Axonometry in AutoCAD


Axonometry in AutoCAD

During the interaction with the workspace user is faced with the fact that by default all figures in two-dimensional mode are a top view, that is not always necessary when creating certain projects. Because there is a need for changing the display by means of parallel projections. This type of species concepts called axonometry. There are several types of such projections, all of them considered it makes no sense, because today we will focus only on the most popular type - isometric view. Let us examine an example of the projections in the AutoCAD software.

Using the perspective view in AutoCAD

Isometric means that the distortion is equal in all three axes, because this type and is the most popular. However, AutoCAD has a large number of additional settings allow you to customize isometric or other kind of the way it will be most convenient to the user. The same applies to drawing primitives.

Immediately clarify small detail - is any type of 2D-perspective drawing which merely simulates a representation in three dimensions. Construction of these projects has nothing to do with 3D-simulation, be sure to consider this before you perform the instructions below. If you want to deal with the three-dimensional modeling and three-dimensional figures, it is advisable to get acquainted with a separate material on this topic by clicking on the link below.

Read more: 3D-modeling in AutoCAD

Changing the drawing mode

If you are just starting out in isometric mode, without creating standard drawings, be sure to change the type of drawing, putting bindings. This will greatly simplify the procedure itself drawing and will display every detail right, in accordance with the coordinate axes.

  1. The top panel in AutoCAD click on the "Tools".
  2. Transition to Service to configure the mode drawing in AutoCAD

  3. A new context menu in which you want to move to the "Drafting Settings".
  4. The transition to the drawing mode setting window in AutoCAD

  5. Make sure that you are in the first tab called "Snap and Grid".
  6. Move the tab Step and Mesh mode drawing in AutoCAD

  7. Here, find the "binding type" and change it to "Isometric". There is also an additional mode "Polar Snap", which we will discuss below.
  8. Adjusting binding polar or walking in AutoCAD

  9. Now you can see that a change in the appearance of the map's grid changed immediately, but it is still not fully adjusted.
  10. Automatically change projections after setting the anchors in AutoCAD

activation of bindings

Almost no drawing can be built without turning on bindings. Manually close all segments at endpoints will be very difficult, and there is also no warranty that it will do it right. Therefore it is always recommended to include bindings both object and steps on the map, which is happening like this:

  1. Lower your view on the status bar, where to click on the arrow near the "Bind" button.
  2. The transition to the choice of walking or polar binding in AutoCAD

  3. You can activate step or polar binding. If there is a need to change the length of one step, proceed to the parameters.
  4. Acquaintance with possible types of bindings in AutoCAD

  5. In the window, specify the steps value and activate the binding itself.
  6. Configuration of step binding on the grid in the AutoCAD program

  7. Make sure that the bindings were successfully activated by paying attention to the same icon. It should shone blue.
  8. Activation of the button of step or polar binding in the AutoCAD program

  9. After that, when building primitives or figures, the binding will be carried out independently, pushing out from the step, polarity or points of the object.
  10. An example of drawing after activating the grid binding in the AutoCAD program

Now we have touched the topic of bindings only superficially, as it relates little to the current topic. If you have not yet figured out this built-in function, we recommend that it can be done as soon as possible, what will help the learning lesson on our website.

Read more: Using bindings in AutoCAD

Change isometry plane

Total AutoCAD proposes to use one of the three available isometry planes. Each of them will be useful only in certain circumstances. You can independently change the display of the planes using a specially reserved button.

  1. Pay attention to the status bar, where press the "Isometric Design" button.
  2. Transition to the selection of type of display of isometric projection in the AutoCAD program

  3. The menu opens with the selection of the view. Here is the "plane of isometry on the left", "plane of isometry from above" and "plane of isometric on the right". You only need to choose the appropriate option, noting it with a check mark.
  4. Select the type of isometric projection in the AutoCAD program

  5. If you turn off an isometric view, the drawing will be shown in its standard form.
  6. Disable isometric projection in the AutoCAD program

While working on the project, you can switch between all presented projection modes at any time. However, it should be borne in mind that some of the lines may be hidden from view or shown is not exactly the way it really is.

Drawing in isometric projection

If a drawing in the usual form, everything is clear, that in perspective mode, some users sometimes have different issues. The most important thing here - to use a binding, which we discussed above. Without them, it would be difficult to build the correct figure. For the rest, everything is pretty standard.

