How to turn off voice assistant for android


How to turn off voice assistant for android

The Android platform devices have a fairly convenient control, simplify which is even more possible using voice helpers. However, due to the availability of several options at once, some software becomes useless and requires removal to save space in memory. It is about disconnecting voice assistants that we will be taught later within this article.

Disabling voice assistant

To date, a huge number of voice helpers are available for use on Android, each of which has its own settings and deactivation methods. We will pay attention only to some options from the most famous developers, while most of the other analogues are unlikely to cause difficulties.

The process of disconnection, as can be seen, is not very different from the opposite task and it is unlikely to cause some questions. In addition, it is possible not only to completely deactivate Alice, but also leave some functions by choosing a "voice search".

Method 3: Marusya from Mail.Ru

Of all the voice assistants presented in this article, Marusya from Mail.Ru is the most new and not yet popular application. Here, as well as in other analogues, there are settings for controlling functions through which can also be deactivated.

  1. Through the Application menu, open the Maulus and tap the "Settings" icon in the lower left corner. After that, you need to find the "Main" block and change the status of the "activation of the voice" function.
  2. Go to the settings in Marusya on Android

  3. As a result, the helper will stop responding to the keyword and will be available only inside the appropriate application. If you are not satisfied with this solution option, you can additionally disable tied accounts using the "Exit account" button, which will automatically limit the use of software.
  4. Turning off the voice assistant Marusya on Android

Despite the short term since the output, at the end of 2019, Marusya provides an impressive amount of tools. Try to combine different settings to use only the desired features.

Method 4: Microsoft Cortana

Cortana's voice assistant, initially submitted by Microsoft specifically for Windows 10, is currently available on some other platforms, including Android. Like any other similar software, this application can be used partly by turning off unnecessary functions through internal settings.

  1. Expand the application and open the main menu in the upper right corner of the initial page. From the list presented, you must select "Settings".
  2. Go to settings in Cortana on Android

  3. When a page appears with the settings, tap the "Phone Settings" block and find the "Entry Point" block after the transition. Here, for a start, deploy the "Cortana On Home Screen" subsection.
  4. Go to phone settings in Cortana on Android

  5. On the Cortana On Home Screen screen, you need to shift the slider with the same name to the left to deactivate the function. Other elements will be disabled automatically.
  6. Disable widgets in Cortana on Android

  7. Return to the page with the basic parameters "Settings" and in the same block, select the "Hey Cortana" section. To turn off, shut off the "From the Cortana App" slider on the left side, and this can be finished.

    Cortana Disconnection Process on Android

    When you return to the main page with the settings of the application, both the options considered should be in the "OFF" state. Note, as in the case of Marus, you can turn off the cortana completely by running out of the Microsoft account.

  8. Successful Turning off Cortana on Android

Unfortunately, the Android application does not support the Russian language, even in a text version, however most of the settings are understandable at an intuitive level. In extreme cases, you can always resort to removal mentioned below.

Method 5: Google TalkBack

Unlike previous options, Google TalkBack is the standard Android operating system and acts as an assistant for people with disabilities. Due to the fact that when using options, all actions will be automatically voiced, it is not always convenient to use it. About deactivation of the function, we have been described as in detail in a separate instruction.

Turning off the TalkBack function in Android settings

Read more: How to disable Google TalkBack on Android

Deleting applications

Each submitted application, including Google Assistant and under certain circumstances, the special features of the Android operating system can be deleted by standard tools through "Settings". This deactivation method is the most radical, although it does not require memory cleaning. On the example of other programs, the application deletion procedure was described in detail in a separate article.

Ability to delete an application in Android settings

Read more:

How to remove the app on Android

Removing unsalted programs on Android


We paid attention to both the standard platform function and third-party voice helpers, the disconnection of which is in many ways it seems and applies to some other software. At the same time, you can always use an alternative by simply by performing the application deletion, even in the case of pre-installed applications, if necessary, using PC.

See also: How to delete a system application on Android

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