Mailing programs on email


Mailing programs on email

Any owner of its own online store or any other site understands that it is necessary to hold customers with various promotions, interesting news, discounts and suggestions. To inform about different news, they often resort to an alert on email, under which the user registered in the system.

Create mailing and send them to all clients is physically impossible to alone. It is good that the developers from different parts of the world thought about it and created programs that allow you to quickly write a beautiful letter and send it to hundreds and thousands of recipients in just a few minutes.

Ni Mail Agent

Free program for mailing letters on Email Ni Mail Agent something like the Direct Mail Robot. Here the user will not find a large number of functions, it can only produce a lot of action on mailing lines (save, upload, partially edit code) and change the technical characteristics of the letter (encoding, format). The full version costs money, and the number of functions is not as great to buy it. Usually many users prefer to buy a slightly more expensive program, but with a stylish interface and great opportunities.

Maail Agent Main Screen


Perhaps the most stylish program from all presented is StandartMailer, but this is not the only one plus. In the application, the user will be able to edit the text using various tools, change some parameters of the letter, edit the technical aspects of the mailings, view the properties of the Internet and change the speed of sending. The program has almost no shortcomings, not counting the same paid full version. Of course, it is from Standartmailer that the absence of an HTML editor is noticeable, but the developers promise to ever do it.

Standartmailer main screen

Mozilla Thunderbird.

The well-known free email client from Mozilla will also help in solving our today's task - Tanderbend has the functionality of the distribution of the same letter into several email addresses. This application also supports scripts, which further simplifies the procedure for sending letters on many hadles. On the other hand, the necessary options are on not too obvious places and require advocate knowledge from the user.


The Bat!

Real Patriarch Among the Post Customers The Bat! He became one of the first applications that offers users of the ability to send many letters to different addresses. This function is implemented not so elegantly as in separate solutions, but does not require too specific knowledge or skills from the user. The only barrier on the use of the "bat" for mailing will be a paid model of program distribution.


Microsoft Outlook.

Mail Client from Redmond Company, for a long time built as the main supplied of Windows, also has a mass distribution function. These options are more oriented to the corporate segment, since to send many of the same type of letters to different contacts is more convenient to other Outluk users. However, after the absence of alternatives or impossibility to use them, the decision from Microsoft provides a quite worthy tool.


In general, programs for mailing letters on Email are always paid, so it is impossible to consider this disadvantage. Users appreciate developers for their work, and applications for the stylish interface and the necessary functions. Each itself chooses a program for creating and mailing letters. And what program do you use for such purposes?

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