How to disable notifications in Vatsape


How to disable notifications in Vatsape

With a large number of open individual chats and groups in WhatsApp signals about the activity of their participants may seriously interfere with other applications and / or distract recipient alerts from important affairs. In such a situation, a desire arises, and sometimes the need to disable notifications from the messenger partially either completely, temporarily or forever. Consider how to solve this issue on Android-devices, iPhone and PC.

Before switching to a description of the methods of solutions to the title of the task, we note that group chats are characterized by the greatest intensity of generating alerts in WATSAP, and very often to create comfort when using the messenger in the aspect under consideration, it is sufficient to deactivate only those signals that come from the most numerous or all communities. This procedure is already considered in one of the articles published on our website.

Read more: Disconnect notifications in WhatsApp messenger group chats

In this material, we will demonstrate how to disable absolutely all alerts that can send a messenger, and make it separately in Android, iOS and Windows-options Whatsapp applications.


Actions to disconnect from WhatsApps for Android notifications of double-wave - can be configured both the application itself and the operating system. The choice of a specific method of solving the problem voiced in the title article depends to a greater extent of your habits and preferences.

Method 1: Android OS Settings

Like many other aspects of the "behavior" of software in the "Green Robot" environment, the process of demonstrating notifications from VATSAP can be adjusted by the operating system itself, and only you will need to give the appropriate instructions. Get access to configuration is possible by one of the three methods.

Application settings

  1. Open the "Settings" of the smartphone and go to the "Applications" section.
  2. WhatsApp for Android - transition to OS settings - application section

  3. Next, tap "All Applications", in the list that appears on the WhatsApp installed on and tap on its name.
  4. WhatsApp for Android - OS Settings - Applications - All Applications - Messenger

  5. On the screen with information about the WATSAP client and applies to its relationship, click "Notifications".
  6. WhatsApp for Android - Notifications on the Application Information on the OS settings

  7. To fully deactivate VATSAP alerts, move the "Show notifications" switch to the "Off" position. Impacting other items displayed on the list screen, you can adjust the receipt of signals about the events occurring in the messenger more flexibly by setting a ban on the demonstration / play only their individual types.
  8. WhatsApp for Android - full or partial disabling the notifications from the messenger through the OS settings


The fastest way to go to the screen with the possibility of installing a ban on a demonstration of alerts begins with the receipt of one of them from the messenger.

  1. After receiving the signal from WhatsApp as a pop-up window, pull the device status bar down and thus turn the Android system curtain.
  2. WhatsApp for Android - opening a system curtain when receiving notification from the messenger

  3. Slide the displaying alert from the messenger area to the left. As a result, two buttons will be displayed - tap on the gear performed in the form of a gear.
  4. WhatsApp for Android - go to the settings of the Messenger notification from the curtain

  5. Next there are two ways:
    • Deactivate the displayed switch "You will receive notifications from WhatsApp" and tap "ready" to install a ban on obtaining all the notifications from the messenger.
    • WhatsApp for Android - Full Disable Messenger Notifications from Shutters

    • Or click "All Categories", which takes you to a screen where you can disable individual alert types.
    • WhatsApp for Android - transition to partial disconnection of the notification of the messenger from the system curtain

Method 2: WhatsApp settings

For the user to have the ability to manage the VATSAP generated for Android signals, the developers have provided the Special Section application in the "Settings" of the application - you can use them at any time to disable individual type alerts or all of them at the same time.

  1. Open the messenger and call it the main menu - tap three vertically located points in the upper right corner of the screen. Touch the "Settings" menu.
  2. WhatsApp for Android - Opening a messenger, transition to its settings

  3. Go to the VATSAP Application Settings section for Android, entitled "Notifications".
  4. WhatsApp for Android - Section Notifications in the Messenger Settings

  5. As a result, it is possible to turn off the audio signals coming from chats. To do this, tap the "Sounds in the chat" switch to translating it in this way into deactivated state.
  6. Whatsapp for Android - disabling all the sounds from the messenger in its settings

  7. Next, from the "Messages" category you have the opportunity:
    • Disable the vibration of the device at the time of the activity of participants in the dialogues and groups in which you are. Click "Vibration", select "Off." In the list displaced.
    • Whatsapp for Android Disable vibration when notifications from the messenger in settings

    • Prevent the appearance on top of the windows screen with notifications from VATSAP. Tap "pop-up notifications" and then tap "Without pop-up windows" in the window that opens.
    • Whatsapp for Android Prohibition of the demonstration of pop-up windows from the messenger

    • Deactivate the alarm on the occurrence of a particular event in the messenger with the LED on the smartphone housing. Tap "Light", select "No" in the list of available colors.
    • WhatsApp for Android Disable the light indication when notifications from the messenger arrives

    • To prohibit the appearance of pop-up windows with notifications from WhatsApp at the top of the smartphone screen - deactivate the Priority Notifications switch.
    • WhatsApp for Android Disconnect pop-up notifications from messenger

  8. After completing the definition of the parameters, exit the "settings" of the application - on this task from the title of our article is considered solved.
  9. WhatsApp for Android output from the messenger setup after deactivating notifications


In a "apple" operating system, where the WhatsApp program is functioning for the iPhone, as well as in Android described above, there are two ways to install the ban on receiving alerts about the events occurring in the messenger - system tools and in the settings of the information exchange system.

Method 1: IOS Settings

The first thing that is possible to do to quickly disable all the notifications from VATSAP for Ayos is to establish a ban on their demonstration from the iphone operating system.

