How to run truckers 2 on windows 10


How to run truckers 2 on windows 10

At the time of this writing, this article has passed 18 years since the release of the famous truckers simulator 2. Despite the old age for such projects, it is still of interest to users. Unfortunately, many old games are not supported by modern operating systems and refuse to function. In this article, we will analyze the ways to launch truckers 2 on Windows 10.

Running the game truckers 2 on windows 10

The reasons for which we cannot start the game on the "dozen", several. The main is the incompatibility of the executable file with system components. In addition, the problem lies both in the starting method, or rather, in its parameters and in the settings of the game itself. Next, consider several methods that work most often in the complex, that is, it is necessary to apply them not one by one, but to combine. This procedure may be very laborious, so it is necessary to gain patience.

Method 1: Auxiliary Program

On the Internet, you can find several auxiliary programs to launch old toys on modern computers. One of them is DGVoodoo. It is an emulator, "fakes" system parameters, which allows you to "deceive" the game. You can download it from the official website of the developer.

  1. Go to the download page and download the version "DGVOODOO V2.6".

    Loading the DGVoodoo program from the official developer site

  2. Open the received zip-archive double click and drag two files - dgVoodoo.conf and dgvoodoocpl.exe - in the folder with the game installed.

    Copying DGVoodoo File Files in Folder with Truckers 2 in Windows 10

  3. Inside the archive, open the folder "MS".

    Transition within the archive with the program DGVoodoo Windows 10

    Next, go to "x86".

    Go to folder with libraries inside the archive with the DGVoodoo program in Windows 10

    Drag all four files to the long-range folder 2.

    Copying additional DGVoodoo program files to a folder with truckers 2 in Windows 10

  4. Run the program with double click on dgvoodoocpl.exe.

    Running the DGVoodoo program from the folder with the game truckers 2 in Windows 10

  5. Here we need to check only one setting - the "Config Folder / Running Instance" field. There must be a folder in which we installed the game, not "APPDATA" in the user directory. If it was necessary to change the value, click "Apply".

    Setting the DGVoodoo Configuration Folder in Windows 10

  6. Everything is ready, you can play.

Method 2: Configure Compatibility and Start Parameters

As we have already written above, the main reason for the refusal of the game is to be launched is its incompatibility with the current version of the OS. The system requirements of truckers 2 states that the newest supported windows is XP. This will be guided by selecting parameters.

  1. Go to the installation folder and click the PCM on the executable game file. Depending on the version, it can be both Game.exe and king.exe. In the context menu, select the item "Properties".

    Go to the properties of the truckers executable game 2 in Windows 10

  2. We go to the Compatibility tab and set the checkbox specified in the screenshot. In the activated drop-down list, select "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)".

    Selecting a compatibility mode when started for executable truckers 2 game file in Windows 10

  3. Below, in the "Parameters" block are launch settings. Here we cannot give accurate recommendations, because different options are triggered on different computers. We will have to independently choose a suitable combination of flags. The parameter "Run this program on behalf of the administrator" can not be touched.

    Configure the parameters of running executable game truckers 2 in Windows 10

  4. After each change before checking the performance, do not forget to click the "Apply" button.

    Apply Changes in the settings of the executable File File File 2 in Windows 10

Method 3: Create a command file

"Caprice" when you start the game can be due to the operating "Explorer" of Windows. The problem disappears if it is pre-stop. Make it in the usual way, using the "Task Manager" you can, but then all the folders will close and labels will be disappeared. Therefore, we resort to one tricks, which will help simultaneously with the start of the truckers 2 to complete the processes of the "conductor".

  1. We go to the folder with the playing game and create an ordinary text document in it (PCM - "Create" - "Text Document").

    Creating a new text document in the Truckers Folder 2 in Windows 10

  2. Open the created file double click. You need to register three teams. The first, using the Taskkill.exe system utility, stops all the processes of the "conductory" (there may be two).

    Taskkill / F / Im Explorer.exe

    The second launches the executable game file. Please note that in your version it can be called differently, for example, Game.exe.


    The third command launches the "Explorer" again.

    Start Explorer.exe.

    It looks like this:

    Enter commands to the command file to start the game truckers 2 in Windows 10

  3. In the File menu, select "Save As".

    Go to saving the command file to start the game truckers 2 in Windows 10

    Select the type "All Files" and give a document any name with the .bat extension. For example, start.bat. Click "Save".

    Saving a command file to start the trucker 2 game in Windows 10

In the future, you need to run the game using this command file. Made by the usual way - double click.

Method 4: manual editing settings

Another reason for the game failure to start can be the screen settings prescribed in the special file in the installation folder - Truck.ini.

Configuration file with settings of the game truckers 2 in Windows 10

We open the file with a double click and look at the very first block under the heading [ENV]. If the data in it differs from those indicated in the screenshot, change them, after which we save the document in the usual way ("File" - "Save").

Changing the configuration file with the settings of the Truckers 2 game settings in Windows 10

Method 5: Reducing resource allocation

The old games that were created in those times when the number of cores in the processors did not exceed two, extremely reluctantly launched on modern multi-core systems. You can solve this problem, artificially limiting the consumption of processor resources. This can be done both for the system as a whole and for each specific application.

Restriction for application

This option will be suitable if the game is started, but after some time "crashes" to the desktop with an error warning or without one.

  1. We launch the game, waiting for the new menu appearance and turn it out using the Alt + Tab keyboard.
  2. Open the "Task Manager" by clicking the right mouse button on the Start icon and selecting the appropriate item.

    Go to the task dispatcher from the Start button context menu in Windows 10

  3. Go to the "Details" tab and looking for the game in the list. We click on it by PKM and go to the point "Set similarity".

    Transition to limit the number of nuclei for truckers 2 in Windows 10 Task Manager

  4. Remove the checkbox in the checkbox "all processors" and install in the very first - "CPU 0". Click OK.

    Restriction of the number of cores for truckers 2 in the Windows 10 Task Manager

  5. We deploy the game by clicking on its icon in the "taskbar".

This method is very effective, but will have to repeat the procedure each time you start.

Restriction for the entire system

This technique allows you to configure each time the number of nuclei, but the inconvenience is that we artificially get a weak computer. This will inevitably affect all other processes.

  1. Open the "System Configuration" application from the "Run" string (Win + R) command specified below.


    Go to the application of the system configuration from the string to execute in Windows 10

  2. We go to the "Load" tab and open "Advanced Parameters".

    Transition to additional download parameters in the System Configuration application in Windows 10

  3. Install the checkbox specified in the screenshot, after which in the drop-down list, select the number of cores equal to two. Click OK.

    Restricting the number of processor cores in the application system configuration in Windows 10

  4. In the application window, click "Apply".

    Applying a processor core restriction in the system configuration application in Windows 10

  5. Restart the car.


We disassembled five techniques that allow you to start the game truckers 2 on Windows 10. We will repeat that they need to be used in the complex, that is, if after installing DGVoodoo problems are observed, work with compatibility and so on. Thus, it will be possible to achieve the desired result and once again enjoy the races on trucks under the "minus" of the group "Aria".

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