Mazila does not start


Mazila does not start

The web browser is used by users to view sites on the Internet daily. One of the most popular programs of this kind is Mozilla Firefox. She loved users in particular because of their stability of work. However, you should not forget that any software at a certain point can fail, which is associated with systemic, internal errors or any actions of the user itself. Next, we want to talk about problems with the launch of this browser, pick up for each type of troubleshooting for several different solutions.

We solve problems with the launch of the Mozilla Firefox browser

During an error, a specific notification that reveals the essence of the problem often appears on the screen. Stripping from it, you can already choose a suitable solution. We divided today's instructions in categories. You also have only to choose the one that is suitable for you, and then just follow the recommendations given.

Error "Mozilla Crash Reporter"

First, let's consider the situation when the browser unforeseen completes its work immediately after launch, displaying the "Mozilla Crash Reporter" notification. This means that the program simply fell due to systemic or internal failures that did not solve themselves in a few seconds. In such situations, you should try different methods, but it is worthwhile from updating the software part of the computer.

Method 1: software update and Windows

Mozilla Firefox uses not only internal files, but also components of the system and even components during its work. If something of this functions incorrectly or is obsolete, it is quite possible to a sharp unforeseen completion of the process. Sometimes it is connected with outdated anti-virus protection databases, which ensures security on the Internet, as well as the most browser version. We strongly advise you to update all this, and then go to repeat the browser. Deployed guides on this topic are looking for in separate articles on our website, which are presented in the form of references.

Read more:

Check and install updates for Mozilla Firefox

How to update drivers on your computer

Windows Update to the latest version

Method 2: Elimination of potential threats

There are often cases when the functioning of the web browser interferes with viruses that affect certain services and processes are interferent. It is almost impossible to identify them without the help of third-party solutions, so you should use a special program for scanning a system to malicious files. If they are found and successfully removed, most likely, Firefox will be restored.

Checking a computer for viruses in errors with running Mozilla Firefox

Method 3: Using a secure mode

Developers have provided possible problems with various additional components and functions, so implemented a safe mode in which the browser is started in "pure" form. Try to do it like this:

  1. Hold down the SHIFT key, and then double click on the web browser shortcut for its startup. A notification of the secure mode is notified on the screen. Confirm it by selecting the appropriate option.
  2. Confirm the launch of the Mozilla Firefox browser in safe mode

  3. If the launch in a safe mode is possible, the main program window will appear with the notification that it was not possible to restore the previous session.
  4. Functioning of the Mozilla Firefox browser after starting in safe mode

  5. Now you need to register in the address bar about: crashes and press ENTER. On this page you will see error identifiers during the attempts of the usual launch.
  6. Go to section with error report in Mozilla Firefox browser to determine problems

Sometimes it is not possible to find out how the code is responsible for which error. In this case, you will have to appeal to official support for Firefox. If you can't start the browser in a safe mode, open the "Run" utility (Win + R), enter there "% APPDATA% \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Crash Reports \ Submitted" and click on ENTER. In the window that appears, run the latest files created by date via text editor and copy notifications. Make an error application by clicking on the following link.

Go to the preparation of error circulation in Mozilla Firefox

The message "Firefox is already running, but does not respond"

The second error with the launch of the browser under consideration today has the text "Firefox is already running, but does not respond" and means that the program process has already been created, but access does not work for it. Sometimes this problem provoke minor failures solved by a banal reboot of the process, but it happens that it is connected with more global difficulties.

Method 1: Completion of the Firefox process

First, let's figure it out with the simplest operation. If it works, it means that in the future problems with the browser should not be observed, and more complex decisions will not be useful at all. The completion of the process for re-starting the browser is performed literally in two clicks.

  1. Open the Task Manager by selecting the appropriate item in the context menu of the taskbar that appears by pressing the PCM on it. Use the CTRL + SHIFT + ESC combination for the quick start of this application.
  2. Run Task Manager to complete the Mozilla Firefox browser process

  3. In the list of processes, find "Firefox" and right-click on it.
  4. Finding the Mozilla Firefox browser process in the Task Manager for its completion

  5. In the context menu that appears, you are interested in "Remove the task".
  6. Completing the Mozilla Firefox process through the context menu in the Task Manager

After that, boldly close the "Task Manager" and proceed to re-start the browser as usual. If the problem is repeated, it will be necessary to resort to the methods described below.

