Skype: Failed to establish a connection


Skype failed to establish a connection

Many users have to work daily with the Skype program, because at the current time it is one of the most popular tools for voice and text communication between people. However, an attempt to enter the application is not successful. Sometimes any user may encounter an error of the connection setting, which is associated with different reasons. Next, we offer to familiarize yourself with all the well-known ways to solve this problem to find suitable and finally solve this unpleasant error.

We solve the problem with connecting the connection in Skype

The error in question arises in cases where the program cannot be connected to its servers via the Internet. Therefore, first of all it is required to check the connection to the network. To do this, simply open any convenient browser and go to any site. If it turns out that the Internet does not work at all, we advise you to read another our material on this topic to correct this situation. After successfully solving Skype should function normally again. We go to those difficulties that relate directly to the problematic software.

See also: Solving a problem with non-working Internet on a PC

Method 1: Disable Windows Firewall

Firewall or firewall is a software component of the operating system that filters the incoming and outgoing traffic. It works on a predetermined standard or user parameters. In case of hitting any software to the suspicion or blocking of the firewall, its connection with the Internet and the client will be suspended. Periodically and quite friendly Skype falls under the banners of the firewall for different random reasons. We advise you to check whether this blocking is really to blame in the absence of a connection. This is done by the simple method - turning off the firewall. Deployed guidelines for the implementation of this task you will find in another article Next.

Disable Windows Firewall to check Skype

Read more: Disable firewall in Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10

If suddenly it turned out that the firewall is really to blame for Skype, but at the same time you do not want to constantly keep it in a disconnected state, we advise you to add software to exceptions. Then it will interact correctly with the firewall, since the rules will stop acting only on this object.

Read more: add a program to exceptions in Windows 10 firewall

Method 2: Disable Anti-Virus

Antivirus is another protective tool of the operating system, available on computers of many users. Of course, such situations are quite rare, but various antivirus programs can periodically collect, bringing Skype to a list of potentially dangerous funds. Check the validity of such behavior will only help the temporary disabling and restarting software. The detailed instructions on the disconnection of various popular antiviruses are looking for in a separate material further.

Turning off the antivirus on the computer for setup work Skype

Read more: Disable antivirus

In case of detection of problems with antivirus, it is recommended to replace it, since the addition of friendly software into quarantine is a sign of incorrect work. However, there is a possibility that the software was affected by the virus, which is why pre-scanning and threat removal is required. In addition, you can add Skype to the exception list. Read about all this in more detail in the following manuals from our other authors.

See also:

Adding a program to exclude antivirus

Combating computer viruses

Method 3: Opening ports

Any program using an Internet connection for its normal operation uses ports that determine the incoming and outgoing compound. In Skype, such ports are also present. You can learn about them by reading a separate information on this topic below.

Opening ports in the router to normalize Skype

READ ALSO: SKYPE program: port numbers for incoming connections

As for the verification of certain ports, it is carried out using online services, the principle of operation is quite simple. The user only needs to enter the port and run the check operation. Next, the address information will be displayed on the screen.

Read more: Scan ports online

If suddenly it turns out that the necessary ports are in the closed state, they will be required to be opened through the settings of the router. Each router model has its own special web interface, from which the process of opening ports depends, but the actions algorithm almost always remain the same.

Read more: Opening ports on the router

Method 4: Cleaning garbage and data

Periodically, a different garbage accumulates in the system in the form of unnecessary registry entries or temporary files. Sometimes such objects lead to the failure of a certain software where the software in question may fall. In case of the inoperability of the above methods, we advise you to clean the computer from the garbage and restore the registry.

Cleaning the computer from garbage for normal operation Skype

Read more:

How to clean the computer from garbage using the CCleaner program

How to Clean Windows Registry from Errors

In addition, there are separate records created by Skype. They can store information about older versions or incorrect settings, so they will also be cleaned. To do this, launch the "Run" utility by holding the Win + R key combination, insert the% AppData% \ Skype in the input field and press the ENTER key. In the folder that opens, delete the files "shared.lck" and "shared.xml". After that, restart the computer and try to attempt.

Files to delete in the Skype folder

However, it is worth noting that this folder is not always present, for example, it failed to find it on some Windows 10.

Method 5: Upgrading to the latest version

With each new version of Skype, Microsoft introduces various changes in the connection type with the server. If you are using an old version of the provision, it is quite possible that the problem that has arisen is related to this. In such a situation, it will be enough to upgrade to the latest version, with which the individual article from another author will help to cope.

See also: Update Skype

Above, we talked about the possible reasons for difficulties with a connection in Skype. As you can see, everything is not so much stimuli, so you only need to check each of them to find a true cause and quickly get rid of all the problems associated with the work of the program.

Read more