How to align text in the Word


How to align text in the Word

When working with text documents, Microsoft Word quite often have to adhere to certain formatting requirements. One of these is the alignment of the text, about the features of which we today and tell in all details.

Arbitrary indent

The use of tabulation to add an indent - the method is quite simple and understandable, but not devoid of flaws. First, the shift of the text is carried out at a fixed step, which is not always convenient or simply does not fit, secondly, it does not push it in this way. The "line" tool allows you to make it more accurately.

  1. Turn on the display of the "ruler" if it is hidden. You can do this in the "View" tab - just set the checkbox in the checkbox opposite the item of the same name.

    Turning on the line to align text in Microsoft Word

    READ ALSO: Turning on the ruler in the Word

  2. Select the text using the mouse or hot keys to shift to the side.
  3. Selection of a text fragment for alignment using a ruler in Microsoft Word

  4. Pull out the lower and upper guide on the line, on the left side to the right, by pressing and holding the LKM directly between them if you want to "push" the text from the left border,

    Offset selected text to the right with a ruler in Microsoft Word

    Or with the right to the left, if you need to "move" from it.

    Text offset to the left using a ruler in Microsoft Word

    As you probably could guess, thus you can not only expand, but also narrow the place occupied by the text.

    Narrow and expand text using a ruler in the Microsoft Word program

    On the left side, not only all lines of paragraph can be moved immediately by moving and top, and the bottom guide on the line, but also separately the first line and the following. Thus, you can create what is called a red string.

    Creating a red row by alignment in Microsoft Word

    Vertical leveling

    Align the layout of the text on the pages of the vertical document is most often required to create a title page, a formal document (application, decree, explanatory, etc.) or template. Significantly less often such a need can be dictated by a user wish. Consider how to align the text height in the Word.

    Option 2: Rule

    Similarly, in the previous part of the article ("Option 3"), we lined the text in the Word Document horizontally relative to one of the borders or both at once, you can align it and vertically, setting the necessary indents from the top and / or from the page bottom . Make it will help us all the same ruler.

    Note: The actions described below allow you to set any desired indents values ​​from the top and bottom border of the page or both of them that will be applied to the entire document or separate partition created by page breaks. This can, for example, establish any position for the title page, (which cannot be done in "Page options" ), because it is an independent section.

    Aligning tables

    Microsoft Word, in addition to directly working with the text, allows you to create tables, fill in their data and make it possible. The recordings contained inside the cells, columns and lines, as well as the entire table, also may also need alignment, and both together and each of the designated elements separately. On our site there is a detailed article on how to align the table and all its contents, so if you have such a task before you, simply go to the link below and read the instructions.

    Aligning a table with its contents in the Microsoft Word Document

    Read more:

    Aligning tables in Word

    Formatting tables in the Word

    Alignment of inscriptions

    In fact, in topical versions of Microsoft Word, such a concept as is missing - now it is called a text field. This is an object that is a kind of frame with fill (and sometimes with additional design elements), inside which you can write text. The field itself can then, for example, rotate in an arbitrary direction, rotate and turn over, reflect what we wrote about before. In this case, the contents of the text field can also be aligned both horizontally and vertically. You can act in a similar way with WordArt objects - in fact, it is a more beautiful inscription option.

    Arbitrary Moving Fields for Text Coup in Microsoft Word

    See also: How to turn, flip, mirror reflect text in Word

    So, you have ready inscription you have. The text field is or WordArt - no matter. Let's start alignment. Horizontally, the text inside such a block is aligned in the same way as the usual-hot keys, buttons on the tape or arbitrarily, and correctly arrange the vertical object itself using a ruler or tools in the "Layout" tab. We are also interested in the vertical alignment of the text relative to the field itself, since the change in the "page parameters" or the use of the "line" to solve this task will not help.

    Note: Changing the size of the figure in which the text entered, too, can also be called a kind of equal, because the correct definition of the ratio of the first (text) to the second (Figure) determines the general type of inscription. Before proceeding with the execution of the recommendations presented below, make it so that the size of the frame corresponds to the sizes of the text occupied by the text or have more.

    1. Highlight a block with text (field or WordArt) and go to the "Format Figure" tab, which will appear again on the tape.
    2. Transition to the alignment of the inscription in the Microsoft Word program

    3. In the Text toolbar, expand the "Align Text" button and select the Preferences:
      • "At the top edge";
      • "In the middle";
      • "At the bottom edge."
    4. Text alignment options inside the inscription in Microsoft Word

    5. The text will be aligned vertically relative to one side of the field, within which it is located, or by its center. Selecting from the field can be removed - it is enough to click on an empty place in the document.
    6. The result of the text alignment inside the inscription in Microsoft Word

      If the inscriptions are adjacent to the usual text and you also need to align the first relative to the second or vice versa, you will additionally need to properly configure the "text flow" parameters. Make it will help the reference presented below the article below - despite the fact that the work in it was carried out with the image, with the fields and the Wordart elements it will be necessary to do the same.

      Read more: How to the Word Make Flooding Pictures Text


    We looked at all possible options (and at the same way or directions) text alignment in Microsoft Word, affection also to apply this function to tables and inscriptions.

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