How to send video Vaybere


How to send video Vaybere

Virtually all popular instant messengers allow their users to send each other videos and Viber, of course, is no exception. In the course of the next article we will look at the practical side of the process of sending this type of data and explain how to transfer the video to the address registered in the system of people with Android-devaysa, iPhone and Windows-based PCs.

How to send videos through Viber

Regardless of the access to Viber version of the client application sending almost any video file to organize a simple, but in some cases, have to overcome the limitations of the information exchange system - this applies to the records, the amount of which exceeds 200 MB.

Note that all content delivery methods described later in this article, assume that the recipient of the data in the Address Book of the sender.

Read more: How to add a contact to your address book Viber for Android, iOS and Windows


Viber for Android users to send videos to your contacts can use tools weight. The first is provided for in Annex messenger function, but in certain situations it is advisable to use integrated in the operating system tools, as well as third-party software.

Method 1: Instrumentation messenger

In the Viber application provides is not the only option for Android that allows you to solve the problem of the title of the article, - consider the possibilities offered by all users in order. To begin, launch instant messenger and go into dialogue with the recipient of the multimedia message, or open a chat group, which planned to send one or another video.

Viber for Android - the launch of the messenger, the transition to the chat group or community

Next, select the desired type of administration and form it, in accordance with one of the following instructions.

video message

  1. To write a short (20 seconds duration) video front camera devaysa press and hold located near the input field posts button «Play».

    Viber for Android - recording a short video message front camera devaysa

  2. At a time when referred to in the paragraph above the button is released, recording stops automatically and immediately go to the chat room.

    Viber for Android - Sending short video messages through the messenger

  3. If in the process of creating a video message you want to cancel this operation - to move the retaining button «Play» finger to the left - have recorded the scene at the same time instantly destroyed.

    Viber for Android - the abolition of creating and sending video messages during recording

Create a video using devaysa camera and send it

  1. Under the area "Write a message ..." on the Chat screen in Viber for Android there is an attachment selection menu. Click here on the "Camera" icon.

    Viber for Android - button camera on the chat screen for sending a photo or video

  2. If necessary, we switch the following camera module (front or main) using the arrow buttons on the screen that opens. Next, proceed to record a video clip by pressing and holding the "Shutter" button.

    Viber for Android - recording a video for sending to the chat chamber of the device

  3. At the time of stopping the impact on the Create Roller button ends. Next, you can add to the shipment description, activate (tap on the "Stopwatch" icon) option of self-destructing message after viewing it with the recipient, watch video before shipping.

    Viber for Android - View Record from Device Camera before shipping via Messenger

  4. After completing the execution of the instructions listed in the previous paragraph, taping on the button "Paper aircraft", initiating the recording transfer to the recipient (PM).

    Viber for Android - Sending a video from the camera of the device through the messenger

Video from the gallery (with compression)

The result of sending content to the next instruction becomes the display of multimedia messages in the form of a video preview in the addressee messenger, which it can reproduce directly in the Viber application. In some cases, it should be borne in mind that the roller in the process of transmission is subject to significant compression.

  1. Tabay "Camera" in the menu of the attachment in the message. On the next screen we touch the "Gallery" icon at the bottom right.

    Viber for Android - go to the gallery to select video to send

  2. Go to the "Video" tab, we find the video sent via viber and click on its preview.

    Viber for Android - a video selection for sending through the messenger to the gallery

  3. Further, on request, view the video recording, add a description to it, and, if necessary, activate the option to self-destruct the formable message after viewing the recipient.

    Viber for Android - view video before shipping, add description

  4. Tabay on the "Send" button and expect to complete the unloading of the video file into the chat.

    Viber for Android - transfer video from gallery to chat

Sending video "File" (without compression)

If there is a need to send through the Vyber video file "As is", that is, without compression, sending will be required to perform the following method. The application of the Instructions by the sender will allow the recipient to download the content on its device in primevarial form and to further make with it various manipulations.

  1. Click on the "..." under the message entry field on the chat screen. In the menu that opens, select "Send File".

    Viber for Android - Point Send a file in the selection menu in the message

  2. Go to the directory that contains the post videos, and Tapa in his name. If the departure is larger than 50 MB, you will be where you need to touch the "CONTINUE" box-warning.

    Viber for Android - Sending a video as a file through Messenger

  3. Expected completion upload a file, very soon it will be delivered to the recipient.

    Viber for Android - the process of sending uncompressed video via instant messenger

Method 2: File Managers

Among Android application entirely different directions can sufficiently interact closely with each other by transmitting files of various types. Very often, this exchange of information is initiated by the user by activating the function "Send" ( "Share"), provided the mobile OS developers - it we use to solve the problem of sending video files via Vayber.

