How to calculate the amount in the Word


How to calculate the sum in the Word

Not all Microsoft Word users know that in this program you can calculate according to the specified formulas. Of course, before the capabilities of the office package, the Excel table processor, the text editor does not reach, however, such simple calculations, as the summation of the data, can be performed in it. Today we will tell about how it is done.

Counting amounts in the Word

Although Microsoft Word is primarily oriented to work with the text, in addition, it can be operated with graphic elements, all kinds of figures and objects, tables and mathematical expressions. The latter "pair" often implies the need to count the amount, that is, it may be necessary to be required both in the table and in the example, formula or equation. In each of these cases, it is necessary to act differently. How exactly will learn later.

Method 1: Formulas and equations

If in the Word you need to calculate the sum of the numbers or unknown variables recorded in mathematical expression, equation or formula, you will need to refer to the appropriate text editor tool. It is represented in the insertion, creation and change of equations, about working with which we wrote in detail in a separate article on our website - the reference to it is presented below.

Insertion options for formulas and equations in Microsoft Word

Read more: Working with formulas and equations in Microsoft Word

Method 2: sum in the table

Much more often before users of Microsoft Word arises a slightly more simple task than the creation of mathematical expressions and equations. The need for counting the amount appears when working with tables when it is required to obtain the total value of the numbers recorded in its separate column or row. This is also done with the help of the formula, but completely differently different from the algorithm discussed above.

Select the size of the table being created in Microsoft Word

Features of the work formula

Making calculations in the table created in Word, you should be aware of several important nuances.

  • If you change the contents of the cells included in the formula, the amount of numbers will not be updated automatically. To get a correct result, you must click on the right mouse button in the cell with the formula and select the "Update Field" item.
  • Refresh the field for re-calculating the amount of the amount in the Microsoft Word table

  • Calculations according to the formula are carried out exclusively for cells containing only numeric data. If in the column or line you want to summing up empty cells, the program will output only for that of their part (range), which is located closer to the formula, ignoring the cells, are located above empty. A similar will occur with data with lines.



As you can see, consider the sum of the numbers in Microsoft Word can be two different methods. The first implies work with mathematical expressions, and the second - with the tables and data contained in their cells.

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