Setting UTorrent for maximum speed


Setting UTorrent to the maximum download speed

The big popularity of the torrent client UTorrent is due to the fact that it is easy to use and has a convenient interface. To date, this client is the most common and supported by all trackers on the Internet. This article will describe the configuration process of this application. It should be noted that this is a pretty simple and intuitive procedure. We will touch the most important parameters and consider how to properly configure UTorrent to ensure the most quick file download.

Setting up the UTorrent program

To access the UTorrent parameters, go to the "Settings - Program Settings" menu. It will be somewhat more complicated with the process of setting up the program of the program of the newbies, but still there is nothing superpower.


Section "Connection"

The default connection settings are determined by the application itself, which selects the most suitable parameters from its point of view.

  • In some cases, for example, when the router is used, the settings must be adjusted. Today, routers and modems used for home or for business work on the management protocols Upnp. . For devices on Mac OS used NAT-PMP. . Thanks to these functions, a network connection is standardized, as well as a connection of similar devices with each other (personal computers, laptops, mobile devices). You should put a checkbox next to the points of the connection "Forwarding NAT-PMP" and "UPNP redirection" . If difficulties appear with the work of the ports, it is best to set the parameter in the torrent client "Port of incoming compounds" . As a rule, it is enough to start the port generation function (by pressing the corresponding button). However, if after this problem did not disappear, it will be necessary to produce a more subtle setting.
  • When the port is selected, the limit values ​​of their range should be followed - from 1 to 65535. It is not necessary to display it above. Specifying the port, you need to take into account that a number of providers in order to reduce the load on your own network blocks ports 1-9999, and high-range ports are also blocked. Therefore, the best solution will be set a value from 20,000. In this case, we turn off the option "Random port at startup".
  • PC, as a rule, installed firewall (Windows or third party). Need to check if the option was noted "In exceptions of firewall" . If it is not active, it should be activated - this will avoid errors.
  • When connecting through a proxy server, we mark the corresponding item - "Proxy server" . First select the type and port, and then specify the server's IP address. If you need authorization to enter, you should record a login and password. If the connection is the only one, you need to activate the item "Use proxy for P2P connections".

Utorrent Connection Settings

Section "Speed"

If it is necessary, the application downloads files at maximum speed and used all traffic, you need to parameter "Maximum speed" Set value «0» . Or you can specify the speed prescribed in the contract with the Internet provider. If you wish to use the client at the same time, and have a sufficient bandwidth for web surfing, you should specify the value for receiving and transferring the data, 10-20% less than the maximum. Before adjusting the UTorrent speed, take into account that the application and the Internet provider use different data measurement units. In the appendix, they are measured in kilobytes and megabytes, and in the Treaty of the Internet Services Supplier - in kilobits and megabits. As is known, 1 byte is 8 bits, 1 KB - 1024 bytes. Thus, 1 kilobite is a thousand bits, or 125 kb.

How to configure the client in accordance with the current tariff plan? For example, in accordance with the Treaty, the maximum speed is equal to three megabites per second. We translate it to kilobytes. 3 megabita = 3000 kilobita. We divide this figure to 8 and get 375 KB. Thus, the downloading of the data occurs at a speed of 375 kb / s. As for sending data, its speed is usually very limited and is 1 megabit per second, or 125 kb / s.

Setting up UTorrent speed

Below is the table of the values ​​of the number of compounds, the maximum number of peers per torrent and the number of slots corresponding to the speed of the Internet connection.

Table 1

Section "Priority"

In order for the torrent client to work most effectively, the data transfer rate specified in the Treaty with the Internet Provider should be taken into account.

Setting up the order of utorrent

Below you can familiarize yourself with the optimal values ​​of various parameters.

table 2

Section "BitTorrent"

  • You need to know that on closed trackers server operation DHT. Not allowed - it is turned off. If you intend to use BitTorrent to the others, you need to activate the appropriate option.
  • If the local network is quite extensive, function "Search for local peters" It becomes in demand. The advantage of downloading from a computer located on the local network is in speed - it is above several times, and the torrent is loaded almost instantly. Being on the local network, this parameter is recommended to activate, however, in order to ensure quick work of the PC on the Internet, it is better to turn it off - it will reduce the load on the processor.
  • "SCRAPE requests" Take from the tracker, statistical data on torrent and collect information about the presence of peters.
  • Set the daws near the "Limit of the speed of local peters" is not worth it.
  • It is recommended to activate the option "Turn on the exchange of peers" as well as outgoing "Protocol Encryption".

BitTorrent settings

Section "Caching"

By default, the cache volume is determined by UTorrent in automatic mode. If a disk overload message appears in the status bar, you need to try to change the value of the volume, as well as deactivate the lower parameter "Machine. increase" And activate the upper, pointing about a third of the volume of your RAM. For example, if the size of the RAM of your computer is 4 GB, then the cache size can be specified about 1500 MB.

Utorrent caching settings

These actions can be made both if speed drops in UTorrent and to improve the efficiency of using the Internet channel and system resources.

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