How to open the developer console in the browser


How to open the developer console in the browser

Web browsers are designed not only for ordinary users, but also for developers who test tools and create websites. Under certain conditions, the console may be needed and a conventional user. You can open it in any browser, and the ways of this are often the same.

Opening the developer console in browsers

For developers in the browser there are several tools that allow them to professionally engage in web development. One of them is a console that allows you to track different events. You can open it differently, and then we will consider various options for this action. For Yandex. We have a separate article, and we offer to familiarize yourself with the owners of other browsers below.

Read more: How to open a console in Yandex.Browser

Method 1: Hot Keys

Each web browser supports hot-keys management, and mostly these combinations are the same.

    Google Chrome / Opera: Ctrl + Shift + J

    Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + K

There is a universal hot key - F12. It launches the console in almost all web browsers.

Method 2: Context Menu

You can also call the developer console through the context menu. The actions themselves are absolutely the same.

Google Chrome.

  1. Right-click on an empty place on any page and select "View Code".
  2. Calling the developer console through the context menu of Google Chrome

  3. Switch to the "Console" tab.
  4. Switch to the Console tab in Google Chrome Developer


  1. Click the PCM on an empty place and select "View Element Code".
  2. Start the developer tools to switch to the console through the Opera context menu

  3. Switch to "Console" there.
  4. Switch to the Console tab in the Opera developer tools

Mozilla Firefox.

  1. Right-click the mouse, call the context menu and click on "Explore the item".
  2. Call the developer tools to open the console through the context menu Mozilla Firefox

  3. Switch to "Console".
  4. MOZILLA FIREFOX Developer Tab Console

Method 3: Browser Menu

Through the menu will not be difficult to get into the desired section.

Google Chrome.

Click on the menu icon, select "Advanced tools" and from the drop-down menu. Go to "Developer's Tools". It will only go to switch to the "Console" tab.

Call developer tools to go to the console through the Google Chrome browser menu


Click the menu icon in the upper left corner, hover over the Development menu item and select Developer Tools. In the appeared section, switch to "Console".

Switch to the developer tools to open the console through the Opera browser menu

Mozilla Firefox.

  1. Call the menu and click on Web Development.
  2. Go to the Web Development section through the Mozilla Firefox browser menu

  3. In the tool list, select "Web Console".
  4. Call Console through the Mozilla Firefox Browser Web Development section

  5. Switch to the "Console" tab.
  6. Switch to the Console tab in the Mozilla Firefox Developer

Method 4: Run at the start of the browser

Those who are constantly related to the development, you must always keep the console open. To do not recover it every time, the browsers offer to set a shortcut of certain parameters that automatically call the console when a web browser will be launched through this shortcut.

Google Chrome.

  1. Click on the program shortcut with the right mouse button and go to "Properties". If there is no shortcut, click on the EXE file of the PCM and select "Create a shortcut".
  2. Go to the browser properties through the context menu

  3. On the tab "Label" in the "Object" field, place the text pointer at the end of the line and insert the --Auto-Open-DevTools-for-Tabs command. Click OK.

Enter the browser launch parameter to automatically open developer tools

Now the developer console will automatically open with the browser.

Mozilla Firefox.

The owners of this browser are allowed to call the console in a new window, which can be much more convenient. To do this, it will be needed to go to the "Properties" of the label, as was shown above, but to enter the other command - -JSCONSOLE.

Browser startup parameter for automatic opening of the Mozilla Firefox console

It will open separately with Firefox.

Launched console in a new window Mozilla Firefox

Now you know all topical ways to start the console at the right time or automatically.

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