Why fly Viber on iPhone


Why fly Viber on iPhone

Quite rare, but still Viber users, including iPhone owners, face problems in the work of the messenger. Consider the reasons for which critical errors arise that lead to a sudden forced closure of the service client in the iOS environment ("departure" applications), as well as the methods of eliminating such problems.

Why the Viber flies on the iPhone

In general, it can be argued that the main problems with client software, which is used on a huge mass of devices with differing hardware and software platforms and operating models, are invited to create ideal conditions for the operation of each instance of the program. The end user can only affect the Messenger Client Application Enforcement Enterprise, but still basic manipulations to eliminate the errors that manifest themselves when working for IOS errors should be done for each Apple smartphone owner.

See also:

What to do if the activation code does not come in the Viber Messenger

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Cause 1: iPhone hardware components

Despite the seeming simplicity, Viber is currently a multifunctional service providing a lot of opportunities, and its client application requires a certain level of computing power for its normal operation. If the technical characteristics of the iPhone do not satisfy the requirements of the program, to ensure its normal work is problematic.


First of all, it should be noted that for the insoluve functioning of modern versions of Viber in the IOS environment requires about 300 MB of RAM, which is not so little. For example, Apple's devices, released to iPhone 5 and equipped with 512 MB-equipped RAM chips or less, provide the specified memory with a separate application permanently in most cases are not capable.

A temporary solution to the problem of Viber departures caused by the lack of "RAM" can be:

  • Unloading from memory (closing) of all applications, except for the messenger;

    Viber for iPhone - unloading other running applications from the device's memory

    Read more: How to close the applications on the iPhone

  • Reload iPhone;

    Viber for iPhone Turning off the device to restart

    Read more: How to restart the iPhone

  • The inclusion of "Aviarature" before opening the Viber client in iOS, and after the messenger is loaded, - deactivating the prohibition of the operation of wireless network modules.

    Viber for iPhone Turning on the airline before launching the messenger

    Read more: How to enable "Flight Mode" on iPhone


Provided that a multitude of applications are started at the iPhone at the same time, a central device processor (even modern, and therefore, in the case of Apple - powerful), it may not cope with the tasks. It is worth noting that the CPU in extremely rare cases is the culprit of the sudden termination of the messenger, but still it is impossible to exclude such a probability, especially users of the old models of Apple smartphones. The easiest way to unload the "brain" iPhone is his restart.

Viber for iPhone How to Forcibly Reboot New Apple Smartphones Models

READ ALSO: Forced iPhone reboot of different models

Among other things, a sign of the overload of the iPhone processor is to overheat the device. Therefore, if the heating is felt, and in particular - if the "flies" is not only the application in question and / or constantly occur other problems in the work of the software, it will be worthwhile to make recommendations from the following material.

Viber for iPhone overheating smartphone as a cause of messenger departures

Read more: Causes of iphone overheating and their elimination

Cause 2: Outdated Verse Viber and iOS

Constantly updating, the messenger not only receives new features, but also deprived of defects detected by developers and users and errors in the code leading to critical failures. Note that many problems with Viber are solved after installing the customer service update.

Viber for iPhone update messenger to eliminate problems in its work

Read more: How to update Viber messenger on iPhone

Since today Viber for iPhone requires for its installation, not to mention the launch and operation, iOS 10 and higher, users of obsolete versions of the mobile OS face the inability to update the messenger. To install Viber on a smartphone from the Apple "old" model, it is often used undocumented by the manufacturer of the device to carry out the procedure and distributions of irrelevant, and therefore unsupported by the developers of the client application versions.

Despite the fact that for the owners of iPhone 4S and earlier models, the above-described approach is the only possible option for getting access to the service under consideration, in the event of its use, it is not necessary to count on unbelieving operation of Viber.


  • The owners of the iPhone 5 and the newer are recommended when problems with Viber, check the ability to update Ayos on your device and update the version of the OS with such an opportunity, and then update the messenger application.

    Viber for iPhone Updating the smartphone operating system to the latest version

    Read more: How to update iOS to the latest version

  • IPhone 4S users and older models can only be advised by the manipulation of the release of the device's RAM and unloading its CPU, as proposed in the description of the "Causes of 1" of the inoperability of Weber above in this article.

Reason 3: Incorrect installation or critical failure in the place of the messenger

Whatever it was, but, despite all the advantages of Viber, the service as a whole, and its applications are not perfect. The owner of the newest iPhone, who established the latest version of Waiber, may well face bugs in the work of the messenger arising from the errors made by the fault of the developers. In addition, it is impossible to exclude the likelihood of a violation of the installation of the client application of the service under consideration - too many factors affect its execution.

The above described is completely able to lead to the collings of client software and even the impossibility of its launch in the future. Both of these troubles may be overcome, uninstalling Vaiber with iPhone and installing the messenger again.

Viber for iPhone Removal of the Messenger to reinstall

Read more:

How to Remove Viber Messenger with iPhone

Ways to install the Viber Application Applications on Apple Smartphones

Cause 4: Service failures

The Viber client application for iOS is an integral part of the most complex system that ensures the interaction of millions of devices, so the temporary inoperability of software on the user side can be caused by failures, for example, on the service server.

In most cases, the deposits of the messenger on the iPhone, due to incorrectly through the server to the server, etc., are eliminated by themselves, perhaps after some expectation of the restoration of the normal operation of the system. Also in a situation where it is suddenly and without visible causes such as described problems, you can try to restart the program and / or restart the iPhone.


We have listed all the main reasons that are able to determine the "departure" of the VIBER application adapted to use in the IOS environment. We hope that the execution of manipulations proposed as a possible solution of the problem considered has brought a positive result.

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