Method 2: Adjust access rights

Sometimes exceeding the answer, which in the end does not result in anything, is due to the fact that the user folder has a limited access level, and more specifically, the "read only" attribute is applied to it, which prevents Firefox to make proper changes. User, having administrator rights, can independently check and correct this situation if necessary, which is as follows:

  1. Run the "Run" utility using the Win + R key combination. Here enter the path% AppData% \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ PROFILES \ and press the ENTER key.
  2. MOZILLA Firefox browser profile location path

  3. The "Explorer" window opens, in which the indigenous directory of all existing profiles will be displayed. If you yourself have not made any changes, then only one folder will be located here. In another situation, you should choose the one that is configured by default or make the following actions with each catalog. Press the routing line with the right mouse button.
  4. Call the context menu to go to the Mozilla Firefox profile properties

  5. In the context appearance that appears, go to the "Properties".
  6. Transition to Mozilla Firefox Profile Properties through the context menu

  7. On the General tab, you will see the "Attributes" section below. Here you will need to remove the checkbox from the read-only item (applicable only to files in the folder). "
  8. Setting the access rights for the Mozilla Firefox profile folder

  9. After that, save all changes by clicking on "Apply", and close the window.
  10. Saving changes after setting the access rights to Mozilla Firefox

  11. When you appear a warning, click on the "OK" button.
  12. Confirmation of changes after configuring access rights to the browser profile Mozilla Firefox

Sometimes it is impossible to make proper changes, which is associated with the lack of administrator rights or with other reasons. Then it remains only to use the following option.

Method 3: Creating a new profile

Creating a new profile is the only method to solve the problem with access to accounts without preliminary reinstalling the browser and delete all data. In the future, you can transfer all the important settings from your previous account, but we will talk about it a little later. Now let's look at how to create a profile without launching Firefox.

  1. Open the "Run" utility convenient for you, for example, by pressing the Win + R hot key. In the Enter Firefox.exe -p field and press the ENTER key.
  2. Go to work with the Mozilla Firefox Profile Manager through the execution utility

  3. In the window that opens, you can try to choose another account, if there is such an opportunity, and launch a browser through it. Otherwise, you will have to click on the "Create" button.
  4. Change Profile or create a new entry through the Mozilla Firefox Profile Master

  5. Check out the information presented in the "Profile Creating Master", and then go further.
  6. Acquaintance with Mozilla Firefox Browser Profile Master

  7. Set the username for the user and set the data storage folder. Now it is recommended to choose a directory in the place to which you have a proper access level.
  8. Enter the name for the new profile in Mozilla Firefox to solve problems with the launch

  9. After exiting the wizard, it remains only to click on the "Run Firefox" to check the effectiveness of the method.
  10. Running browser Mozilla Firefox through a new profile

As for the transfer of available settings, this is done in different ways. All detailed instructions on this occasion you will find in another material on our website by clicking on the following link. There, select the optimal method for further implementation.

Read more: How to save Mozilla Firefox browser settings

Configuration file reading error / XULRUNNER error

We did not allocate error data into separate sections, since the method of solving them will be the same. Notification "The error of reading a configuration file", like the "Xulrunner error", indicates that there are problems with reading program files. It could happen after the update, setting some extensions or for other reasons. The problem of malfunctions are solved only by full reinstalling browser. Before this, it is advisable to save the user folder if your profile is not associated with the Mozilla web service. Deployed Program Reinstall Guides are looking for in other articles on our site further.

Read more:

How to remove Mozilla Firefox from a computer completely

How to install Mozilla Firefox

File opening error for recording

If, when you try to start you, you appear on the screen "Error opening a file for recording", it means that the web browser refuses to open without administrator rights. In this case, you can log in to the system under the account of this user or start the application from its name. To do this, click on the PCM executable file and in the context menu that appears, click "Run on the administrator".

Running the Mozilla Firefox browser on behalf of the operating system administrator

Startup problems after updating / setup add-ons / settings

The last reason for which we want to talk within the framework of today's material is to make problems after updating the web browser, installing additions or manually changing the browser configuration. Usually there are no messages in such situations on the screen, and the browser simply refuses to start. If this really happened, you need to change the profile or create it again as shown above. In case of non-response method, reset the settings.

Read more: Reset settings in Mozilla Firefox

As can be seen, there is a huge number of a wide variety of problems leading to errors when opening Mozilla Firefox. Some of them are solved by a banal reboot of the process or change profile, others require a more serious approach. Using all this will help you our instructions, it remains only to carefully examine them.

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