How to remove block in autocada


How to remove block in autocada

Blocks in AutoCAD are created manually by users when a certain number of elements are selected for entering, or they are added independently when drawing complex two-dimensional and 3D objects. This allows you to apply the same settings to different elements, bind them and edit together. However, situations occur when the unit needs to be deleted. You can make it completely different methods, and at the same time it is worth paying the time remaining in the information project, which remains invisible.

Remove blocks in AutoCAD

Today we want to devote our attention solely to the analysis of the methods of removing blocks in the software under consideration, starting with the simplest and ending with complicated, in which absolutely all entry is erected. The fact is that the block initially carries the code that the user does not see. It remains in the drawing memory even after removing all the objects, so sometimes there is a need for complete cleaning. However, let's understand everything in order, starting with banal and all clear actions.

Method 1: Using a hot key

Many users know about the presence of a keyboard key called Del or Delete. The default feature is recorded that allows you to delete files, objects and any other information in the operating system and various applications. In AutoCAD, this key performs exactly the same role. It is enough for you to simply select the block with the left mouse button so that it caught fire in blue, and then click on the appropriate key. The action will be automatically produced, it is not necessary to confirm it.

Removing the block in the AutoCAD program using a hot key

However, it should be borne in mind that this method is not able to remove all tails and entries. Only the special utility will cope with this, about which we will talk at the end of this material.

Method 2: Context Menu

As you know, in the autocada you can interact in every way with blocks and other elements. Many useful tools are called through the context menu. This also includes the "erase" tool. You can use it like this:

  1. Be sure to select the desired block by pressing the LKM on it, then right-click.
  2. Select a block in AutoCAD to call the context menu

  3. In the context menu that opens, select "Erase".
  4. Delete block through the context menu in AutoCAD

  5. This action does not require confirmation, so the remote object will immediately disappear from the type in the workspace.
  6. The result of removing the block through the context menu in AutoCAD

If suddenly you accidentally deleted the wrong block, do not worry, the abolition of the last action is made by the standard Ctrl + Z keys combination. It will return an object to the project with all its settings.

Method 3: Cleaning unused blocks

An option with cleaning unused blocks will work only if objects do not contain information on the drawing, or all incoming elements have previously been deleted. This method will simply get rid of unnecessary drawing fragments:

  1. Activate the command line by clicking on it with LKM.
  2. Activation of the command line in the AutoCAD program

  3. Start entering the word "Clear", and then in the menu that appears, select the option "- to".
  4. Enter the command to clear the AutoCAD program in the command line

  5. There will be an additional list with cleaning options, where specify the first category - "blocks".
  6. Select options from the command line results in the AutoCAD program

  7. Enter the name of the removed items, and then click on ENTER.
  8. Enter the name of the block to remove in AutoCAD

  9. Confirm the performance.
  10. Confirmation of the block delete via the command line in the AutoCAD program

Method 4: Utility "Clear"

The "Clear" utility will be useful in cases where you have already used the method 1 or method 2. Only the removal of the components of the block is demonstrated in them, but the definitions remain. It is this tool to get rid of them.

  1. Click on the button with the letter A icon to open the menu.
  2. Go to the main menu in the AutoCAD program

  3. In it, select "Utilities".
  4. Switch to the choice of available utilities in the AutoCAD program

  5. After the appearance of additional tools, click on "Clear".
  6. Select utilities Clear in the AutoCAD program

  7. Expand the "blocks" category, check the desired object and delete it.
  8. Removing blocks through the utility to clean in the AutoCAD program

  9. Confirm this action.
  10. Confirmation of block removal through the utility Clear in AutoCAD

If you mark the paragraph of the item responsible for displaying the items that cannot be deleted now, you can view all blocks with the remaining entries.

Additionally, novice users we recommend to explore the special training material on the topic of interaction with AutoCAD. In it, you will find many interesting information that will help quickly get used in this software and proceed to full use.

Read more: How to use the AutoCAD program

Above you have been acquainted with possible methods for removing blocks in autocada. As you can see, they imply the performance of completely different actions and will be suitable in certain situations. Therefore, familiarize yourself with all of them to always know what option to use what situation.

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