How to restore Viber on the phone


How to restore Viber on the phone

If you accidentally deleted the Viber application from your Android smartphone or iPhone and worry about the safety of information accumulated during the system operation, do not rush to despair. Almost always you can restore Viber on the phone literally in a couple of minutes and continue using it. In the article, we will look at the options for actions that can be taken to return the messenger to the state before uninstallation.

How to restore remote from the phone viber

Uninstalled or, for example, the coated when resetting the smartphone to the factory settings, the Viber application you recover in any case, also safely after removing the client, your account remains. But the return on its place of the contents of the chat contents only under a certain condition - the presence of a backup. Therefore, once again we recall the importance of providing backup information from the messenger if the information generated during the use of the system client presents at least some value for you.

Read more: How to configure automatic backup correspondence from Viber


Viber for Android provided that you previously configured the application can be returned to a smartphone in almost the same form that it was at the time of removal.

Method 1: Restore immediately after removal

The following instruction is the fastest way to restore the client application and chat content, which implies the minimum number of actions. It is assumed that Google services are present on the smartphone and function and after removing the messenger in the Android environment, such operations have not been carried out, as an output from the Google account or its change.

  1. Open Google Play Market. Next, call the TAP Application Application Menu at the top of the top box at the top of the left and press it "My Applications and Games".
  2. Viber for Android Section My Applications and Games in the Google Play Play Menu

  3. Click the Library tab. Scroll through the list of programs that you previously installed using the Google account, and find "Viber: Calls and Messages" in it.
  4. Viber for Android Search for Messenger in the list not set by Google Play Libraries

  5. Tap the "Install" button near the name of the messenger and expect the application until the application is downloaded and installed on the smartphone.
  6. Viber for Android Installing a messenger from the My Applications and Games in Google Play

  7. Run the Viber, touching "Open" on the last screen of the installation tool or, taping the newly appeared on the "desktop" and / or in the "Application menu" icon. On the Messenger welcome screen, click "Next".
  8. Viber for Android Running the messenger after recovering the application

  9. If you have completed the above actions after a short time after uninstalling the Weber, its authorization service automatically "remembers" the identifier used earlier and insert it into the desired field on the screen. Touch "Next" and then "Yes" in the query window. Usually in the situation under consideration, it will not be necessary to enter the code from SMS, but if the secret combination is requested, request and enter it into the appropriate field.
  10. Viber for Android authorization of the messenger after recovery

  11. Tap the button with the checkmark, confirming the loyalty of your registration data. On the next screen (will not appear if there was no backup in the messenger) Touch "Restore Now" and wait for download, and then processing the file-backup file of chat history by the application.
  12. Viber for Android Restore chat history when you first after reinstalling the application startup

  13. Provide the application all the necessary permissions, confirming or rejecting incoming requests.
  14. Viber for Android Providing a messenger of necessary permissions after reinstalling

  15. On this, in general, everything - Viber is restored in Android and is ready for further operation. The only thing if you have previously changed the "settings" of the client application, configuration will have to be renovated.

    Read more: Configuring Viber Application on Android-Smartphone

Method 2: Restore after resetting Android settings or device replacement

If Vaiber was removed from your device as a result of serious intervention in the work of the Android OS or you want to restore the messenger on another device, the action algorithm will be somewhat different from the above.

  1. Install the Viber app-client for Android any preferred way.

    Viber for Android Installing the Messenger from Google Platter Market

    Read more: Viber Messenger Installation Ways in Android

    The easiest way to implement the installation by performing steps 1-3 from the previous instructions for restoring the messenger in this article, but pre-authorized in Google Play using the account used earlier.

    Viber for Android - Authorization on Google Play to restore the messenger on the new phone

    Read more: How to log in in Play Market and other Google services on Android-smartphone

  2. Run the messenger and go through the authorization procedure.

    Viber for Android Authorization in Messenger with an existing account

    Read more: How to log in in Viber Application for Android

    In the case of Viber, the login is carried out similarly to the registration, only personalize the account does not have to have - the profile data will be downloaded from the server.

    Viber for Android Authorization in the existing messenger account completed

  3. If you need to restore the history of the chat, click on the link below

    Viber for Android path to the restoration function of the history of the backup chat

    and follow the instructions from the opened article.

    Viber for Android Returning Chat history from backup in reinstalled messenger

    Read more: How to restore the history of chats in Viber for Android


Viber on the iPhone is not more difficult to restore than in the environment described above android, and here it is also possible to use one of two several different actions algorithms.

Method 1: Restore immediately after removal

First, consider the easiest and most quick way to restore the messenger. If you after removing the Viber you did not go on the iPhone from Apple ID and did not change the account in the "apple" ecosystem, the instruction is as follows.

  1. Open the "App Store", tap at the top to the right photo of your profile in Apple services. Next, click "Shopping" on the screen that opens.
  2. Viber for iOS Starting the App Store, transition to the purchase to restore the messenger on the iPhone

  3. Scroll through the list of all ever received using Apple program IDs, find it in it "Viber Messenger". Click on the cloud with the arrow to the right of the name of the messenger.
  4. Viber for iOS Start restoring a messenger program from the purchase section in the App Store

  5. Expect "Turn" icons "Download" to the "Open" button and click it. Also, upon completion of the installation, you can close the application store and run the Viber tap to the newly appeared on the iPhone desktop icon.
  6. Viber for iOS Starting the messenger program on the iPhone after recovery from the App Store

  7. On the "Welcome to Viber" screen, click "Continue". Your phone number involved as a login in the messenger will automatically be inserted in the field on the next screen, here again click "Continue". Next, confirm the loyalty of the identifier, touching "yes" in the query window.
  8. Viber for iOS Automatic authorization in messenger after recovery of the program on the iPhone

  9. If you recover Vaiber on the iPhone immediately after you delete it, a screen will appear with a profile data loaded from the system, click "Finish" at the top on the right. If after uninstallation of the program under consideration, a lot of time passed, it may be necessary to enter a combination of numbers sent by the system in SMS.
  10. Viber for iOS screen with a profile information received from the messenger server

  11. The final stage is the restoration of chat history. The screen with a proposal to return correspondence on its place will open automatically if you previously provided backup to Viber. Click "Restore Now" and expect the operation to complete.
  12. Viber for iOS process recovery of chat history in messenger after reinstalling

  13. At this, the recovery of the messenger is completed, however, note that customer program will have to be configured.

    Viber for iOS Configuring the client program after the recovery of the messenger on the iPhone

    Read more: How to configure Viber program on iPhone

Method 2: Recovery after erasing content and iOS settings or transition to a new iPhone

In order to restore the remote Viber after the processes, including the Apple iPhone dislocation, it has passed as efficiently as possible, it is important to take into account the factor of the previously established interconnection between the Messenger program and the account in the services of the Couperin Giant.


As you can see, mobile variants of Viber can be returned by any user on their device by performing only a few simple steps, and it practically does not depend on the situation at which the application is deleted. The fact that the recovery recovery requires preventive measures to be implemented, should not cause indignation - all those who are not puzzled by the preservation of important information on their own, sooner or later faced with its loss, and this concerns information not only from the considered messenger.

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