How to disable the attenuation of the screen on windows 7


Disable screen attenuation on Windows 7

Often, Windows 7 users face a problem - a monitor screen or a laptop display spontaneously dips after some activity time. This is not a crash and not breakage - the computer either disables the display, or goes into sleep mode. Today we want to talk about how to cope with this problem.

How to turn off attenuation

Since the source of such behavior is to switch to sleep mode or banal screen shutdown, the solution will turn off these functions through system tools.

Step 1: Settings for switching to sleep mode

Let's turn off the transition to sleep mode. This is done as follows:

  1. Open the Start menu and call the Control Panel.
  2. Open the control panel to solve problems with the screen attenuation on Windows 7

  3. Turn on the display "Large icons", then open the "Power" item.
  4. Call up power settings to solve problems with screen attenuation on Windows 7

  5. As a rule, the problem under consideration occurs in the activity of the plan "balanced" or "power saving" plan, so make sure that this scheme is active, then click on the "Setting the Power Plan" link next to it.
  6. Settings Power Plan for Solving Screen Planning on Windows 7

  7. Next, use the "Drop Display" menu and "Disable Display" in which you select the "Never" option or set the desired time interval.

    Disconnecting options for solving screen damping on Windows 7

    Then proceed to the list "Translate computer to sleep mode" list, in which you also activate the "Never" option or select the preferred option.

  8. Option of switching to sleep mode for solving screen damping on Windows 7

  9. Click "Save Changes", after which you close the snap and restart the computer.
  10. The method described above is the main option of disconnecting the sleep mode, and, as a result, attenuation of the screen in Windows 7.

Stage 2: Disconnecting the screensaver

It is also recommended to turn off the display saving - often with it is activated and the attenuation option. It is possible to do it through the "Personalization" snap.

  1. Go to the "Desktop", Move the cursor over the free space and right-click. The context menu will open in which to select "Personalization".
  2. Open Personalization To solve problems with screen damping on Windows 7

  3. In the medium, select the "Screensaver" option.
  4. Select screensaver settings to solve the screen attenuation on Windows 7

  5. Refer to the above drop-down menu, in which install the option "(no)".

    Disable the screensaver to solve the problem attenuation on Windows 7

    Use the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.

  6. Save the screensaver settings for solving the screen attenuation on Windows 7

    Disconnection of the screensaver will allow you to remove such an option to damage the screen.

Power settings are not available

Sometimes attempts to change the power settings lead to the message "Message Plan Information Not available" message. Usually, users of such editions of Windows 7 are facing such as initial and basic. Algorithm Solving Problems Next:

  1. First of all, check the power supply - it is possible that this device fails, why the system cannot recognize it and configure the parameters accordingly. This is especially true of laptop owners who have such a problem more often.
  2. Also, such a problem occurs due to malfunctions with the motherboard chipset drivers and / or an integrated video card. Accordingly, the troubleshooting method is reinstalling this software.


    Installing Drivers for Motherboard

    Re-install video card drivers

  3. On laptops of some manufacturers (for example, Samsung), a separate utility that can have different names is responsible for the power parameters (in the example below the Fast Start from Samsung, another possible option - Fast Booting SW). To access the system parameters, you will need to configure the application - first open it, then select "OFF", and then click "Apply" and "OK".

    Disable Samsung Fast Start to solve problems with screen attenuation on Windows 7

    In such applications from other manufacturers, the configuration technique looks likewise, except the menu items can be called otherwise.

  4. In the extreme case, you can try to reinstall the system: it is possible that the power configurator snap-in was damaged for one way or another.

    Read more: How to install Windows 7 over Windows 7


Thus, we learned how to turn off the screen attenuation in Windows 7, and also got acquainted with the solutions of the problem when the power settings are not available.

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