Property contacts with Android


Property contacts with Android

Using the list of contacts on the Android device, you can quickly find information about a particular person and, if necessary, to communicate by sending a message or by calling. However, in some cases, data may not be displayed in the overall list, causing a number of relevant problems. Further within the framework of the article we will tell about what to do if contacts are disappeared on android, as well as on the methods of returning contacts.

Contacts on Android

There are several reasons for such a problem, for the most part associated with the inattention of the device owner or with errors in the work of Google synchronization. Most often, it is possible to solve the current situation without losing the previous list, especially if there are backup copies.

If you follow the instructions in accuracy, then all the once added options should appear on the screen on the screen. In the absence of the result, most likely the problem is incorrect operation of synchronization, and not in the settings.

Method 2: Google Synchronization

Despite the high levels of Google's service stability, in some cases, synchronization may occur directly reflected on the contact list. The failure is associated with both errors on the google side and not sustainable Internet connection. To correct the situation, it will be enough to restart synchronization during a stable connection.

Such an approach should be enough to correct if the information was simply hidden or incorrectly synchronized. However, in case of complete deletion, you will have to use other means.

Method 3: Restoration of Contacts

Due to the personnel removal of contacts on the phone or with similar actions above the list on other synchronized devices and the information in the cloud will also be excluded from the general list. In this case, the usual synchronization update or filter setting will not help, since these are simply missing. The decision will be special third-party applications for restoring remote contacts in detail by us in a separate article on the site.

Recovery process of remote contacts on Android

Read more: How to restore remote contacts on Android

Method 4: Delete third-party applications

For the Android platform there is a huge number of applications that allow hiding and block various information from the user's eye, including contacts. You need to check if it was accidentally installed like this on the phone, and, if yes, delete in accordance with the following instruction. We will not consider any examples, since the benefit of this will not be due to weighty differences between the programs.

Android Application Removal Procedure

Read more:

Deleting Applications on Android

Removing unsaluable programs for android

It is extremely rare, but the cause of the disappearance of contacts becomes conflicting applications. This option should also be taken into account while viewing the list of installed programs.

Method 5: Search for problems with SIM card

Sometimes the owners of smartphones store phone numbers in the SIM card memory, which can also affect the display of information. For example, Simka could fail due to mechanical or any other damage. The topic was described in more detail separately and also deserves your attention.

Solution of SIM cards on Android

Read more: What to do if Android does not see a SIM card


The methods described are more than enough to troubleshoot the contacts. As an auxiliary measure to the future, it is necessary to synchronize the data with the Google account and save the backup copies of the list in a separate file to eliminate the likelihood of loss of valuable information. Do not forget the features of individual applications and the possibility of saving phone numbers in the SIM card memory.

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