Remote desktop connection in Windows 10


Remote desktop connection in Windows 10

The Windows family operating systems give users the ability to administer through the local or global network. In this article, we will analyze the methods of remotely connected to the desktop in Windows 10.

Connect to a remote desktop

You can connect to a computer via the network both using the built-in system tools and using special programs for remote administration. A prerequisite for a successful connection is the resolution of the system to connect such connections to be configured by visiting the corresponding section of the parameters.


  1. Click on the "This computer" label on the desktop right-click and go to "Properties".

    Go to the properties of the operating system from the desktop in Windows 10

  2. In the left block, with references, go to the control of remote access.

    Go to controlling remote access to a computer in Windows 10

  3. We set the switch to the position specified in the screenshot ("Allow"), set the checkbox to authenticate (it is necessary to improve the security of connections) and click "Apply".

    Resolution of remote connections to a computer in Windows 10

  4. Next you need to check the network detection settings. Press the PCM on the network icon in the notification area and proceed to the "network and Internet parameters".

    Transition to network and Internet parameters from the notification area in Windows 10

  5. On the "Status" tab, scroll the right block down and follow the link "Network and Common Access Center".

    Switch to the network management center and shared access from Windows 10 parameters

  6. Click on the link to change additional parameters.

    Transition to a change in additional sharing parameters in Windows 10

  7. On the "Private" tabs and guestbook or publicly available network detection.

    Enabling network detection in advanced sharing options in Windows 10

  8. On the All Networks tab, include access with password protection. After all manipulations, click "Save Changes".

    Enabling shared access with password protection in advanced sharing options in Windows 10

If there are problems with remote access, you should also check the performance of some services. The article available at the link below, we turned off the possibilities of remote access to the PC, including working with system services. In case of failures, simply perform the steps in the reverse order.

Read more: Turn off remote computer management

After all the parameters are checked and configured, you can install a remote connection.

Method 1: Special programs

Software designed for remote connections is widely represented on the Internet. Such products are distributed both paid and free and have some differences in the functionality. You can choose the appropriate, going to the references below.

Main window program for remote administration Aeroadmin

Read more:

Programs for remote administration of PC

TeamViewer complimentary analogues

Undoubtedly, the most popular program is TeamViewer. It allows you to connect to a computer and perform any actions - settings, install and delete applications, as well as move files between systems with the owner's permission.

Remote desktop connection in Windows 10 using the Team Viewer program

Read more: Connect to another computer via TeamViewer

Like any other software product, TeamViewer is subject to failures when working. In addition, the third party is involved in the interaction of systems in the form of an intermediate server, and its incorrect operation or incorrect requests from computers can lead to problems. Due to the broad support of developers, they are solved quite quickly, which cannot be said about another softe. You also published a few articles with instructions for troubleshooting in a program that will help get rid of many troubles. You can find them by entering the search box on the main page of the name of the software and pressing ENTER. You can add to the query and text error. For example, "TeamViewer WAITFORCONNECTFAILED error code".

Search for troubleshooting instructions in the TeamViewer program on

Next, we will talk about system tools for remote access.

Method 2: Remote Windows Desktop

The Windows has a means called "Connecting to a Remote Desktop". It opens access to the computer using its IP address and authorization data - the username and password. You can find the tool in the Start menu in the Standard - Windows folder.

Standard application for connecting to a remote desktop in Windows 10

The prerequisite for successful connection is the presence of a static ("white") IP address on the target PC. For example, when a wired connected to the provider is most often given precisely such an address. On the local network, each computer has its own IP. But when using the IP flash drive, IPI will be dynamic ("gray") and connect to such a machine will not be possible.

Find out what your IP you can contact the Internet provider. It can also be ordered static address for an additional fee. With 3G-4G modems it also works. There is another way, less reliable, find out the nature of the ip. Go to one of the services specified in the article below, and look at the appropriate value. Restart the PC and check the numbers again. If they differ from the previous ones, it means IP dynamic, and if not - static.

Verify IP Address Values ​​using online service

Read more: How to find out the IP address of your computer

Below we give the instructions for connecting using this application.

Creating a new local user

This step can be skipped if you or the trustee are connected to your computer from another workstation. The need for it occurs when it is required to restrict access to personal or system files or OS parameters. When creating a user, pay attention to the account type - "Standard" or "Administrator". This will affect the level of rights in the system. Also, do not forget to set the password for the new "account", since it will not be possible without it.

Creating a new user for remote connection in Windows 10

Read more:

Creating new local users in Windows 10

Managing Account Rights in Windows 10

Adding a new remote desktop user

  1. Go to the remote access settings (see paragraph "Preparation").
  2. At the bottom of the window, press the "Select Users" button.

    Go to the selection of remote desktop users in Windows 10

  3. Click "Add".

    Go to adding remote desktop users in Windows 10

  4. Next, click on the "Advanced" button.

    Go to optional options for adding remote desktop users in Windows 10

  5. "Search".

    Go to the search for users of the remote desktop in Windows 10

  6. Choosing our new user and click OK.

    Select a remote desktop user in Windows 10

  7. We check that the appropriate line appeared in the "Enter the names of the selected objects" in the field and OK again.

    Adding a new remote desktop user in Windows 10

  8. One more time.

    Confirmation of adding a new remote desktop user in Windows 10

IP Address Definition

How to find out our ip on the Internet, we already know (see above). You can determine the same address of the machine on the local network only in the settings of the router (if any) or in the system parameters. The second option is easier, and use it.

