How to scan the QR code on the phone


How to scan the QR code on the phone

Using the QR code is an excellent opportunity to encrypt in one simple image of the website address, data for confirmation of authorization, wallpaper, business card and much more. However, you can access them only with the "Scanner" - mobile device chambers, which must be predefined in such a functionality. On how to scan the QR code on the iPhone and Android, let's later tell.

See also: How to create a QR code online

Scan QR code on the phone

On many modern mobile devices, the possibility of scanning QR codes is the built-in - it is available by default in the standard "camera" or activated in its settings. At the same time, and for Android, and for the iPhone there are many scanners applications that largely exceed the basic capabilities. Consider the available options in more detail.

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Due to the abundance of smartphones operating under the control of the Android OS, it is rather difficult even in general terms to designate what of which there is a built-in QR coded scanner. This can also be checked independently, running a standard "camera" and studying its settings. If there you have not found the desired solution or for some reason you do not want to use it, you will need to install one of the applications presented on Google Play or somewhat one immediately to pick up and leave the most suitable one. After reading the article below below, you will learn about popular QR scans and how they use them to solve the existing task.

Scanning QR code standard camera on Android

Read more: How to scan the QR code on Android


The owners of actual smartphones from Apple were lucky than many competitive camp adherents - in the standard chamber there is a QR coder scanner, it appeared in iOS 11. The only nuance is to start using this feature, it is necessary to pre-activate it in the iPhone settings. At the same time, the App Store also has many scanner applications, and most of them largely exceed a standard solution (for example, it allows not only to open, but also create codes, and / or contain built-in antivirus). Plus, they will be useful to users of devices with an outdated version of the operating system, which are deprived of this functionality. You can learn about all available scanning methods from a separate article previously written by one of our authors.

Scan QR code standard camera on iPhone

Read more: How to scan QR code on the iPhone


Now, when you need to scan the QR code, you will know exactly how to do it from your phone, regardless of whether Android is or iPhone.

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