Proposed further doable instruction from any file manager for Android, and other types of applications that can in any way interact with video files, the main thing - to understand the principle of operation of the proposed method. For example and demonstration of specific steps preceding the transmission of data via a messenger, a file manager is further used Files from Google.

  1. Run the "Explorer" for Android and go along the path of the location sent through Vayber video.

    Viber for Android sending video via instant messenger from the file manager

  2. Next, select the video clip continuously pressing its thumbnail / icon touch and the name "Send" at the top. Among other things, in the manager «Files» provides for the possibility of opening a video file, so you can touch short start playback, and recording of the initiating sending interface element tapnut on your player.

    Viber for Android Share option in the file manager

  3. In the screen that appears below the menu "Send files" find the icon "Viber" and click on it.

    Viber for Android choice messenger menu Send Files

  4. On the screen with the "Forward to" run the messenger with a list of chat rooms celebrate the recipient's name or movie set near the mark more than one contact. If dialogue with the destination video has not conducted, it is necessary to find and mark in the "Contacts" list, utilizing the "Search". Then click on the "Submit" button.

    Viber for Android choice recipient of the video file manager, sending

  5. After a while the multimedia message is delivered to the addressee, and he will be able to view the resulting video.

    Viber for Android process of transferring video from the file manager via the instant messenger

Method 3: Send the link to the video

To date, the need for a special "hold" video in memory in mobile devices having the ability to constantly access the Internet no users. In order to store their "own" records are increasingly used "cloud" and view "foreign" content is always available on video hosting sites, on social networks and other such Internet services.

Video Internet resources

Solicitation below allow you to share video content via Viber, laid out in free access on the internet without downloading it to your smartphone storage.

  1. The simplest way to use Vayber to demonstrate any video posted on the Internet to another participant messenger includes just three simple steps.
    • Open the resource that hosts the video, in any browser for Android and copy the contents of the address bar in the browser's mobile OS buffer exchange.
    • Viber for Android to copy links to video from your browser

    • We go to the Vayber, open a dialogue with the recipient content, insert a link from the clipboard into the input field of the message and Tapan "Send" button.
    • Viber for Android paste URLs from the browser sent a message through the instant messenger

    • Castors with individual video hosting sent via a link the recipient can view directly in Vayber application.

      Viber for Android link to a web page sent to a video hosting

  2. If the video you wish to share, not visible in the browser, and in Android-app:
    • We are looking for software used in the interface of the element "Share" and mariae thereon. Target button / menu item may appear differently (in the screenshots - YouTube, VKontakte and Twitch):
    • Viber for Android Share button in different applications

      cloud services

      To send a video file through Viber, whose size exceeds the maximum allowed for transmission (200 Mb), in the process will have to include a "mediator" - any cloud storage. To demonstrate the solution of our problem deploy the Google Drive accessed for personal purposes by default available to all Google Account holders, that is, the vast majority of Android users.

    1. If not installed by installing the client application "cloud" from the Google Play Store. Open the app, authorizing it in the preparation of such a requirement.
    2. Installing or opening Google Drive app from the Play Market

    3. Loading planned for transmission via messenger video in the cloud. For this:
      • Go to the tab "Files" tapnuv the respective icon in the disk partition panel. Push in the lower right corner of the screen "+", select "Download" in the menu "New Object". We pass on the location of the path of the video file to your smartphone, Tapan by his first name.
      • Google Drive for Android - the choice to download the video file to the repository

      • Further forward to the completion of unloading of the object to the cloud.
      • Google Drive for Android download process in the video vault

    4. Click on the three vertical dots next to the name previously placed on Google Drive and is now transmitted via Viber video. In the menu select the option "Link sharing is disabled." - this will open the possibility to view and download the file to all users, which will be given a link to it.

      Google Drive for Android inclusion of access to the link and copy it

      Once again, open the context menu of the downloaded file and there Tapan "Copy Link Location."

      Viber for Android backup links for transmitting video from Google Drive

    5. Open Messenger, go to the video chat with the recipient and a long press in the field of writing him messages menu call, where you need to select "Paste". To complete the transfer through links Vayber procedures click "Send."

      Viber for Android Send a link to the video stored in the cloud, Google Drive

    6. In this task of sending a video file can be considered solved. Opening the message, the recipient will pass by reference and as a result will have access to view and download the recording.

