How to remove shadows in windows 7


How to remove shadows in windows 7

By default, the appearance of the Windows 7 operating system is configured in such a way that shortcuts, mouse cursor, text and application windows discard a small shadow. Some users simply do not like it, and in certain cases, for example, when using a computer with a weak hardware, it even provokes an additional unnecessary load on the processor and a video card. Therefore, sometimes users face the task of turning off the shadows. We want to demonstrate visual instructions, showing how to do it quickly and just as possible.

Turn off the shadows in Windows 7

The following manual will be divided into partitions so that any user can choose the optimal option for itself and perform each action without any problems. As mentioned earlier, the shadow in Windows 7 discard different elements, so let's figure it out with each in order.

Desktop windows and labels

Most often, there is a need to turn off the shadow, which proceeds from the windows and labels of the desktop, since it is precisely that more and loads components. You can generate this operation by using the speed settings window, and the transition to it is performed as follows:

  1. Open the Start menu and go to the Control Panel by clicking on the appropriate inscription on the on the right.
  2. Switch to Windows 7 control panel to disable the shadows of the elements

  3. Here, among all the icons, find the "system".
  4. Go to system settings to disable shadows in Windows 7

  5. Pay attention to the section with inscriptions on the left. It will be necessary to click on the "Advanced System Parameters" link.
  6. Transition to additional parameters of the system to turn off the shadows in Windows 7

  7. Immediately the "Advanced" tab will open, where to switch to the speed parameters.
  8. Go to the speed setting to disconnect the shadows in the Windows 7 operating system

  9. In a new window, select the Visual Effects tab.
  10. Tab settings of the appearance elements in Windows 7

  11. Remove the checkboxes from the items "Display shadows, discarded by windows" and "discarding shadows on the desktop". Then do not forget to apply the changes.
  12. Disabling shadows through the properties of the elements of the appearance of Windows 7

After the implementation of this configuration, you can not restart the computer, because the shadows will disappear immediately. Now the load on system components will significantly decrease. As you can see, there are many parameters that are associated with different visual effects in the speed settings menu. We recommend additionally familiar with them and disable unnecessary to speed up the operation of the OS.

Mouse Cursor

By default, the mouse cursor also discards a small shadow. Some users do not even notice this, and others such a function simply annoys. Therefore, we want to show how to get rid of this feature of the appearance.

  1. Open the "Control Panel" again, where this time you already select the "Mouse" section.
  2. Go to the mouse settings in the Windows 7 operating system

  3. Move into the "Pointers" tab.
  4. Go to the mouse pointer settings via the control panel in Windows 7

  5. Remove the box from the Point Shadow item.
  6. Turning off the shadow of the mouse pointer through the configuration menu in Windows 7

  7. Apply the settings by clicking on the appropriate button.
  8. Applying changes in the shadow of the mouse cursor in Windows 7

In addition to the above configuration, the mouse pointer and the device itself in Windows 7 can be configured in every way, changing the parameters as it will be pleased with you. If you are interested in this topic, we advise you to study individual materials on our website by clicking on the links listed below.

Read more:

Setting up a touchpad on a Windows 7 laptop

Changing the shape of the mouse cursor on Windows 7

Setting the sensitivity of the mouse in Windows 7


Initially, the fonts discard the entirely insignificant shadow on which almost all users do not pay. However, sometimes system failures or other situations occur when this visual effect begins to appear not entirely correctly. Then you can turn off the shadow at all or try to restore it by following these steps:

  1. Open "Start" and locate "Setting up the Cleartype text through the search.
  2. Go to the font settings through the Start in Windows 7

  3. By default, this parameter will be enabled. Remove the checkbox from it and check the quality of change.
  4. Disable the Cleartype feature in the Windows 7 operating system

  5. You can still make a new text setting by selecting the best display examples in the proposed window.
  6. Advanced Settings of the ClearType function in Windows 7

Usually, the implementation of such actions helps to remove all random errors arising from the display of fonts in the OS. However, if this fails to achieve, simply turn off this item by changing the registry parameter as follows:

  1. Open the "Run" utility by pressing the Win + R keys combination. In the Input field, write Regedit and press the ENTER key.
  2. Go to the registry editor through the Utility to execute in Windows 7

  3. When you appear a request from account control, select the Yes.
  4. Confirmation of the launch of the registry editor in Windows 7

  5. In the window that opens, go along the path of HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Currentversion \ Explorer \ Advanced.
  6. Go to the specified path in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  7. Watch the ListViewShadow parameter and click on it twice LX.
  8. Go to changing the shadows parameter in the Windows 7 Registry Editor

  9. Change the parameter value to 0, after which you can close the registry editor.
  10. Disabling shadows via the registry editor in Windows 7

Changes should be taken into force immediately, but if this did not happen, it is recommended to restart the PC, since the registry parameters have a feature to be activated only when creating a new session in Windows.

In addition, I would like to note that in the considered version of the operating system there is still a huge number of personalization parameters, which somehow affect the performance and performance. In addition, it is just a good way to adjust the appearance under yourself. Read more detailed information on this topic.

Read more: We change the appearance and functionality of the desktop in Windows 7

Above, you were familiar with the procedure for disconnecting the shadows of various components of Windows 7. As you can see, it is performed literally in several clicks, and the changes are applied instantly.

Read more