How to return my computer icon in Windows 8 and 8.1


My computer icon in Windows 8
By default, a shortcut or icon My computer on the desktop Windows 8 and 8.1 is missing and, if in the previous version of the operating system, you can open the Start menu, click on the right key to the shortcut and select the "Display on the desktop" item, then it will not be so For the absence of this launch menu. See also: How to return the computer icon in Windows 10 (there is a little different).

You can, of course, open the conductor and drag the computer shortcut from it to the desktop, after which it is renamed at your discretion. However, this is not quite the right way: the shortcut arrow will be displayed (although the shortcut arrows can be removed), and various parameters of the computer will not be available on the right click. In general, this is what needs to be done.

Turning on the icon My computer on the desktop Windows 8

Choose Personalization

First of all, go to the desktop, then right-click on any free place and in the context menu, select "Personalization".

Settings of desktop icons

In the window of the window of Windows 8 (or 8.1), we will not change anything, but pay attention to the item on the left - "Changing the desktop icons", it is it necessary for us.

Enabling the display of the icon my computer in Windows 8

In the next window, I think everything is elementary - just tick what icons you want to display on the desktop and apply the changes made.

My computer is displayed on the desktop.

After that, the icon my computer will appear on the Windows 8 OS desktop. As you can see, everything is very simple.

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