  1. Press the PCM on the network icon in the tray and go to the network parameters, after which we go to the "Network and Common Access Control Center". How to do this, read in paragraph "Preparation".
  2. Click on the link with the connection name.

    Switch to network connection properties on the local network in Windows 10

  3. In the status window that opens, press the "Details" button.

    Transition to network connection information on the local network in Windows 10

  4. We write down the data indicated opposite the IPv4 address and close all windows.

    Information about the IP address of the network connection on the local network in Windows 10

Please note that we need the type of type.

If he is another, for example, such as on the screenshot below, select the adjacent adapter.

Invalid network connection address on the local network in Windows 10


We prepared the target machine and received all the necessary information, now you can connect to it from another PC.

  1. Run the application "Connect to a remote desktop" (see above) and click "Show Options".

    Go to configuring application settings for connecting to a remote desktop in Windows 10

  2. Enter the IP address of the remote machine and the name of the user to whom the access is allowed, and click "Connect".

    Entering data and connect to a remote desktop in Windows 10

  3. If the entered data is correct, the authorization window will open, where we enter the user password and click OK.

    Enter user password and connection to a remote desktop in Windows 10

  4. It is likely that the system "is focused" on the authenticity of the remote computer due to the problems with the certificate. Just press "yes."

    Warning of problems with the NV security certificate remote computer in Windows 10

  5. Next, we will see the remote computer lock screen with a warning that the other user will be disabled. This is the main minus of this method, and specifically in the impossibility of sharing the desktop (as, for example, in TeamViewer). Click "Yes."

    Confirm your disable other user and connect to a remote computer in Windows 10

    The user on the target machine can confirm the output or refuse. If the reaction is not within 30 seconds, the shutdown will occur automatically, and we will fall into the remote system.

    Confirmation of another user from the system on a remote computer in Windows 10

  6. It is also likely that it will be prompted to configure confidentiality settings. If you were connected to an existing user, this window would be skipped. Carefully get acquainted with all items, we turn on the necessary or disconnect unnecessary. Click "Confirm".

    Configuring privacy options when connected to a remote desktop in Windows 10

  7. We fall on the remote computer desktop. You can work. The window control (folding and closing) is performed using a special panel at the top.

    Remote Computer Desk and Window Control Panel in Windows 10

    If you close the cross window, the connection will occur after confirmation.

    Confirmation of the disconnection with a remote desktop in Windows 10

Saving connections

If you want to connect regularly to this machine, you can create a shortcut application label on the desktop for quick access.

  1. Run the application, enter the data (IP address and username) and set the "Allow me to save me" checkbox.

    Enabling credentials when connected to a remote desktop in Windows 10

  2. We go to the "Advanced" tab and turn off the warning about the problems with the authenticity of the certificate. Please note that it is possible to do this, only if you connect to a "familiar" PC.

    Disable Remote Computer Security Certificate Check in Windows 10

  3. We return to the "General" tab (if it disappeared from visibility, click on the "Left" arrow) and click "Save As".

    Switch to save the connection to the remote desktop in Windows 10

  4. We choose a place, give the connection name (".rdp" is not required to add) and we save.

    Saving a remote desktop connection in Windows 10

  5. We start the created file, put the "no longer to display a query" (if the warning window appears) and click "Connect".

    Disable security warning output when you remotely connected in Windows 10

  6. We enter a password. It will be necessary to make it only once that the system saves it. We set the checkbox opposite "Remember me" and connect the ok button.

    Saving credentials and connection to the remote desktop in Windows 10

All subsequent connections using the created shortcut will be made without additional confirmations and input credentials, provided that the remote computer is turned on, the user still exists (and its password is the same), and the settings allow access.

Method 3: Remote Windows Assistant

Windows has another tool for remote connection. From additional functions in the "Assistant" there is only a chat, but this is quite enough to solve problems.

  1. To begin with, check whether the function is enabled in the remote access settings (see above). If not, set the checkbox and click OK.

    Enabling remote assistant in Windows 10

  2. Open a system search by clicking on the magnifying glass icon near the "Start" button, and write


    Go to the "Assistant" by clicking on the only point in the search for extradition.

    Go to a remote assistant from the system search in Windows 10

  3. Press the button with the word "invite".

    User invitation to remote assistant in Windows 10

  4. Save the invitation as a file.

    Saving an invitation file to a remote assistant in Windows 10

  5. Choose a place and click "Save".

    Select a place to save the invitation file to a remote assistant in Windows 10

  6. A "Assistant" window will open, which must be left open before connecting, otherwise everyone will have to be re-made.

    Remote Assistant Window in Windows 10

  7. Copy the password by clicking on the field with it and selecting the only paragraph in the context menu.

    Copy password in the remote assistant window in Windows 10

  8. Now we transmit the created file along with a password to another user in any convenient way. He must run it on his PC and enter the data obtained.

    Enter password and connect remote assistant in Windows 10

  9. A window will appear on our computer in which we must resolve the connection by clicking "Yes."

    Connecting a remote assistant to a computer in Windows 10

  10. Remote user will see our desktop. In order to manage the system, it must click the "Request Management" button.

    Request for resolution of system management in a remote assistant in Windows 10

    We must allow access to the "Yes" button in the dialog that opens.

    System management permission in the remote assistant in Windows 10

  11. To complete the session, it is enough to close the "Assistant" window on one of the computers.


We got acquainted with three ways to connect to a computer. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Special programs are very convenient, but require search and installation, and can also become a "hole" safe. Standard tools are quite reliable, but imply certain knowledge in managing parameters, and the "Connection to the Remote Desktop" application does not provide the possibility of collaboration in the system. Decide, in what situation to use a particular tool.

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