  1. Go to "IOS Settings", open the "Notifications" section.
  2. WhatsApp for iPhone IOS Settings - Notifications

  3. Scroll down on the screen List of parameters, find the item "WhatsApp" and click on the name of the messenger.
  4. Whatsapp for iPhone IOS settings - Notifications - Messenger in the list

  5. In addition to the passage of the path described above, the screen with the ability to set up the watzap of notifications can be opened, taping the name of the messenger in the main list of the "settings" of Ayos and click then to the "Notifications" item.
  6. WhatsApp for iPhone in the software list in the IOS settings - notifications

  7. Next appear two possibilities:
    • Disable a demonstration of notifications from VATSAP completely - tap "Notification tolerance" switch, thus transferring it to the "off" position.
    • WhatsApp for iPhone Installing a ban on the show of all Messenger notifications in the iOS settings

    • Disable the display of individual alert types. Remove the checkboxes "Screen Lock", "Notification Center", "Banners" of the "Warning" area in accordance with your understanding of the expediency of a demonstration of one or another type of notifications.

      WhatsApp for iphone Disable individual types of notifications from the messenger in iOS settings

      And also at will or if necessary, deactivate the "sounds" and "stickers" switches.

      WhatsApp for iPhone Disable notifications in the form of sounds and stickers from iOS settings

      In addition, you can tap the "show miniature" in the "Parameters" area and choose in the "Never" list in the opening list to prevent the demonstration of the preview of the messages in the field received from VATSAP alerts.

      WhatsApp for iPhone Disabling displaying a list of messages in notifications via iOS settings

  8. After completing the definition of the parameters, exit the "settings" of Ayos. Now the messenger in the aspect of the demonstration of signals about the activity of your contacts will be "to behave" in accordance with the established rules.
  9. WhatsApp for iPhone output from IOS settings after setting up notifications from the messenger

Method 2: WhatsApp settings

Sufficient to create comfort during the operation of the WATSAP, that is, in our case, the means to deactivate notifications, as already mentioned above, are also provided in the Messenger Program itself.

  1. Start WhatsApp and then tap on the bottom panel on the main screen of the program "Settings" icon. Go to the parameter section entitled "Notifications".
  2. WhatsApp for iOS - launch of the messenger, switching to settings - Section Notifications

  3. Further, to completely prohibit the messenger to demonstrate notifications about the activity of chat participants, deactivate the "Show notifications" switch.
  4. WhatsApp for iOS - deactivation of the display of all notifications in the settings of the messenger

  5. For the purpose of more flexible, rather than complete deactivation, adjustment of the parameters of the receipt of alerts from VATSAP:
    • Go to "Application Notifications", select "Warning Style"

      WhatsApp for iOS - Disable individual types of notifications in the messenger settings

      And if you wish, turn off the "sounds" and "vibration".

      WhatsApp for iOS - Disable audio notifications and vibration from the messenger in its settings

    • Turn the "Show Miniature" switch to the "Off" position, if you do not want the text of incoming messages and preview of the contents to be displayed in the windows of the alerts coming from chats.

      WhatsApp for iOS - Deactivation of the demonstration of the preview of the message in the notifications from the messenger

  6. By defining the settings, return to the use of the messenger in the usual mode. In the future, VATSAP for Ayos will function in accordance with the configuration you have chosen.
  7. WhatsApp for iOS output from the messenger settings after disabling notifications


The WhatsApp application for Windows is the same as the above-described Messenger's mobile clients, it is possible to configure so that notifications from it to your computer or laptop do not come. In the case of the desktop version of the WATSAP action to solve the problem from the title of our article two-time.

Method 1: Windows 10 parameters

The Windows operating system 10 allows you to configure the process of obtaining alerts from a variety of programs, including the WhatsApp messenger, the necessary manner.

Method 2: WhatsApp settings

In the "Settings" of Vatsap for Windows there is a section, going to which you can quickly flexibly adjust the receipt of notifications from the messenger.

  1. Run whatsapp and call the main menu of the application, clicking "..." above the list of open chats.

    WhatsApp for PC - launch of the messenger, opening the main menu

  2. In the list of features, select "Settings".

    WhatsApp for PC Transition to the messenger settings from its main menu

  3. Open the category of messenger parameters called "Notifications".

    Whatsapp for Windows Section Notifications in Messenger Settings

  4. The first thing to pay attention to is in the field of the previous step of the region on the left of the VATSAP window, there is a drop-down list, with which it is possible to deactivate all notices temporarily.

    WhatsApp For Windows, the temporary disconnection option coming from the messenger

    If specified is what you need, expand the list and select a period of disconnecting alerts, clicking on one of the proposed values.

    Whatsapp for Windows Select the period to which notifications will be deactivated in the settings of the Messenger

  5. For full and on an ongoing basis solution of our task with a PC in a demonstrated messenger window, remove the checkboxes from Chekboxers

    Whatsapp for Windows Disable all notifications from the messenger in the application settings

    "Sounds" and "Warnings on the desktop".

    WhatsApp for Windows Disconnecting sounds and warnings on the desktop in the settings of the messenger

  6. After completing the configuration, exit the "settings" of Vatsap, after which you can use the messenger in normal mode - the audio and notifications from it on the desktop windows will stop.

    Whatsapp for Windows Exit from the messenger settings after disabling notifications


In the Aspect of configuring WhatsApp notifications in all its own variants (for Android, iOS and Windows) is considered a flexible software. Each user can set a complete ban on the receipt of alerts from the messenger or leave activated signals of individual non-inconvenience types in order not to miss a really important message.

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