Configuring the D-Link DIR-300 A / D1 router for Rostelecom


How to configure D-Link DIR-300 A / D1 for Rostelecom
In this step by step guide, I will describe in detail the process of setting up a new Wi-Fi router from the D-Link DIR-300 router ruler to work with wired home Internet from the Rostelecom provider.

The instruction will try to write in the most detailed as possible: so that even if you never had to configure the routers, it was not difficult to cope with the task.

The following questions will be discussed in detail:

  • How to connect DIR-300 A / D1 to configure
  • Configuring PPPOE Rostelecom
  • How to put a password on Wi-Fi (video)
  • Setting up IPTV television for Rostelecom.
Wi-Fi Router D-Link DIR-300 Audit A / D1

Connecting router

To begin with, you should make such an elementary thing, how to connect the DIR-300 A / D1 correctly - the fact is that it is from the Rostelecom subscribers who can often find an incorrect connection scheme, which is usually the result that on all devices, with the exception of one computer , Network without internet access.

How to connect a router to configure

So, on the back of the router there are 5 ports, one of which is signed by the Internet, four others - LAN. Rostelecom cable should be connected to the Internet port. One of the LAN ports connect the wire with a network connector of a computer or a laptop from which you will configure the router (set up better on the wire: It will be more convenient, then, if necessary, you can only use Wi-Fi for the Internet). If you also have a TV Prefix Rostelecom, then until you connect it, do it at the final stage. Turn on the router into the outlet.

How to go to the DIR-300 A / D1 settings and create a PPPoE Rostelecom Connection

Note: During all the described actions, as well as after the end of the router configuration, the Rostelecom connection (high-speed connection), if you usually run it on the computer, must be disabled, otherwise nothing will work.

Log in to the router settings

Run any Internet browser and enter in the address bar, go to this address: the login page should be opened in the DIR-300 A / D1 configuration web interface with a login and password request. Standard login and password for this device - Admin and Admin, respectively. If after entering you again returns to the input page, then with previous attempts to configure the Wi-Fi router, you or someone else changed this password (they are asked about automatically at the first input). Try to remember it, or reset the D-Link DIR-300 A / D1 to the factory settings (retain reset 15-20 seconds).

Note: If no pages are open at, then:

  • Check if the TCP / IPv4 parameters of the connection used to communicate with the Router "Get IP automatically" and "connect to DNS automatically".
  • If the above does not help, check if the official drivers are installed on the network adapter of your computer or laptop.

After the login and password are correctly input, the main page of the device settings will open. At below, select "Advanced Settings", and then, in the Network item, click on the WAN link.

Transition to advanced settings

A list of configured in the connection router opens. There will be only one - "Dynamic IP". Click on it, in order to open its parameters to be changed, in order for the router to connect to the Internet Rostelecom.

In the properties of the connection, specify the following parameter values:

  • Connection type - PPPoe
  • Username - Login for online connection issued to you Rostelecom
  • Password and confirmation password - Password for the Internet from Rostelecom

The remaining parameters can be left unchanged. In some regions, Rostelecom recommends using other MTU values ​​rather than 1492, however, in most cases, this value is optimal for PPPoe connections.

Correct PPPOE Rostelecom Connection Settings

Click the Edit button to save the settings made: You will return to the list configured in the connection router (now the connection will be "broken"). Note the indicator above the right, offering Save Settings - this needs to be done, so that they do not drop after, for example, turning off the power of the router.

Update a list of connections: If all the parameters were entered correctly, you are using the wired home Internet Rostelecom, and on the computer itself, the connection is broken, you will see that the connection status has changed - now "connected". Thus, the main part of the DIR-300 A / D1 router is completed. The next step is to configure the security settings of the wireless network.

Setting up Wi-Fi on D-Link DIR-300 A / D1

Since setting the wireless network settings (installation of a password for a wireless network) for various modifications of the DIR-300 and no different providers are different, I decided to record a detailed video instruction on this issue. Judging by the reviews, everything is clear in it and users do not occur.

Link to YouTube.

Configure TV Rostelecom

Television setting on this router is not an even account no difficulties: just go to the main page of the device's web interface, select "IPTV Setup Wizard" and specify the LAN port to which the console will be connected. Do not forget to save the settings (at the top of the notice).

If you can find any problems when setting up the router, then the most frequent of them and possible solutions can be found on the page for setting up the router.

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