      Viber for Android to open the link to the video from Google Drive on a device of the recipient


    To implement the transfer videos via Viber for iPhone treatments using one of several different approaches. First of all owners of Apple-devices use very messenger tool - it is sufficient to achieve the specific goals of the majority, but also with the aim of solving the problem can be invoked one of the iOS features and third-party software.

    Method 1: Instrumentation messenger

    In the course of correspondence through Vayber transition to sending companion video can be performed at any time. Run messenger open dialogue, or a group with the content destination and, depending on the type of video being expelled, perform one of the following instructions.

    Viber for iPhone - the launch of the messenger, the transition to the chat

    video message

    1. To record a short video message (maximum duration - 20 seconds) using the iPhone's front camera, you need to click on the field located near the "Write a message ..." radio button and hold it until the completion of the movie.

      Viber for iPhone - creating video messages with the front camera smartphone

    2. As soon as the impact on initiating recording interface element is terminated, a message is automatically transmitted to the chat or group.

      Viber for iPhone - video message sent

    3. If while recording video becomes necessary to interrupt the operation and cancel the sending of the message, you need to move the "RECORD" button to the left without stopping pressing it.

      Viber for iPhone - Cancel recording and sending video communication

    Sending video from the gallery (with compression)

    The following statement is a standard solution to the issue of transmission of videos through Viber, as a result of its application will be delivered to the recipient affected by compression of content available for viewing in the messenger application.

    1. Click on the "Camera" icon under the text message input field. On the screen running the "Camera" module taping on the "Gallery" icon. Next you need to find a video and touch his miniatures. Here it is possible to choose a few records for simultaneous delivery (up to 20 per shipment), touching their previews alternately. After completing the selection, click "Finish" at the top of the screen on the right.

      Viber for iPhone - sending a video from the gallery through the messenger

    2. Further, it is possible to trim video by moving the sliders in the image video sequence, add a description, and activate the self-destruct messages option after reviewing the destination using the "Stopwatch" button. Having completed the manipulation, tadam "send".

      Viber for iPhone - viewing and trimming a video before shipping through the messenger

    3. After some time, the video report will be delivered to the recipient, and he can watch it.

      Viber for iPhone - the process of delivery of video from the gallery through the messenger

    Create a video using the iPhone's camera and send it

    Without leaving the Vaiber program for Ayos, it is possible to realize the sending of a smartphone video captured in the process of correspondence.

    1. We call the "camera" from the menu of the attachment in the message, on the screen that opens, click the "Shutter" button and hold it.

      Viber for iPhone Calling a smartphone camera in the process of correspondence, start recording video

    2. Fixing what is happening in real time, without stopping the impact on the video recording button until the creation of the roller is completed. The next step is, if desired, view, trimming and activation (if necessary) the options of self-destruction of the message.

      Viber for iPhone Completing the smartphone camera, viewing and trimming video, sending

    3. Click "Send", after which you expect to complete the unloading of the video in the service and delivery of departure to the recipient.

      Viber for iPhone Sending video from the camera device to the interlocutor in Messenger

    Sending video without compression

    To ensure the delivery of the registered person in Vayber video from your iPhone, without violating the "primordial" type, that is, without compression, should be involved in the messenger option "Send a file". The size of the sent file should not exceed 200 MB!

    1. Click on the "..." under the field "Write a message ...". In the menu that opens, select "Send File without compression".

      Viber for iPhone Point Send a file without compression in the attachment menu in the message

    2. Tabay at the preview of the sent video, finding it in the list "All photos". It is also possible to select multiple files for sending them to the package. Next, click "Finish". If necessary, we will print a record (s), after which we send it (them), touching the button "Paper aircraft".

      Viber for iPhone Point Select Video File, Preparation, Sending Through Messenger without compression

    3. We expect to complete the upload data from the iPhone storage and video delivery addressee.

      Viber for iPhone unloading video file in the messenger and its delivery to the interlocutor

    Method 2: Share option

    To send a video file registered in Viber, the user really does not necessarily open the messenger in advance. iOS is equipped with the "Share" function, which can be caused from the purpose of solving our task, while working with rollers (view, systematization) in various applications.

    Next in the examples, we will send a video from two programs - pre-installed on the iPhone "Photo" and the file manager for iOS - Documents from Readdle.

    The program "Photo"

    1. We start the brand viewer / Apple media files system and then open the album, where the video planned to be transmitted through vibiber is contained.

