Do not open photos on a computer with Windows 7


Do not open photos on a computer with Windows 7

Almost every user of the operating system Windows 7 occurs from time to time facing the need to view photos located on a local or removable medium. In most cases, this process does not cause any difficulties at all, and the embedded image of the pictures allows you to do without prior to third-party software. However, some users are still faced with problems when all or only certain images do not open. As part of today's article, we want to talk about the available methods of solving this situation.

Eliminate problems with opening images in Windows 7

The following methods we placed in the order of the complexity of execution and efficiency, and it was done so that you could quickly and easily find a suitable option for yourself. To give an unequivocal answer about the solution of the resulting difficulty will not work, because without preliminary diagnostics of the system here is not to do. In this regard, we recommend starting from the first method, gradually moving to the following, if no result is observed.

Method 1: Check File Extensions and Cleaning Anti-Virus System

Often in the difficulty appearing are to blame the viruses that for any reason fell to the computer. In such cases, they are encrypted under the guise of ordinary files, changing their extensions or other parameters. For example, when you try to start the image, you will only provoke the process responsible for the spread of the virus, but the snapshot itself will not be opened. Because of this, first need to check which formats have problem files, which is the easiest to do this:

  1. Open the Start menu and in the right list, select "Control Panel".
  2. Go to Windows 7 control panel to solve problems with opening photos

  3. Here you are interested in the section "Folder Settings".
  4. Go to folder parameters to enable file extensions display in Windows 7

  5. In the window that opens, move to the "View" tab.
  6. Switch to the View tab of folder settings in Windows 7

  7. Source down the "Advanced Settings" list and remove the checkbox from the "Hide extensions for registered files for registered files".
  8. Enabling file extensions display via folder parameters in Windows 7

  9. Apply the changes and close the window.
  10. Saving changes after folder parameter settings to display file extensions in Windows 7

  11. Now you can open the directory where the photo is stored to familiarize yourself with the type of each of them. If suddenly something does not match the standard image parameters (PNG, JPEG, JPG and others), you will have to resort to antivirus help.
  12. View image file extensions after making changes in Windows 7

You can use the protection installed on the computer or choose any other software to combat malicious elements. After the scanning is completed, information on found and remote viruses will appear on the screen. Infected files are sometimes restored, but if they were badly damaged, you will have to part with the pictures. Detailed instructions for performing this task are looking for in the material further.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Method 2: Setup File Association

The most banal and simple advice that appears when such problems occur - checking the association of objects. The situation is quite likely when for some reason the image viewing tools simply cease to interact correctly with existing media files, ignoring their expansion. Then you have to manually check and change the parameters through the "Control Panel".

  1. While in this menu, click on the default program.
  2. Go to configuring default programs through the control panel in Windows 7

  3. Here, click on the "Default Program Specifications" option.
  4. Opening the File Association Settings Menu by default via the control panel in Windows 7

  5. On the left, select the installed viewer. If you use standard software, highlight it.
  6. Selecting photo viewers to configure file associations in Windows 7

  7. To check the current types of files, click on "Select defaults for this program".
  8. Go to setting up file types associations for photo viewers in Windows 7

  9. Tick ​​all items, if any of them or all are missing, and then click on "Save".
  10. Saving changes after installing the default file associations in Windows 7

  11. After that, re-assign this tool to the default tool by clicking on a special button.
  12. Button to select a program to view the default photos in Windows 7

Now you can safely move to testing photo viewing. Restart the PC is not necessary, since the changes come into force in the current session.

Method 3: Editing Access Rights

With an error about the absence of necessary rights, when opening images, users are mainly encountered, which have just installed the operating system. The fact is that sometimes objects are assigned a certain owner, and this entails the imposition of certain access restrictions. At the form of a new user, the OS can issue an error, banning the photo to view. It should also be noted that the appearance of such a problem is sometimes associated with the action of viruses, so perform the method only after careful cleaning system.

  1. First, let's turn off the function of the general access wizard to simplify the provision of necessary rights in the future. Open the "Control Panel" and here go to the "Folder Settings" menu.
  2. Switch to folder parameters to disable sharing wizard in Windows 7

  3. On the View tab, remove the checkbox from the item "Use the Sharing Wizard (recommended)", and then apply the changes.
  4. Disable the function of the general access wizard through folder parameters in Windows 7

  5. Lay the folder with photos that do not open. Make the right click on it.
  6. Opening the context menu folders with images in Windows 7

  7. In the opened context menu, go to "Properties".
  8. Go to the properties of the folder with images through the context menu in Windows 7

  9. Move in the Safety section.
  10. Go to the Security section through the properties of the image folder in Windows 7

  11. Here click on "Advanced".
  12. Transition to additional security settings folders with images in Windows 7

  13. Open the "Owner" tab.
  14. Switch to section Owner folder with images in Windows 7

  15. Go to the owner changing by clicking on the corresponding button.
  16. Opening the owner selection menu for folder with images in Windows 7

