How to learn a trade link Steam


How to learn a trade link Steam

One of the popular features of Steam are the things exchanged between users. You can share games, objects of the games (clothes for the characters, weapons, etc.), cards, backgrounds, and many other things. Many Steam users even almost do not play games, and engaged in an exchange of inventory items. For easy implementation of this procedure created a few extra features. One of those is a link to the trade. When someone clicks on a link automatically opens the form of exchange with the person to whom it points. Read more about how to learn a trade to the incentive to improve the exchange items with other users.

Reference to trade allows you to share with the user without adding them as a friend. It is very convenient if you plan to share with many people the incentive. Enough to post a link to any forum or gaming community and its visitors will be able to start sharing with you by simply clicking on this link. But this link is necessary to learn.

To start, you need to open your inventory items. This is to ensure that users who want to share with you, do not have to add you as a friend to activate metabolism. To do this, do the following:

  1. Run Steam and go to your profile page. Click Edit Profile.
  2. Button Edit profile in the Steam settings

  3. Need privacy settings. Click on the button to move to the settings.
  4. Changing privacy settings in Steam profile

  5. Now look to the bottom of the form. Here are the settings of your inventory items openness. They need to be changed by selecting an open inventory.
  6. Steam function opening inventory in the privacy settings

  7. Steam Now any user can view what you have in the inventory items. You in turn will be able to create a link to the automatic creation of the trade. Next you need to open the page in your inventory. To do this, click on your nick on the top menu and choose "Inventory."
  8. Opening inventory via the user profile of the incentive

  9. Then you need to go to the page of exchange offers, pressing the blue button "exchange offers".
  10. Key exchange offers in the profile settings Steam

  11. Next, scroll down the page and in the right column scroll down to "Who can send me suggestions on the exchange." Click on it.
  12. Section Who can send me an exchange offer in the Steam settings

  13. Finally you hit the desired page. It remains to scroll down it down. Here is the link, with which you can automatically initiate the process of the trad with you.
  14. An example of displaying links for sharing in the style profile settings

  15. Copy this link and place on the courts, with users of which you would like to start a trad in the style. Also this link can be shared with your friends to reduce the time at the top of Trej. Friends will simply just follow the link and the exchange will immediately begin.

If over time you get tired of receiving offers for a trad, just press the "Create a new link" button, which is located directly under the link. This action will create a new reference to the trad, and the old will cease its action.

Now you know how to create a link to the trad in the style. Successful to you sharing!

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