      Viber for iPhone Go to the video folder to send via the messenger in the photo application

    2. Click "Select" at the top of the screen and then taping on the preview of the video recordings, thus setting on them. By selecting everything sent, click on the "Share" icon located at the bottom of the screen on the left ..

      Viber for iPhone Choice of videos for sending to gallery - Share icon

      If the transmission is subject to a single video, you can view it before shipping - touch the miniatures, run playback. Then click on the "Share" icon, located in the lower left corner of the screen.

      Viber for iPhone icon Share on the video player screen from application photo

    3. As a result of the execution of previous steps, the menu is displayed to the selected records of actions. Leafs List to the left in order to find the "Viber" icon and tapare on it.

      Viber for iPhone Selecting the Messenger to send a video file in the Share menu

      In the absence of an messenger icon among others in the menu, activate its display. To do this, click on the "More" button, then the switch located next to the "Viber" item to the "Included" position located near the screen. We maintain changes, touching "ready."

      Viber for iPhone Activation of the Messenger in the Share menu

    4. Next, select the destination of the content in the illustrated run Vayberom list of previously discovered chat rooms, or the address book by touching the "Search". Tapan by user name, and then confirm the request. As a result, immediately begin sending mentioned in step number 2 of this instruction objects have to wait for its completion.

      Viber for iPhone selection of destination are sent through the option Share videos

    File manager

    Those who have mastered the principles of file managers for iOS third-party developers are likely found in the interface of the program element "Share." Armed with below-described technique, users can easily use this feature for sending video via Viber directly from the "Explorer".

    1. Run the file manager to Agios and open with the help of the catalog, which contains videos sent via messenger.

      Documents from Readdle for iOS - start and open catalog with videos

    2. Call the File menu, touching the three points, near its name or in the preview. Then Tapan "Share" in the menu that appears.

      Documents from Readdle for iOS feature to share a video from the menu

      If you want to send via Viber several media at once act a little differently. Tapan "Edit" at the top of the screen, mark all files scheduled to be sent. To go to the object in the discharge procedure, the messenger, click "More" in the menu at the bottom of the screen, and then touch the "Share" panel appears in the choice of action.

      Documents from Readdle for iOS choice of several video files, the call Share

    3. Now do the items number 3 and 4 of the previous instructions in this material.

      Documents from Readdle for iOS Sending viderolokov from the application through the messenger

    Method 3: Send the link to the video

    Since all available today online services let you store content is a memory device used to view video in order to effectively solve the problem of the title of the article, you can pass through Vayber not record a file, and a link to its source.

    Video Internet resources freely available

    1. To demonstrate lined on the internet video companion to Viber:
      • Open the Web page on which is placed a record in any browser for iOS (Example - "standard" Safari.).
      • Viber for iPhone page with a video clip for sending via messenger in the browser

      • One long press on the browser's address line of the menu call, where Tapan "Copy."
      • Viber for iPhone backup link in a web page with the video to be sent via instant messenger

      • Go to the Messenger, open a chat with the content receiver. Click on the "Write a message ..." and do not stop until the exposure button "Insert" - applies to this item.
      • Viber for iPhone Copy Insert Links to Web Page with Video in Message

      • Tabay on the "Submit" button, after which the user who received the link will be able to go through it and watch video from your device.
      • Viber for iPhone Sending Links to Video Footage

    2. If a video that wants to share with a Viber-registered face is detected in the iOS application offering a view of the service content (video hosting, social network, etc.):
      • On the Application screen, you find an element (button, link, menu item) "Share" and tapa via it.
      • Viber for iPhone Button Share to call a messenger in iOS application

      • Select "Viber" in the menu of possible recipients.
      • Viber for iPhone Messenger in the recipient menu links caused from iOS application

      • Next, we specify the addressee to the discovered messenger and confirm your intentions to share the content, touching "yes" in the request window.
      • Viber for iPhone Transfer links to content from video hosting via messenger

    Cloud services

    Users of any cloud service can successfully use this type of modern information repositories to send an absolutely any video file via Viber. The following approach is perhaps the only one that allows you to bypass the limit on the transmission of volume data installed in the system (200 MB or more).

    As an "intermediary" when transferring a file through a messenger in the instructions, the Dropbox service client application is further used, but the algorithm considered is effective and when using other clouds.

    1. Download from the App Store and set the client storage client program on the iPhone. (You can conduct manipulations in the service and through the browser, but it is much more convenient to work in the appendix.)

      Download Dropbox program for iPhone from Apple App Store

      Download Dropbox for iPhone in Apple App Store

    2. Running dropbox for iOS, authorized in the system (if there is no account - register). Unload a video from the iPhone memory to the cloud storage.