  1. Select one of the drawing tools on the main stream of the program.
  2. The choice of tools for drawing in AutoCAD

  3. Start painting from the first point. Note that the cursor display is also different from the previous regime. Now he is on parallel axes.
  4. Start drawing in isometric projection of AutoCAD

  5. If you build a standard rectangle, you will see that it is only one point corresponds to the location of the axes, while others are a bit inconsistent.
  6. rectangle drawing mode isometric projection of AutoCAD

  7. When constructing line segments or polylines, this problem does not occur because the binding is activated to absolutely every point.
  8. Drawing segments in isometric mode in AutoCAD

  9. However, nothing prevents you from immediately after the construction of the rectangle to select a point and move it to the other axis, forming similarity discussed above object of the segments.
  10. Move the corners of the rectangle mode in isometric projection of AutoCAD

  11. Selecting "Polar Snap" drawing done a little differently. In it you can make a start it from the coordinate axes.
  12. The inclusion of the polar binding in AutoCAD

  13. All the nuances of such actions only when you understand the construction of handwritten objects in the drawing.
  14. Construction of segments after the polar distance in AutoCAD

Additionally, we note that in addition to binding to the drawing there is still a huge amount of different details and rules that need to be considered during the creation of primitives, or other similar objects. Detailed guidance on this subject can be found in other material on our website by clicking on the link below.

Read more: Drawing of two-dimensional objects in AutoCAD

Adding dimensions

Drawings created in isometric view, too, often need to set the size. If you are concerned about the fact that these lines will not be displayed correctly or change the principle of their structure, can not worry, everything is done by the usual algorithm:

  1. On the main page of the tape in the "Summary" section, select the tool "Size".
  2. The transition to the creation of the dimension line in AutoCAD

  3. Define the first point of the dimension line by clicking on the desired segment of the left mouse button.
  4. Creation of the first point of the dimension line in an isometric view a drawing in AutoCAD

  5. Spend the line, selecting the end of the same.
  6. Create the ultimate point of the dimension line in an isometric projection of AutoCAD

  7. Take out a separate line dimension line that it does not merge with the main object. Then you will see that everything was built correctly and in accordance with the general rules.
  8. Create a marker for the dimension in an isometric projection in AutoCAD

The installation dimensions, too, there are certain nuances and additional parameters to be set up and followed for conducting such segments on the project. In addition, the configured lines, arrows, and styles of inscriptions, and be sure to take this into account when creating the working drawing.

Details: Using dimension lines in AutoCAD

Configure a viewport

Typically isometric projection drawing does not play the main role and is only used to display specific details. Then added to the list of required amount additive viewports where there is display of the same design, but on different sides. In a separate article on our website you will find detailed instructions on the subject, as well as learn all the rules configuration of viewports in the project worksheet formatting.

Setting the viewports to display the isometric projection in AutoCAD

Read more: Using view screens in AutoCAD

Translation drawing in isometric view

We have considered examples of the settings and change the type in cases where the drawing has not yet been built. It is not suitable for those users who already have some shapes on the map. In this case they will be easier to move in isometric projection, a setting of the coordinate axes. This happens with the help of small manipulations with the properties.

  1. To start with a standard frame select all points included in the drawing.
  2. Selecting objects to rotate in AutoCAD

  3. Then click on one of the objects, right-click on the shortcut menu, click "Rotate".
  4. Activation of the rotation function of objects in AutoCAD

  5. Specify the base point around which will be rotated.
  6. The choice of the base point by rotating the object in AutoCAD

  7. Then, by entering numbers from the keyboard to specify a rotation angle of 315 degrees.
  8. The choice of the angle to rotate the object in the drawing in AutoCAD

  9. Groups all elements included in one block. Detailed instructions for the implementation of the task look at other material on.
  10. Creating a unit of rotated objects in AutoCAD

    As for the implementation of other actions - dismembering the block, removal of unnecessary objects, creating polylines and everything else that is part of the usual drawing, now we will not stop on this, since these information is not included in today's article. In addition, they are described in detail in a separate lesson on our website.

    Read more: Using AutoCAD Program

    As you can see, the use of axonometric projections in AutoCAD is extremely useful. It should be borne in mind that the workspace is capable in every possible way to edit in terms of the view in free mode, so you can always pick up the perfect viewing angle to perform certain tasks.

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