How to make the default opera browser


Installing the default opera browser

Installing a specific program by default means that it will open the files of a specific expansion when clicking on them. If you assign a browser, this will mean that this program will open all the URLs during the transition to them from other applications (except for web browsers) and documents. In addition, the main browser will be launched as the actions of the system required for communication over the Internet. Additionally, you can set defaults to open HTML and MHTML files. Let's find out how to do it all with Opera.

Opera destination methods

Install Opera the main web browser can be used both through its functionality and and using the operating system tools.

Method 1: Interface

The easiest way to install the default opera browser through its interface.

  1. Each time the program is launched, if it is not assigned as the main dialog box appears, with a proposal to produce this installation. Click on the "Yes" button and from now on Opera - your default browser.

    Install the Opera default browser via the program interface

    This is the easiest way to install the default opera. In addition, it is universal and is suitable for all versions of the Windows operating system. Moreover, even if you do not install the main program this time, and click on the "No" button, you can do this at the next launch or even much later.

  2. The fact is that this dialog box will always appear until you install the default opera browser or when you press the "No" button, do not put a tick near the inscription "not to ask again", as shown in the image below.

    Disable dialog box in Opera browser

    In this case, the opera will not be the main web browser, but the dialog box with a proposal to do it will no longer appear.

  3. But what if you blocked the show of this offer, and then changed my mind and decided to still install the default opera browser? We will talk about it below.

Method 2: Windows Control Panel

There is an alternative way to assign the opera program to view the default web pages through the Windows system settings. We show how this happens on the example of the Windows 7 operating system (in Windows it can be exactly the same or through the "parameters" of the system, the reference to the detailed material on the topic is presented at the end of this article).

  1. Go to the "Start" menu and select the "Default Programs" section.

    Switch to the default program

    If there is no lack of this section in the Start menu (and this may be) go to the "Control Panel".

  2. Switch to Windows Control Panel

  3. Then select the "Programs" section.
  4. Transition Programs in the Control Panel

  5. Finally, go "Default Programs" section at the right to us.
  6. Moving the Default Program Windows Control Panel

  7. Next, click on the item "Set the default programs."
  8. The transition to the section Setting Default Programs in Control Panel

  9. Before us opens a window where you can define tasks for specific programs. On the left side of the window looking for Opera and click on its name left mouse button. In the right pane, click on the label "Use default this program."
  10. Appointment Opera the default browser

    Thereafter, Opera browser becomes the primary.

Method 3: Fine tuning omissions

In addition, it is possible to fine-tune the default when you open specific files and works on internet protocols.

  1. To do this, all in the same section "Control Panel," "specify the default programs" by the left side of the Opera window, while the right half of its inscription click on the "Choose defaults for this program".
  2. Selecting the defaults for the opera program

  3. After that, a window with various files and protocols work which supports the Opera browser. When installing a checkmark in a specific item Opera becomes a program that opens it by default.
  4. Appointment defaults for Opera program

  5. After we made the necessary us the destination, click on the "Save" button.
  6. Saving defaults for Opera program

    Now Opera will become the default program for files and protocols that we have chosen for yourself.

    As you can see, even if you have blocked the appointment of the default browser in the opera itself, the situation is not so difficult to fix through the "Control Panel". In addition, there can also produce a more accurate assignment of files and protocols offered by the program.

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