      Unloading video file in Dropbox for iPhone

      Read more: How to use DROPBOX

    3. Go to the directory where the video file is contained, click on the "..." button located near the name of the recording or under its preview. In the "Copy Link" menu that opens.

      Dropbox for iPhone item Copy link in the video file context menu

    4. In the list of available files of sending files touch the "Viber" icon. It remains to choose the recipient of the link in the messenger, tapping by his name in the list of open dialogs or "contacts", and then confirm the application request.

      Sending Links to video in Dropbox via Viber for iOS

    5. The result of the operation is becoming a receipt of the message to the addressee, and therefore, providing it with the ability to follow the link and reproduce the video in the browser or download its source file to the memory of its device.

      Opening the links received via viber videos posted in Dropbox


    For the purpose of transferring video via Viber for Windows, the user of this application can not use the only method, but it should be borne in mind that when using all the "standard" solutions (except as described in the manual "Method 4" below), the departure size should not exceed 200 MB.

    Method 1: Messenger Toolkit

    The fastest path of transmission through the Vaiber contained on the PC / Laptop Video Content Disk consists of all four steps.

    1. We launch the Viber client application on the PC and go to the chat with the recipient of the video.

      Viber for Windows Starting the application, go to chat for sending video

    2. Click on the "+" icon, located under the field of entering text messaging.

      Viber for windows button Add file near the field Send a message

    3. In the "Send File" window that opens, go to the folder where the video file sent via the messenger is stored, we allocate it and click "Open".

      Viber for Windows Select video file to send via Messenger on PC disk

    4. We expect unloading multimedia messages and complete its delivery to the recipient.

      Viber for Windows video from a PC disk sent to the interlocutor in Messenger

    Method 2: "DRAG-AND-DROP"

    An attachment of any file in the message sent through the messenger is possible to implement, simply dragging it into the Viber application window.

    1. In Vaibera for PCs, open chat, group or community, where video is addressed.

      Viber For Windows Messenger Window, where you can drag the file to send

    2. Through the "Explorer" of Windows, we open the directory containing the departure.

      Viber for windows folder with videos for sending through messenger

    3. Drag and drop the file from the "Explorer" to the area of ​​the messenger window, which demonstrates the history of correspondence with the recipient of multimedia messages.

      Viber for Windows Dragging a video file to the messenger window

    4. As soon as the mouse button, the "grab" video file and placing it over the Waiber window will be released, sending a recording address will begin.

      Viber for Windows Sending a video file after dragging it into the messenger window

    Method 3: Context Menu File

    The transmission of the data under consideration through Viber is sometimes convenient to implement, causing the "Send" function integrated into Windows.

    1. We open the folder containing the sent video file and click the right mouse button along its icon. Go to the "Send" section of the opened menu and click on it "Viber".

      Viber for Windows Paragraph Viber in the context menu of the file in Send

    2. In the window showered by the launched messenger, we note one or more names of the recipients of the video. Next, click "Share".

      Viber for Windows Share video via messenger with one or more recipients

    3. The result of the operation will be the same as when applying the following methods of sending video through Vaiber -

      Viber for Windows unloading video file in messenger

      The appearance of the addressee the ability to reproduce the video.

      Viber for Windows video file sent via messenger to recipient

    The only working way to send a larger file than allowed to transmit via Viberia, implies inclusion in the process of sending an "mediator", represented by any cloud storage. Consider the procedure for sending a video file, the size of which exceeds 200 MB, resorting to the use of Yandex.Disk. Users, other cloud storage services, can act similarly proposed below.

    Video from Internet resources

    Copying and inserting references to the content source in the message sent through the messenger can be successfully applied not only to send your own video files, but also to demonstrate to other participants in the Viber interesting and useful video posted on various Internet resources (video stations, in social networks, etc. .)

    1. Open a web page in the browser, where the videos worthy of attention is posted.

      Viber for Windows Viber for Windows Web Page with a video

    2. Copy the link from the browser address row to the Windows Exchange Buffer.

      Viber for Windows Copy Link to Web Page with Video

    3. Insert the address in the input field transmitted via viber messages

      Viber for Windows Sending via Messenger Links to video posted on the Internet

      And send a link to the addressee.

      Viber for Windows Link to the site with the video sent


    Any Viber user, regardless of the device being used by them, is not available not the only way to send a video content to its contacts. This makes it possible to send absolutely any file of the considered type without any problems and effort.

Read more