How to update your computer with windows 7


How to update your computer with windows 7

The operating system, like any other complex software, needs to support developers. It is determined by the fact that over time, errors in operation can be identified, new versions of some key components have been released or new entries in the security bases appeared. These and other changes must be made in the OS in the form of special packages to maintain correct operation and compatibility. In this article we will tell about the types and features of Windows 7 updates.

Updates in Windows 7

As mentioned above, Windows receives updates from various components in the form of special packages. In normal mode, this is done through special Windows Update servers. Some updates receive the note "important" and must be installed in the first place. These are files for security systems, "I Skill" found "holes", installation files of frameworks and media necessary to start programs, as well as correcting inevitable errors and problems. In addition, the "important" also includes packages that introduce new functions or changing the old ones. The remaining "updates" have the status of optional and can be installed manually or automatically after the corresponding setting.


This package must be installed on all PCs running Windows 7 without exception. It included all the updates until the date of release (February 9, 2011), many "patches" and refinement, replenished the driver's repository. Also in SP1 implemented support for some new technologies, for example, Dynamic Memory Enhancement, which allows the system to more rationally use RAM. You can download Service Pack 1 from the official Microsoft website, and how to install it is described in the article below.

Installing Service Pack 1 update package in Windows 7

Read more: Update Windows 7 to Service Pack 1

"Windows Update Center"

After SP1 was installed, the system will receive current updates using the Windows Update Component. You can go to it from the control panel.

Go to setting up the update center in the Windows 7 control panel

"Center" allows you to upload and install packages directly from Windows Update servers and has several settings.

Go to setting up the parameters in the Windows 7 Update Center

First of all, you need to decide on how to receive files. In the "Important Updates" drop-down list, there are several options. Based on their names, you can choose the most acceptable.

Setting the parameters in the Windows 7 update center

The very first item includes automatic mode and requires additional schedule settings.

Enabling automatic update and setting up the schedule in the Windows 7 update center

Below, in the "Recommended Updates" block, you can put a check box that allows you to receive these packages, the same way, as important, that is, in this case automatically (loading and installation). If the checkbox is not installed, the system will only offer them to download and install.

Enabling automatic receipt of recommended packages in Windows 7 update

When you select the last item ("Do not check the availability of updates") all the work is shifted on the shoulders of the user, that is, we ourselves decide when and how to perform the procedure.

Starting manual check availability in Windows 7 update center

Read more:

How to enable automatic update on windows 7

Installing Windows 7 updates manually

Disable updates on Windows 7


Special software - driver - need a system to interact with devices connected to it. Timely update them avoids the mass of trouble in the form of errors when performing programs, blue screens and other problems. You can get updates for these components both with the help of software intended for this and system. In addition, the necessary files can be obtained and installed through your familiar Windows Update. There are other ways. Below we add links to two articles. The instruction shown in the second is designed for Windows 10, but is suitable for use on "seven".

Upgrading device drivers with standard Windows 7 tools

Read more:

How to update drivers for windows 7

Installing Drivers Standard Windows

A special place is occupied by the software designed for video source. This is due to the fact that these packages are developed by third-party experts and are a set of drivers and auxiliary software. The procedure for their search and installation there are subtleties and nuances, which are described in the following links below.

Installing the driver for the NVIDIA video card in Windows 7

Read more:

Update video card driver on windows 7

How to update AMD Radeon video card drivers, nvidia

Codecs and Built-in Player

The codec (encoder and decoder in one person) is a program that allows you to open a specific format of multimedia files - music or video. With it, it is decrypted by the contents that it was also encoded for various purposes - reducing the volume or compatibility. If the necessary codecs are missing in the system, it will be deprived of the ability to play the corresponding content.

In fact, the codec updates is the process of removing old and install new packages and is performed manually. Also, the cause of this operation can serve damage to files, as evidenced by various failures when playing multimedia.

Updating multimedia codecs in Windows 7

Read more: Updating multimedia codecs on Windows 7

Built-in Windows Media Player, like any other component, needs to be updated. The main reasons are security and compatibility. Even if you use a third-party player, the built-in need to regularly expose the update.

Updating the built-in multimedia player in Windows 7

Read more: Windows Media Player update on Windows 7


Hackers do not bother hands working to create new malicious programs in order to be able to retire their dark affairs. On the other side of the barricades, anti-virus software developers "caulate" pests and put their signatures (signatures or definitions) into special databases sent to users. In order not to become a victim, you need to receive updates to these databases in time for your antivirus. As you know, Windows has its own built-in "defender", which also requires updates of signatures for efficient operation.

Removing packages

Some updates, especially the freshest, may not be finalized and contain errors, which leads to failures in the system. In addition, when installing new packages, old can remain on the disk, occupying space. In such cases, their complete removal is required. In the article, the link to which you will find below is described in detail this procedure.

Deleting update packages in the Programs and Components section in Windows 7

Read more: Delete updates in Windows 7

Possible problems and errors

From a technical point of view, the update operation is quite complex. In general, it looks like this: our computer using a special service sends a request to the server, that receives it and forms the answer. It would seem that everything is simple, but within this there are still many different checks and other small processes. Any minor failure at one of the steps leads to the impossibility of loading and installing packages. Below we give a link to the article with the instruction on getting rid of such trouble.

Running service when solving problems with installing updates in Windows 7

Read more: Solving problems with installing Windows 7 update

During the update procedure, various errors may also occur, which are shown in the Center or dialog boxes.

Update Error Warning in Windows 7 Update Center

If you hit this situation, use the search on our website. The request must have the following form: "Windows 7 update error" without quotes. At the end, you can attribute the code specified in the warning.

Search for instructions for troubleshooting problems when updating Windows 7 on


We disassembled the features of updating various components of Windows 7. It is important to remember that it is impossible to neglect this procedure at least for security reasons. In addition, regular updates helps to ensure the compatibility of programs with the system and have many more useful functions.

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