How to make a group of open vkontakte


How to make a group of open vkontakte

Each Vkontakte user can create an unlimited number of communities, whether there are public or groups of any direction. At the same time, if the Community initially was focused on a specific audience and not available to the majority, privacy settings allow you to make a group open at any time. In this article, we will consider in detail this process on the example of several versions of the site.

Make a community open VK

All the presented ways are quite different from each other due to the user interface of different versions, but still put the same requirements for the availability of administrator rights. Thus, change privacy parameters only if you have permission or being the owner. In addition, the "group" can only be made open, while the "public page" is available for any settings.

Method 1: Website

Despite the impressive popularity of other type varieties and in particular the mobile application, the classic web version still uses most people at least due to access to unique features and common convenience. To change the privacy parameters of the community in this case, it will be enough to use the main partition with the group settings.

  1. In any convenient way, go to the main page of the group and in the left column, use the "Control" button. The desired menu is located exactly under the "You Member" string.
  2. Go to section Management in the group on VKontakte website

  3. Make sure that after switching to the parameters, you were on the "Settings" page, and find the "Group Type" item. Here you need to click on the link "Private" or "Closed" and through the presented list to select "Open".
  4. Select the type of group in the settings on the VKontakte website

  5. To complete the "Basic Information" block, click the "Save" button, and on this procedure can be completed.
  6. Opening a group in settings on VKontakte website

Except through the settings, it is impossible to learn about the valid privacy parameters, however, you can be sure that the group will then be open to all users of the site. At the same time, a complete change will be required for some time, since in the internal search for the social network the community will not appear immediately.

Method 2: Mobile application

The official mobile application today is little less inferior to the website, allowing owners and community administrators to manage groups at any time, making practically unnecessary permanent access to PCs. In terms of privacy parameters, this version is almost no different from the previously represented option, not counting the differences in the interface.

  1. Through the "groups" or other method, open the start page of the community and tap the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Go to group settings in VKontakte

  3. From the submitted partition list, you must deploy "Information" and at the bottom of the page to find the block "group type" block.
  4. Go to section information in the group in VKontakte

  5. As part of the specified subsection, install the marker next to the "Open" item and click on the check mark icon on the top panel in the right corner. By returning to the main page called Public Status of the group will change to "Open", however, it will additionally be required to update the swipe down.
  6. Change group type in VKontakte

Due to the location of the sections, this option can be considered the most difficult of all, but even the procedure should not cause difficulties.

Method 3: Mobile version

The latest VKontakte version under consideration is a lightweight type of the official website, available both on the phone and on the computer. This option is not very different from the mobile application, but it has several sufficiently important features.

  1. Like both past cases, first open the group's initial page by any convenient way. Here you need to find the "Information" block and click on the hardly noticeable link "Ed." On the right side of the window.
  2. Go to the group settings in the mobile version of VKontakte

  3. Scroll down the page below to the "Group Type" subsection and install the marker next to the "Open" item. To apply the settings, the "Save" button immediately under this block is provided.
  4. Opening a group in the mobile version of VKontakte

This option requires a minimum of actions, in connection with which it can be an excellent alternative if the Internet connection or any other factors allow us to use only this version of the site. At the same time, consider that the interface on the phone is still closer to the application than to the Web site.

Even after attentive familiarization with the instructions, there are still parameters that will allow you to make groups more open. So, you should pay attention to the section "Sections" in the group settings, where you can additionally open the wall, audio recordings and other options, making them available not only by the administration, but also to any other users. Of course, this stage is not mandatory, since the community in any case will be open for visits.

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