  17. You can choose the name of the owner from the proposed list, but often there is no necessary account, so you have to open a separate menu.
  18. Select user to install the owner of the folder with images in Windows 7

  19. Here it is easiest not to enter a name manually, but to use an automatic search by turning to the extended parameters.
  20. Opening additional user selection properties when setting up a folder in Windows 7

  21. Click on "Search" to launch the required operation.
  22. Run search for local users when setting up a folder in Windows 7

  23. From the list that appears, select the appropriate account name by making the LKM double click on it.
  24. Select user through search results when setting up folders in Windows 7

  25. Apply the changes made.
  26. Apply changes after setting up the owner for the folder in Windows 7

  27. You will be notified that the owner of the object has been changed.
  28. Notification of successful change to the owner of the folder in Windows 7

After that, if the problem really consisted in the absence of the required rights, it should be successfully solved, and the pictures will open without any difficulties.

Method 4: Checking the integrity of system files

We smoothly go to methods that are not always effective, as well as some part of the execution. The first such option is to automatically scan the system for the integrity of the files through the default utility set by default and suitable in those situations when no photo does not open on the PC through different tools for viewing. To begin with, you should use the SFC utility, as in the deployed form, read in a separate material on our website by clicking below the link below.

Running the operating system scan to check the integrity of system files in Windows 7

Read more: Restore system files in Windows 7

Carefully follow the notifications that appear on the screen during scanning. If it goes successfully, you will receive the appropriate message, and when the error occurs, the content will be: "" Windows resource protection has detected damaged objects, but cannot restore some of them. " This means that there has been damage to system components, and only the DISM utility will cope with their restoration, the other article further is devoted to the interaction. Only after the successful completion of the DISM needs to go to SFC, running the re-scanning.

Read more: Restoring damaged components in Windows 7 with DISM

Method 5: Editing Registry Settings (for Windows 7 x64)

Finally, we left the most difficult way that turns out to be effective mainly when problems with the standard photo viewer. However, in the event of failures in the registry, the appearance of problems and using third-party software, which takes as the basis of the work algorithms installed by default means. In the title, we clarified that this option is only suitable for the owners of the 64-bit OS. This is due to the fact that in this bit there is duplication of the DLL library responsible for the media file association. In 32-bit versions there is no alternative, therefore this method is not suitable.

All the actions below follow only at your own risk. When you assume errors, problems are possible in the operation of the OS, as well as errors when it starts it. It is better to prepare a recovery point in advance if you still decided to resort to the radical method.

Read more: How to create a recovery point in Windows 7

  1. Run the "Run" utility by the standard key combination Win + R. In the line, enter the REGEDIT and press ENTER.
  2. Run the registry editor for editing file associations in Windows 7

  4. Transition along the path of the PNG file association via the registry editor in Windows 7

  5. Double-click on the parameter located there to open its properties.
  6. Select a parameter to edit an association for PNG files via a registry editor in Windows 7

  7. Change the value to runllll32.exe "C: \ Windows \ Syswow64 \ shimgvw.dll", imageview_fullscreen% 1 and confirm the action by clicking on "OK".
  8. Change the value of the PNG file association via the registry editor in Windows 7

  9. Next, open HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ PNGFile \ Shell \ Open \ COMMAND.
  10. Go to editing file associations for JPG in the Windows 7 Registry Editor

  11. Here also go to the properties of the displayed parameter.
  12. Select a parameter to edit the JPG file association via the Windows 7 registry editor

  13. Set the value Rundll32.exe "C: \ Windows \ syswow64 \ shimgvw.dll", imageview_fullscreen% 1.
  14. Changing the Association for JPG Format File via Registry Editor in Windows 7

  15. As the last association, find the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ PhotoViewer.FileAssoc.jpeg \ Shell \ Open \ COMMAND as the last association.
  16. Switch along the path in the Registry Editor to change the JPEG File Association in Windows 7

  17. In the same way, open the properties of the parameter.
  18. Select a parameter to edit the JPEG file association in Windows 7 through the registry editor

  19. Change the value to Rundll32.exe "C: \ Windows \ syswow64 \ shimgvw.dll", imageview_fullscreen% 1.
  20. Change JPEG File Association via Registry Editor in Windows 7

The changes made will take effect only after rebooting the computer. Only then proceed to testing the opening of pictures through the software used.

Now you are familiar with all the basic methods of solving the problems with watching photos in Windows 7. As you can see, the algorithm of each method is fundamentally different, as well as the level of efficiency in certain situations. Additionally, we note that if this problem is still left, it is recommended to return to that backup, when it still worked fine or you can choose a third-party program to view pictures. If the backup does not exist, it remains only to reinstall the OS in case of errors with the opening of absolutely each image.

See also:

Restoring the system in Windows 7

Select the program to view photos

Re-install windows 7 without disk and flash drives

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