. By default, the described function is deactivated, it is necessary to include it forcibly, but if you are puzzled by the full cleaning of the smartphone from the photos from Waiber, the best solution will be the following instruction. This will make it possible to make sure the absence of unnecessary / unwanted images wherever they theoretically be saved.

  1. Run Viber and go to "Settings" of the program from the "More" tab. Open the "Multimedia" section.
  2. Viber for iPhone Go to Multimedia Mass Deference Settings

  3. In the event that the "Save to the gallery" switch is translated into the "Included" position, the images you received through the messenger persecuted into the "gallery" and, accordingly, remained there after manipulations by their destruction conducted in the Viber client program. If you wish, deactivate the option and go to the next step.
  4. Viber for iPhone Disable the automatic preservation of images from the messenger in the photo icloud

  5. Open the "Photo" application, pre-installed in iOS. Lay in the album "All photos" images from which you need to get rid of, tap "Select" and Slip the marks to the preview of the files deleted.
  6. Viber for iPhone selection of images from the messenger stored in the photo icloud to remove

  7. Next, tap the garbage tank icon and confirm the intention to erase the information by selecting "Delete a photo" in the menu that appears at the bottom of the screen.
  8. Viber for iPhone Removing the photo that the messenger retained in iCloud


To erase images from Viber for Windows, this client users must first use the toolbox provided in the application, and then (if you wish to fully clean), delete photos from the folder created by the messenger on the PC disk.

How to remove photos from Weber on a computer

Option 1: Separate photos from correspondence

As in the versions of the application of the messenger, adapted to work in the medium described above the mobile OS, remove photos from the chats from the Vaiber on the computer or a laptop, can be used to be effective when removing other types of messages. That is, act in relation to unnecessary graphics information in the same way as if you deleted the text message.

Viber for Windows Deleting photo from correspondence through the context menu

Read more: How to delete a message from Viber for Windows

Option 2: Set or all photos from correspondence

If you need to remove from the correspondence at a time you need a large number of images or clean the chat / group window, it is necessary exclusively from the pictures, not touching other information, it is rapidly nodded in the received / sent content and delete an unnecessary "Media Gallery".

  1. Navigate to the dialog or group chat to be cleaned by photos. Click on the "i" icon, located at the top of the window on the right.
  2. Viber for Windows Opening area with information and chat options

  3. The displayed area is divided into several blocks, the target - the "Media Gallery" - is located at the very top of the avatar of the interlocutor / group, click "show all" near this name.
  4. Viber for Windows Show all photos from the chat in the Media Messenger Gallery

  5. Next, alternately click on the right mouse on the miniatures of the removed images. In the list of options that appears, select "Delete me" or "Delete me and the name_name".

    Viber for Windows Removing the received photo from chat using the media gallery

    The presence in the second menu of the specified items that allows you to delete a picture not only from your messenger, but also from the interlocutor depends on whether the washed picture was sent (present) or was obtained through the messenger (absent).

    Viber for Windows Removing the sent photo and at the interlocutor from correspondence using the media gallery

Option 3: Received viber images from a PC disk

Even the statement of the fact that the photos are not displayed in the correspondence windows after removing the methods described above, does not confirm their complete destruction. By default, the Vaiber for Windows saves the received media files on the PC disk, and they will appear in a special directory until it is manually.

  1. Open the Windows Explorer and go along the way:

    C: \ Users \ username \ Documents \ viberdownloads

    Viber For Windows Folder ViberDownloads in the Documents directory on the system disk

    It is easier and faster to open a directory containing everything that has saved the messenger on the computer disk, perhaps directly from the Waiber window. Go to any dialogue or group chat, where it is contained by another participant picture, click on it right-click, and then call from the menu item "Show in the folder".

    Viber For Windows Transition to the folder with the preserved messenger photo from the window with the correspondence

  2. Remove the files from the above directory in any familiar way, and then you can be sure that all unwanted images obtained through the messenger are missing both in the application and on the computer disk.

    Viber for Windows Deleting photos saved by the messenger in the download folder

How to delete photos of your profile in Viber

A picture or picture installed as a profile avatar in Vaiberi can be changed by the account owner at any time and any number of times. In addition, it is possible to completely abandon this method of personal accounting, without providing the image system or removing the already added.

How to delete a photo of your profile (avatar) from the Viber messenger


  1. Run the messenger and go to its "More" by clicking on the appropriate tab below. The opened screen in its upper part contains the data of your account (name / phone number), and also demonstrates a photo assigned to the profile when setting up the client application.
  2. Viber for Android - launch of the messenger, go to the section More to remove profile photos

  3. To proceed to edit the data specified for the account, tap the "Pencil" icon at the top on the right. To open the list of options applicable to your photo, click "Change" in its area.
  4. Viber for Android Opening Menu Editing Profile Photo Photos in Messenger

  5. After you are touched by the "Delete photo" item in the Editing menu, and then confirm the system's request, the image will disappear from your messenger, as well as from all system client applications in the people with whom you communicated through Viber.
  6. Viber for Android - removal of photos-avatars in messenger


  1. By running the Viber on the iPhone, expand the "More" functions menu and immediately detect your account information and your image avatar in the messenger. To edit the data, tap the "Pencil" button to the right of your name.
  2. Viber for iPhone Transition to editing profile data in messenger

  3. Tap on the image "Camera" located in the middle of the profile photo. In the bottom of the area that appears, select "Delete photos", then click Finish.
  4. Viber for iPhone Removing your profile photos in Messenger

  5. As a result of the execution of the above manipulations, the image-avatar will disappear from your messenger, and will also stop displaying as identifying your account photo from other Viber participants.
  6. Viber for iPhone photo profile in messenger deleted


The application created to gain access to the possibilities of Viber from the Windows environment is not inherently an autonomous client of the system, and only "sequences" the events occurring in the "main" application of the messenger installed on the Android device or iPhone. In this regard, many features, including the ability to edit your own account data, are not provided in Vaiberi on PCs.

Viber for Windows Setup Program

Thus, to remove the profile photo by the Messenger users, in any case, have to refer to one of the instructions applicable on mobile devices, and from the application on the Avatar PC will disappear automatically, due to synchronization.

Viber for Windows Synchronization of the Application Client on the Smartphone

See also: How to synchronize Viber on the phone and computer


As you can see, deleting photos from the Vaiber Messenger - a simple procedure. When performing full cleaning, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the system considered in most cases stores images not only as part of its client application, but also copies the files into the mobile device memory and / or computer disk.

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